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 Jun 2017 NPt
Crystal Goddess
She is beautiful
she walks with poise
she speaks with elegance
she sees with eyes full of pain
she listens though she is never heard
her skin is as rich as chocolate
her hair is like wool
her back is scared from the knives in your hands
her feet are cut from the miles she walks
her legs are weak from running to get away from your words
she walks with poise
she speaks with elegance
her skin is exquisite
her hair is curly
this woman thats been to the deepest parts of
The Devils Palace
is beautiful
She is "A Work Of Art"
This poem is basically about a woman that is a slave to the world but she still keeps her class thru the stuff she went thru.
 Jun 2017 NPt
I will not lie,
I threw myself in, I wanted to drown.
It seemed beautiful,
peacefully blissful,
not having to worry about the;
what if’s of life,
of failures,
of the way, I had botched my life,
the way that the HOPE became my enemy,
the way that life cheated me...with me!

I will not lie,
the only light I saw,
was at the bottom of that floor.
It invited me in.
I told me, "there, I had a house"!
One, where I would forever reign in.
I liked the sound of that….
the knowing that something other than calamity,
of me
…………………………….wanted a part.

I will not lie,
I knew how to swim,
but in that instant…I pretended, I forgot.
The way that I pretended so many other things in my life.
To always have a smile
despite how much it hurt the cracks in my spine.

To have a brave heart, though it had bled out a life time ago.
The way, I can figure out how to solve someone else’s life….without hesitation,
yet, mine was so complex
and any attempt to fix it…was vexing.

Taxing the humanity out of me.
Felt like I was in a different tax bracket,
the bracket where the dejected must pay up,
but Uncle Sam wanted a little more on the side,
but, I had no more sides…
just a pretentious smile
my broken spine.

I will not lie,
I threw myself in
I wanted to drown.
my brained which is wired to survive,
sent a signal to my feet,
and reminded them
___________________PIES con MEMORIA


No voy a mentir,
me lancé, me quería ahogar.
Me parecía fantásticamente hermoso y tentadora la idea,
gozar de paz,
de no tener que preocuparme de los quizás
de los fracasos de la vida,
la manera en que arruine mi vida,
la manera en la que la ESPERANZA se convirtió en mi enemiga,
y que la propia vida conmigo me traicionaba!

No voy a mentir,
la única luz que vi,
fue en la parte inferior de ese piso.
Que me invitó a entrar.
Me dijo, “aquí tienes una casa...¡una donde por siempre reinaras!
Me gusto el sonido de esa idea
... el saber que algo que no fuese la CALAMIDAD, a mi me cortejaba.

No voy a mentir,
¡Yo sabía nadar!
pero en ese instante...
Pretendí, que no sabía.

Así como pretendí tantas cosas en mi vida.
Vestirme siempre de una sonrisa…
cuando al sonreírme me hiriera la espina dorsal.

Pretender que tenía un corazón lleno de valentía,
aun a sabiendas,
que se había desangrado hace un tiempo atrás.

La manera como podía resolver la vida de alguien, sin contrariedad alguna,
más la mía,
la encontraba tan compleja y cualquier intento de arreglarla... espinoso me salía.

Es como si la vida le subía los impuestos a mi humanidad.
Como si estuviese yo en otro tramo de impuestos, por el simple hecho de respirar.
Que el recaudador de impuestos, quería más de lo que podía yo pagar,
Mas ya yo no tenía nada más que dar.
Sólo una pretensiosa sonrisa y mi fraccionada columna vertebral.

No voy a mentir,
al agua me lancé
ahogarme quería.

Pero, mi cerebro,
que está diseñado para la sobrevivencia,
le envió una señal
a mis pies
les recordó

 Jun 2017 NPt
Apple on a Rose
 Jun 2017 NPt
Apple on a Rose
And then she did it.
As expected she would.
Blew away like dust
All that could.
She warned him.
Told him to stay away.
The girl that smiles and acts all together
Is gone for another day.
 Jun 2017 NPt
Daisy Rae
Her ~ pt. 2
 Jun 2017 NPt
Daisy Rae
Her laugh is contagious
Her words are magical
But she doesn't laugh often
And doesn't speak much
Because her laugh is ridiculed
And her words don't make sense to most
So she stays quite
And you never hear her wonderful noise
She is magic.
 Jun 2017 NPt
i write when i should read
read when    it's not right  
go down  repost rabbit holes
until i lose my sight  
my muse   is in a   tizzy
my body always busy          
i listen to Thin Lizzy
until i lose my mind        
my prayers    just hit
the rafters
my happy ever afters    
are taken by          
the grifters
i relate to     drifters              
I'm really in a  bind          
please forgive my scheming
I feel like i'm    


but this silly   rambling    





(C) 6/15/2017
I know I'm erratic.
I really can't help it.
My mind & body aren't
Cooperating  with my spirit.
I find i write
really late at night
Then I'm in a fog
the next day

 Jun 2017 NPt

like a
drop of
rain on a


free grace
which falls
in silence

 Jun 2017 NPt
I saw him sitting on the floor.
I saw the shame through his pores.
I saw the pain in his bones.

I saw him sitting on the floor.
I asked him if something was wrong?
I think life had muted him,
for he did not speak,
he did not weep,
he did not see,
he bore

I saw him sitting on the floor,
his back was made of stone,
I think he was comatose.
He reeked of weariness and brokenness,
Yet, I don’t think he was done,
There was a bit of flare in him.
I saw the strength there was in him,
I saw the fear shining through his skin,
I saw him trying to get up, but, he sat down once more.

I asked him what was wrong?
if I could help at all?
I think life had muted him,
for he no longer spoke
he no longer cried
he no longer saw
he bore his

I saw him sitting on the floor.
I hope one day he gets up from the inside out!

I saw him on the floor.
I think I loved him once.

 Jun 2017 NPt
 Jun 2017 NPt
Who'll you blame for the falling stars
When you're the one picking at them?

       But I only tried to rescue the moon
       He was stuck after the sun.
How did the Earth get here!
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