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Feb 2015 · 737
You and me
MJ XSJ Feb 2015
You and me.
Forever maybe?

C'mon take a chance.
Can i have this dance?

Feb 2015 · 4.4k
Lovely Scarf
MJ XSJ Feb 2015
It is a lovely day here at my hometown
Going to do my routine. Running everything down
Decided to stop, in this lovely cafe
Ordered coffee and get back on my way
Bump to a stranger, dropped my belongings
I stared at his eyes, full of longings
Started to stand up, he offered his hands
I accepted it, and told him my apologies
He offered a drink but I declined
I decided to go
But he grabbed my arms
He said what's your name beautiful?
I said my name.
We talked and talked
We forgot everything that we had to do
It's like a spur in the moment
He sadly had to go
I saw his back turned to me walking
Suddenly he looked back
He yelled "Lovely scarf"
That's when I know
He'll be back

Feb 2015 · 794
Same as always
MJ XSJ Feb 2015
I don't know if I'm depressed.

I am happy, with people.
With company

But once I'm alone, on my bed at night
It seems like I'm the loneliest person ever
I started to think awful things
I cry myself to sleep

Next day
While in the morning,
I always think of it as a fresh start
Things happen
Fun and sad

Then at night
Same as always
Sadness and darkness is my cuddle buddy

Then it repeats
Same as always
Same old cycle
Same life.

Feb 2015 · 19.6k
Deep Down
MJ XSJ Feb 2015
Yes I'm smiling
Deep down Im crying

Feb 2015 · 2.5k
Just Pretend
MJ XSJ Feb 2015
Sorry love, sorry love
I know you care
But please always remember now
That you wouldn't dare
You wouldn't dare stop me
Or even try to test me
Just one jump, Boy I'm ready
Just pretend I'm not there

MJ XSJ Feb 2015
For my eyes he's an angel
An angel in disguise
Dressed in a simple get up
With a hidden smile inside

He save me from drowning
Drowning in the pool of my blood
He was there when I needed him
But where is he now?


For my eyes she's my demon
A demon hiding inside
The way she dance with it
Without caring that they'll die

She is not a demon
Only a demon is hiding inside her
Ready to fight if it know she needs it
For the demon, yes it kills her
But it cares for her. Why?
Because no one cannot resist her.
My demon.

I guess she's wondering
Where the hell am I
But you know what
I also have have a beast inside
I know I'm so selfish
Why the heck did I leave her
Its just because of my demon

Oh how she's my demon
Yet she thinks I'm an angel


— The End —