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Christina O May 2019
Tired bones,
and tired eyes,
I struggle to get through each hour.
Loosing my patience and sanity.
I wonder if the battle is loosing.
Then in the back of my mind pushing its’ way past the doubt and hurting,
I hear a voice softy whisper,
“Dear child,
tomorrow is coming and you do all you can.
You take on an impossible task,
and you refuse to quit.
Though the work seems giant,
remember you can’t do it all.
There is only so much the world can put on your shoulders.
And for everything else,
that is why I am here.
When everything feels like it’s crumbling,
look up and there I’ll be there.
Yes, child.
I’m always there.”
When you feel like the task is impossible and the weight you cannot bare, he is there.
Christina O Apr 2019
You go on and on about love,
and about taking the time to be there.
To show the ones you love you care.
But maybe that doesn’t apply here.
You show up at the worst,
and leave because you can.
No hey how’s it going?
Or I was just thinking about you.
You speak of being there for those that matter.
But the blood that runs deep,
never really mattered to you.
Because you come when it’s convenient.
You call when want takes over sincerity.
Tell everyone to do the little things for you,
and yet the line keeps ringing from miles away.
You hold on to memories and heritage
with no one around to share them with.
We’re right here.
Same place we have been.
We haven’t forgotten,
and our hearts ache when words are disconnected.
I’m doing my best to keep the hope alive.
But where hope flows as far as a river,
here it runs dry.
So instead of hoping for something that isn’t willing to do the same,
I’ll hope for something else that won’t leave me bitter and confused.
Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt deeply when they decided to push you away? For years they stayed away. Only called to ask for something and when no was said, the calls got fewer and far between. They showed up when tragedy hit. Cried with the rest of us, but left and never cared to pick up the phone. Your number we tried. You ignored. Facebook... Instagram... you leave us in the dust. And messages you post of being there and showing up leave me bitter. As much as I want to forgive you and understand that things may be hard for you, you didn’t have to completely shut us out and forget we’re going through our own difficulties as well. I know I am. And as badly as I wish you were here, I know I can’t keep hoping some day you’ll turn a corner. Because it’s already been too late once before. And if you were to come through that door or pick up the line, it’ll never go back to the way it was.
Christina O Mar 2019
It courses through my entire being,
and I’m numb frm the sensation.
Why can’t I feel?
If I stop the demons come back,
and I return to fighting a battle I’ll never win.
But choosing to erase all sense of happiness, hope, and anger leaves me void of all that I once cared about.
Maybe I can find the balance in between,
because I don’t want to loose the part of me that loved so true.
But more importantly...
I want to loose what brought me here.
Christina O Feb 2019
Wake up, wake up.
Open your eyes and see today.
Roll over in your bed
and see the sun rise
or the stars still sprinkling across the sky. Yesterday you lived,
but what’s even better
is you’re living today.
And those eyes you opened,
get to do it all over again.
Christina O Jan 2019
And I can barely breathe.
Words twisted in broken angles,
emotions caught in webs I can’t undo.
I try to free myself,
but I fail miserably.
And as a year passes,
I’m still all wrong,
and never right.
So please forget that I was even here.
Christina O Dec 2018
If I don’t write for weeks
does that mean I’ve lost inspiration
or have I just become too immersed in emotion
that no words can describe how I feel?
Christina O Dec 2018
Walls close in,
and someone else takes control of the moment,
leaving you standing there,
thinking the worst is about to happen,
and making you feel as if you’re caught in a net.
No one bothers to ask if you’re okay.
They only stare or turn away.
A spectacle to watch and turn off when the interest fades away.
Sadly the fear in your bones doesn’t disappear as fast,
and everyone’s wondering why you can’t turn it off.
Because it’s not like changing clothes or pushing a button.
It comes without warning,
and believe me if I knew when it would arrive,
I’d already be long gone.
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