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Sleepz Nov 2017
Sometimes the lack of feeling is easier then the feeling itself.
Yet, some say they miss feeling, but with feeling comes agony.
What they mean is they miss feeling without the agony.

To feel good is essential to everyone.
If a person goes days without feeling good, there's a problem.
A problem that requires confrontation.

Sometimes people believe its better to avoid problems, but do problems usually confront you if they are avoided?
Not really.
Because problems act with avoidance.
Problems are passive aggressive.
They are scared, and cowardice.
When a person confronts the problem,
It is stopped in its tracks.

Confrontation without bad words and frustration is the best kind.
Is resembles a stronger, smarter version of you.
Life is a chess game.
Play smart.
Sleepz Nov 2017
Demensed, reminenced to the incidence
Stuck on my chest
With the rest of the depressed
Cartridge packed with gun powder speaks
Louder than the words of this script
Candle dripped on the side, hardened from
The kind weakness of the departed
When their love runs out
No doubt the sprout denies its bloom
Consumed to doom

When there's good evil grows
When good fears, evil surrounds
The lack of oxygen prevents the flame,
Compressed with shame,
Maybe we should try another strain
Too much good
Not enough evil
How about stop good and bad
Chop off the fingers that point
For many that would dissapoint
Gossiping little brats
With bats instead if hearts
Dusted and rusted infected demented
Dissected fraklinected

Evilly mended stop pretendin,
And turning attempting the discerning
Blinded minded no denyin the lack of kinded
Destroys the shinin.
Sleepz Nov 2014
The sun shines in my face,
Insisting that i wake up.
It's a new day,
But I don't know the first thing to do,
My mind travels but my body is stuck,
Might as well lay me under a truck,
I wouldn't get up to save my life
I'd rather be in heaven flying kites
Like I did when I was a little kid
Down by the beach with my dad
Teaching me to play catch.

Those are the good old days,
But part of being a man is accepting responsibility
Doing what you have to even though
You don't want to.
If it could go my way,
I would kidnap the president and make him
Work for me.
Then everyone would think it's a good idea
And we'd bring back slavery.
Except this time we can tie chains
Around uncle Tom,
Imagine never having to serve your own food.
Hey you got a slave I like,
Let's Make a fair trade.

Why don't you go to School for me,
Give me your Lambos and your millions,
Give me the keys to all your mansions.
The Bible tells me that we as humans have the
Power to rule over animals,
And I'm the one being ruled,
Maybe I'm not human.

When I was a child in my mind I ruled the world,
Now that I'm grown all I want to do is
Smoke and drink.
I go home and find my child Hood toys,
they look at me and they no longer recognize me,
I ask: how am I supposed to keep time from changing me ?
They respond that time is the Potter,
We are the clay,
We form as time passes,
But regardless of our suffering and pain
Regardless of any tears that may be hidden behind
Our eyes,
Regardless of the chains around our wrists,
Neck and legs.
Regardless of the scars on our back
For all the mistakes that we've made
And the sweat of our body
That bleeds so that we have food on our
Table and a blanket at night,
Regardless of all this,
Perfection comes with time,
And in time we must learn patience.
"The mind of a child is where a revolution begins."
-Immortal Technique
Sleepz Sep 2014
How about for one day we all just kick it,
Without hating anyone,
Without talking **** or wanting to fight,
Asking our enemies how they're doing,
Not have to walk out the door of our
home worrying whether or not our
family will be alright.
Count on one another,
Get into a relationship without the intention of
******* on the first date
and ******* people over.
Whether you think it or not,
all this **** rots your mind.
And because of the way society is raised,
we are all guilty of doing these things.
There's no longer such thing as a pure heart,
kids are ganging up on kids because they think it's a joke
people are picking on those with autism.
Have you ever seen a kid with autism cry?
You think those you call "retarted" have no feelings
and are just happy all the time?
You're wrong,
and that's an excuse that runs through everyones mind,
saying **** you don't mean destroys others.
Not only others but you as well,
How about you walk up to him and give him a hug,
and when you do you'll know what real love is,
that person with autism should charge you a grand
so that you could know what real love is.
This person doesn't need to know you,
doesn't care about how many people you've hurt,
i guarantee he will hug you knowing he better
make it worth it because he just might
not see you again,

Your mind rots,
that is why you think it is okay to seek revenge
on those who do you wrong,
you seek to ruin their life,
but that's okay,
it's normal,
cause that's the way we were raised.
Have you ever thought,
maybe i shouldn't care?
Maybe these people already suffer enough as it is.
The truth is,
everyone suffers,
just in different ways.
The problem is that when you speak of kids from
Africa who are poor with no clothes,
you swear to be on their side and you swear like
you don't suffer the same.
But when that person comes to the U.S,
where is the help now?
You see him with eyes that judge,
and you say,
"I'm glad i don't live that way."
While he is thinking:
"I'm happy im alive,
i'm happy i'm not blind and i could see these
people with big blue eyes, green eyes brown eyes
light skin, brown skin,
and many different races."
Well you're really fcken blessed aren't you?
How about putting some clothes on his back,
and inviting him to your home to eat;
This kid was raised to ****** with a machete against his own will,
and he was saved.

You're mind is full of dirt and you don't even know it.
You think you don't suffer the same?
You think that you are blessed because you have
clothes on your back?
Help those around you,
Pray for them,
and pray for God to fix your problems as well.
Cause you don't have the power to fix them,
and the only way your rotten mind will
think they are fixed is by putting those around you, under you.
This is the ideal world,
the ideal day,
but it will never exist how sad is that.

Love those around you,
cause tomorrow they'll be gone.
And your wish will come true,
your enemies will be gone too.
Society needs to change
Sleepz Sep 2014
Once upon a time,
There was a lady with brown hair,
Big brown eyes
With the smile of an Angel.

There was also a man,
Black hair,
Brown eyes
And the smirk of the devil.

The lady picked up a heart she found
On the floor,
She was walking down the yellow
Brick road.
The felt the heart and examined it,
The heart was cold and it was
She wondered whose it was,
So she placed it in a bag and brought
It to a doctor,
When the doctor saw it he told her:
"Ma'am this hearts been broken
For months,
It's cold and it's old
I'm sorry I cannot help you,
The person this heart belongs to is dead."

The lady did not give up,
She took the heart and she went to a
The priest told her,
"Sister I'm sorry,
But I am not a doctor
I cannot tell you whose heart this is,
But I can tell you that this
Person has suffered very much,
The heart is broken in every corner.
Almost as if it was thrown and
Cracked like a beer bottle.
May God have mercy on this person."

The lady did not give up,
She took the heart and she took it to
Her House.
she taped it up and stitched it
The heart was ugly but for some reason
Could not let it go.

She went to the city wondering whose
Heart it was.
Nobody claimed it,
And everyone was disgusted at the sight.
An old lady told her,
"You shouldn't be carrying that heart
Just look at how rotten it is,
It looks like someone ran it over with a
Truck several times.
It should be thrown away,
You're wasting your time looking for
That guy."

The lady didn't give up,
And she kept on trying,
Trying and trying
Time and time again
She lost hope in finding this man
Until one day there was a knock on her door,
She found it weird because
She knew no one.
At her door step she found flowers,
With a little note it was directions
To a grave, it said:
"Meet me here bring the heart with you."

She went to the cemetery but could
Not find the grave.
She looked and she looked,
She asked one of the guards
And they said that the grave did
Not exist.

She threw the heart On
The ground and experienced
Feelings of abandonment,
She felt like a part of her was missing
She looked at her heart and
Found out it was cracking.
She had to go back,
And when she did it was gone.
The Ground ate it like an apple,
She felt hopeless and
Angry at herself.

But she didn't give up,
She began to dig and dig.
Until she Finally found it,
She grabbed it and cleaned it,
She said:
"Ill always take care of you and I promise not to abandon you."

She felt a tap on her shoulder and
Saw the devil.
He was disguised as an angel
And said he was sorry
For not appearing earlier,
He had hurt so many people
And he felt destroyed
He no longer wanted to feel guilt
And he threw away his heart
He said the heart is a useless
Instrument that humanity has,
He says it takes away everything one
Could put his hands on.

The lady said "no You're wrong,
It doesn't matter who You've hurt
Or the things that you've done,
Your heart is what tells you right from wrong,
And without it you will not remember
Who you are.
With a head on your shoulders
It is not merely enough,
You need something to guide you
And without a heart you can guide no one."
The devil laughed at this,
"Why do you think it is so important to
Care about others?
When I left my heart out for
Months and months people will
Only step on it and saw how ugly it was
Why do you claim to see beauty in
A persons heart? "

The lady responded,
"Not everyone will see it,
Only those who are ready
Will be able to see beauty in what is ugly,
And will accept the truth over lies.
Everyone hurts others,
But the only problem is Mr devil,
You're the cause of that hurt.
Which is why you will never know
What it is to care for
Someone else's heart."
Sleepz Aug 2014
Everything a writer says,
takes deep thought and is very careful when it comes to words,
each word is special because the writer picks it.
Fall in love with a writer and the writer will show you who you are,
even things you don't know about yourself.
The writer will paint a canvas with words
and will paint a picture of your face on a mountain
with the sunset all around it
the sky your favorite colors
mixed with the soft yellow of the sun,
that makes your face feel so warm,
you never want to go home.

A writer will make you cry,
for reasons you won't comprehend.
A writer will cheer you up,
it only takes a sentence to make you smile.
And when a writer finally breaks your heart,
you'd wish that he would stay for a while.
You would grab the pieces and say, "Please fix this."
When the writer tells you "I'm sorry i can't.."
You will feel as if you've lost the person that gave your life meaning,
you will feel like you weren't good enough for the one perfect person.

The writer as an artist,
as well as an actor.
The writer is a killer,
and a writer's soul is black,
with poison running through the veins.
It'll make you hate,
It'll make you love,
It will drive you insane.
It will make you realize you have lost what makes you calm.

As a writer you'll find yourself speaking words that don't make sense,
one day you'll realize those words are what is on your mind,
once you understand them you'll know yourself better than anyone else,
you'll enter a world that's separated from reality
and your thoughts will become true to you,
the same as a person with schizophrenia
you'll suffer the way a person does when wanting to commit suicide,
and you'll laugh the way a clown laughs even when the jokes
are no longer funny.

Until then you will understand the complications
of falling in love,
you'll question if there is even love to begin with.
You'll find that there is,
and when your mom & dad told you,
that your husband would treat you like a Queen,
and you will have a castle it's true.
And at that time you'll realize that your parents are poets,
which is why you will forever fall in love with their words.
Sleepz Aug 2014
The was once a person whose name was
he thought he had everything worked out in his life,
he was a genius and he didn't care
about love neither did he care about family.
He thought he figured his life out,
he thought he was better than everyone else.
The genius got to his head,
to the point where he thought too much.
He became paranoid thinking everyone was after his ideas.
Ideas that took Einstein and Edison,
to the list of failures in the eyes of the world.

Often enough he would always bump into people,
who gave him advice,
different people different times of the day.
"This is how you should live your life Jacob,
this is how you should talk,
this is how you should dress & behave."
Jacob listened to these people,
and that's what got him where he is today.
Was he lucky?
Would he have been as intelligent as he is if he wouldn't have?
A wise man told him:
"Take a look around Jacob,
Each person you see,
has a story to tell.
Each person bleeds the way you bleed,
each person suffers the way you suffer.
Everyone you see,
has a heart and a soul.
But you see Jacob,
What you can't always see,
is that these people have a problem.
Behind the smiles,
behind the jokes,
& the lauhghter.
Every single one of them has a different problem,
but these problems aren't like simple math equations.
Some are angry, some are sad, some are too happy all
the ******* time and when misery hits them
they're on the verge of suicide because
life suddenly isn't what it seems to be."
"Why are you telling me this old man?" He responded,
"Because you are the same as all these people." Said the wise man.

After the wise man told him this,
Jacob walked away,
got home, sat down and thought about his life in the eyes of others.
He came to the conclusion that he did have a problem,
and it's that all he thinks about is himself,
his successes,
he tries so hard to be a certain person,
but forgets who he really is.
He tries so hard to be better than everyone else,
but when he sees someone who is poor, with clothes that are
wrecked and with a family
he can see that this person is struggling and at that
moment he becomes saddened that these are the people
he looks down upon.
Jacob then sits down on his bed,
lays his head on his pillow and continues to think until he falls asleep.

That same night Jacob had a dream.
He was naked with no clothes,
hungry with no food.
Starving and around him there were people eating each other because
the world had been overcome by disease
and all the animals have died because of this.
Everywhere he looked there was death,
he looked at the ocean and it was covered in blood,
the skies covered by all the smoke from the fires around him.
The rich kicked out the poor and made cities for themselves
and their family.
Jacob was scared and did not know what to do until a Canibal
slashed his neck with a machete.

He then woke up,
breathing heavily asking himself
what the **** did i just dream ?
When he woke up he couldn't go back to sleep,
it was 4 in the morning ,
he went out and went to the place where he met the old man.
He saw the old man,
homeless and hungry,
he saw they was a nearby gasoline station,
he went in and got him a sandwich,
he handed it to the poor old wise man,
and the wise man said:
"I don't need your pity,
and i don't desire to be taken care of by those
who put down others because of what they look like,
go away."
"Wait a minute, i know now what you meant i had a dream
where i saw people suffering and chaos.
I saw a family who was poor the other day but they were still happy, why were they smiling?" asked Jacob,
The poor old wise man responder,
"What you see in your dream is only a tiny picture of reality,
whatever is in our mind could one day become true. The reason
those people were smiling is because they may not have
all the money in the world, they may not even have a roof over their head or a pillow to sleep on. But they are happy to be alive and together,
in this condition it's when you hold on dearly to your own life and the lives
of the people you love because it could be stripped away
from you one day. When you have all the money in the world, what will
there be next? Money doesn't make you unhuman, you will be the same exact person as these people are, with a problem, you'll still bleed the same as everyone else, you'll smile and frown the same as everyone else,
but who is the weak one, the one who was poor, became rich, kept his money and has ever only thought about himself, or the one who was rich
and gave all his money to those in need until he became poor?"

Jacob then realized that this is what this man had done.
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