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Micah G Nov 2018
In the pale white light
    Fine Flowers in the valley
She learned of child to come in the night
    The green leaves they grow rarely

The night came sooner than expected, it did
    Fine Flowers in the valley
She went to the clinic and did it in
    The green leaves they grow rarely

Walking down the street she saw a child
    Fine Flowers in the valley
And saw the love they shared and smiled
    The green leaves they grow rarely
A shorter, modern take on The Cruel Mother
Don’t take this the wrong way. It is in no way meant to throw shade or degrade those who have had abortions.
I very much disagree with them but can’t put myself in their shoes as a male.
Micah G Jun 2019
Shadows dance around and round,
Into the wall my head does pound.
My wrists lie bare to the floor,
My brother enters through the door.
He finally sees what he always saw,
Except now open lies his filthy maw.
The pain I cause is worthy today.
Now I lie here, finally slain...
Micah G Feb 2020
The small buzzing fly
Causes me so much grief, but...
Who am I to **** it?
Micah G Nov 2018
Lost in a world we don’t know
But grew up in
We don’t know what to do
So we drink, and get high
And we laugh and we cry
And love (or so we think), and we
Have issues but are too proud to see a shrink
So eventually we die
We blow our brains out and slit our wrists
We overdose and drive off cliffs
You get it
And meanwhile
Those of us who survive support those who are lost
When we are still not out of the dark yet
I’m fine but this is for a friend
Micah G Nov 2019
My Lord, all the time in the world is mine,
And this coy mistress ensures it is not thine.
Nothing lies between us, sir. I guarantee
That no lovers day is set for thee.
Stay thee by the river Humber and complain
I will mind my own Ganges’ plane.
Keep espousing your lover’s lies
For I know what you hide.
You seek no more than each breast,
And none of the heart and soul within my chest.
That is why thou has so much time for ***
And not a second to wait, so you sit, vexed.
That is why you will wait till the last age
To see any hint of skin, much less my heart that for thee I have caged
In cold steel awaiting a better man to warm it.
One who lifts me to Heaven and is humble with wit.
Your love is no dignity or boon,
It is the disgraceful advances of a lustful ****.*

At your back there is a winged chariot, you say?
That you hear closer every day?
That is vengeance coming for a man such as thee
To place you in the deserts of eternity
That you say I should fear.
But do they not place me away from here?
And my beauty?
I would think one such amazing lover would be it his duty
To see that, once again, I am more
Than a pretty shell on the seashore.
Do you not see the little creature inside
The gracious heart beating, so dignified?
Why do you seek this dignity so desperately?
If you truly loved you’d see we’re better separately.

You speak of time devoured
I assume in the love-making of every hour.
Like the birds of prey you mention
I’m sure your hunger matches its conventions.
Your intentions are amorous surely,
But such things from thee I do not hold dearly.
You seek to devour me at once
And at once you will leave me looking as a dunce.
So now each pore fills with fire,
But not with that of your perverted desires.
They fill with the flame of rage and disgust
That a gentleman such as thee would these matters discuss
After being answered. I answered thee clearly too,
And rejected your pursuits.
I choose to languish this slow power
For it is better than languishing in you, overpowered.
Once more, I say I would rather run with the sun
Than stand still, and be undone.
something I did at school for an assignment. Reply to "His Coy Mistress"
Micah G Nov 2019
The nests in the tree
Nestled deep in their black holes
Are much like a corpse’s
Micah G Nov 2019
She died trying
In that old house
She died there

Where each footstep would creak
Like here aged bones
And bend like her back to time

Where each window was broken
Like her will
Knowing nothing
found this in my drafts.
Micah G Nov 2019
There is chirping...
There’s a bird in the rafters! - -
We must all be cold!
Micah G Nov 2019
A tin roof wetted
By falling rain that should cleanse
But it only smears
Micah G Nov 2019
A muddy sidewalk
Sure as sunrise, someone falls
How unfortunate
Micah G Nov 2018
I taste vinegar
Along with sweetness and spice
In the tea she made me
Life in a cup
Micah G Nov 2018
Watashi wa su o taberu ama-sa to
kōshinryō ni kuwaete kanojo wa kōcha
de watashi o tsukutta
I taste vinegar
Along with sweetness and spice
In the tea she made me
Micah G Nov 2018
The once great temple
Is now decayed and turned green
Where did the people go?
Micah G Nov 2019
Water droplets land
On the plant it nourished, but
Burn spots they create
Micah G Nov 2019
The water flows free
and caresses the landscape - -
winter comes along.
The river is now frozen
And what was is gone away
Micah G Nov 2018
So quickly they ran
And so far, they ran so far.
At last they will settle
Micah G Nov 2019
Those lazy days when
Your soul pleads with you to leave - -
So you leave the house
You get in the car, city bound
And breathe in the books and ink
Micah G Nov 2019
I’m Smoking a ***,
Taking a drag.

I’m Smoking a ***,
Taking a drag.
One innocent, and one hateful (or hypocritical depending on how you see that last line) ;)

Also, don’t get all in a twist cuz I said ***. I mean no disrespect to LGBTQ peeps on here. You get my gist.
Micah G Nov 2019
The words I have shall never sound, and
The actions I wish upon thee will never land.
You think you have the upper hand
But you know nothing, sad and foul.

I am dying can’t you see, I’m
Wilting before your eyes.
You must change quickly, or should I
Make me blind what darkness I see?

I fight death, not planned of course.
It is in the moment he comes.
Changing patterns mid-poem?
You’d understand if you noticed my mood swings
And all the other little signs.

But you don’t try...
Just another reason why.
Micah G Nov 2019
In one line I could tell you everything
no offense but IDK if its just me but i've started to have a distaste for one-line poetry. I didn't care at first, but now it begins to bother me.
Micah G Nov 2019
I am tongue-tied
And I hesitate
To ask you
What I need of you

I was a tad hurt before
That is true
But I don't see pain in you
I see a brightness

I want to take the leap
Micah G Feb 2020
They call me a two faced freak
But I know I’m not fake in the least
Sure sometimes I am beastly
And other times priestly
That’s just the complexity of me
That’s a truth that took me too long to see
That there is nothing wrong
Well not worth this long problematic
Space in time I’ve wasted feeling
For myself and everybody else
Embrace the cycle
Maybe Micah is just a complex person
Micah G Nov 2018
Semper Fortis
Forged by the Sea
The American patriot
Ashore and afloat
The Marine Corp *****
We have the SEALs
And we own you
Kiss my salty seadog boots
For my bro Kevin
Micah G Feb 2020
Valentine’s Day
Is a bane
All it contains
Is poetry plain
And that’s all that I have to say
Micah G Feb 2020
Burning, beating
Fighting, fleeing
War is a desperate thing

Hacking, slashing
Bashing, bleeding
Glory to the victor, indeed!
Micah G Nov 2019
When you see the heroes
In the shows we watch
With all of their special powers
That wow us “top notch!”
You wonder if they exist here...

We are those heroes

Each of our own style and kind
Writing stories and emotions and rhymes
Doing what others cannot do
We turn feelings into

But each hero is not without their weakness
You see most of us write because we cannot speak
What we want to say
And hide the things we write away
We are nothing there

But here, we are the heroes.
I just can’t help but notice each poet, even on the amateur level, have a unique style of writing and imagery. Just fascinating to me.
Micah G Nov 2019
When I pull my hair
off of my chin, now so sparse
I can get away
Micah G Nov 2018
If you stand still and listen
You may hear in a whisper,
The West Wind

Like a storm it approaches
Each man and woman
The West Wind

It is the end of an era
The beginning of new life
The West Wind

One day it will reach you
It will take us too
The West Wind

But where will we be taken
If and where will we awaken
The West Wind
We all must come to grips with our mortality, and what we will do with what time we have. And where we are going afterwards....
Micah G Feb 2020
When flesh prevails
And spirit fails
Who remains?

When passions die
And evil lies
Who remains?

When love is lost
And warm faith is frost
Who remains?

When blood is shed
And near is death
Who remains?

When the others fall
And one stands tall
Who remains?

I will tell you who remains
I will tell you who saves with grace
Yahweh saves

Our Father remains
Micah G Nov 2018
Can I give a girl anything  
Except what she wants
Micah G Jun 2019
I’ll have you know why I did it
He spoke
I could not stand his existence

I’m not crazy
I simply awoke
Bloomed like an undead daisy

His bones they are broken
And blood it is spilled
And afterwords I did softly stroke him

I told him of my will
For the world
And whomst I would ****

This happens when I grow bored
I attack and quickly so
It’s how I was born

God made me so, I know
I cannot change the fact
That I have grasped my next victim’s throat

And that’s that.
Micah G Jun 2019
I write mostly for acceptance
That much is true
But mostly it is
To escape

My kind is a terrible place
Dark business
Unproclaimed and without much ado
Scarred by Evils omnipresence

While they write of love that is true
I write of darkness’ admittance
Despite its bitter aftertaste
I never seek repentance
Micah G Nov 2018
Why I write haiku
Because it is a puzzle
And I forget you

Why I write haiku
Because it is a puzzle
And I forget you
You are like the winter snow
And this is a summer rain
A (very) short Renga-style haiku Inspired by Haydi’s “like you”

— The End —