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Mia Sadoch Mar 2018
I used to be shy, unreasonably shy
So timid that even conversing felt like I’d die
But then I met some people
That would change my life, forever form a ripple

Yes, a ripple in the lake that is my life.
Inside jokes, heart-to-hearts, unwanted strifes
All in my memory, making myself
Always stay true to my self.

From my first friends that are still with me
To the ones that let me be free
My troubadours, always prove their niceness
Healing me of my unreasonable stressfulness

And so, as I always do,
This is how I say thank you
To the ones that always have my back
No matter if my thoughts are sometimes dark.

And I want you all to remember
Poems like these…
They last forever.

Never leave my side.
A poem I wrote for my friends, who are always there for me... in one way or another.
Mia Sadoch Mar 2018
It was a cold afternoon
A cold afternoon where I decided to give you my warmest feeling.
Wrapped up in a perfect little bag
And in a present I knew you'd like.

Inside was a story
Story of other people, it seemed
But it was not as simple as that
I was talking about you, to you, for you.

And on that day where the wind blew
And the rain fell, freezing
I'd realized the secret was blown away
But so was my heart, that you didn't keep.

But you liked it very much
You said it was special, flattering
And even if I don't get to keep you
Perhaps I'll still live in your heart.
The first poem (timeline-wise) of the "mini-series" consisting of Smile, Alone in the Darkness, and this. This one recounts the events that happened just before (and during) the rejection.
Mia Sadoch Mar 2018
Sometimes, I like to look at the starry sky
And wonder if others are looking up at it
Feeling and regretting, the same as I
Having loved after seeing how hard it hit.

Maybe the stars are each a tear
Cried out by hearts, feeling lonely
Who have yet to see their own night sky clear
To see the moonlight of their lives fully.

But even in a moonless night
They still manage to shine bright
So they may have found hope
By finally managing to cope.

No more shall I succumb to nightly darkness
Instead looking for eternal happiness
Not in her, but in myself
Until the sunlight again shows itself.
This poem is the final one ("timeline"-wise) in the "mini-series" consisting of Smile, this, and A Wonderful Pain. I wanted to give a happy ending to this story, as this is how I feel... or I want to feel.
Mia Sadoch Mar 2018
People smile when they are happy.
That much is true, and to see
Yours, brings me such joy.
Then why is my smile a decoy?

I swear my happiness is genuine
But all I feel is a spleen
As deep and passionate
As the love I hold, love that I hate.

Pink, white, beige, red
Those lips of yours make me drop dead
Black, brown, blue, green
But those thoughts are, when they should have been.

Today I learned that love is a rose
Beautiful, but still harmful
And now I know that I should close
My heart, before my wounds become lethal.
My first poem! This one (and the two others after it) has been written soon after I was rejected. All three of these poems kind of tell a story, with this one happening right after A Wonderful Pain.

— The End —