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Mia Anderson Oct 2016
I've given myself so many chances
How many times can I do this?
I tell you "I'm sorry" and you believe me
but why wouldn't you?
I'm a liar and
I'm good at it

I promise the girl you know is not me
I am deep and I am ****** up so
forgive me for hiding the spiders in my veins
and the ice behind my eyes
I want you to know and
I want things to be okay but
they never have been

I can't be greedy anymore
so I've given up
I don't think you'll ever know me
which fractures the already fatal cracks
breaking my heart
Mia Anderson Jan 2016
The snow fell hard that day
as cold as the ice in my chest
Driving away was always easy
It wasn't until I slid into the snow bank
until my car flipped sideways
until I thought I might die
I thought of those I loved most

Sideways in my car
Unable to get out
stuck in the freezing winds,
I wanted to call you
But instead dialed 911
You aren't my lifeline anymore
I don't know if that is good
or if I am just desolate
All I know is,
I felt at home
Trapped in the snow
Please drive safe in winter conditions.
Mia Anderson Dec 2015
3 months passed
New years eve comes soon
You'll be happy
and I won't be
You'll be kissing some girl
while my lips grace the rim
of my finished tequila bottle
I can't forget you
Like you forgot me
life is ever-changing
and you were the biggest change
I just remembered how much
I hate change
Mia Anderson Dec 2015
I am simply a dream
Floating from street to street
You don't see me
Yet I see you
You don't love me
Yet I love you
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