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 Nov 2016 May Asher
Eleanor Rigby
The outside is blue
And shaped like a bowl
Perhaps a tank
Perhaps the air I am breathing
Is water
I float in space
No, I swim

I am not a human being
I am a fish in a tank.

--Eleanor Rigby
Bury me in rose petals so my spirt can remember the sweet softness of your touch
May you walk me down the church isle so I know you will always be by my side through sickness and health
Remind me of our youth by calling me baby
Love me unconditionally and I will love you
 Oct 2016 May Asher
Marion Clarke
Revere not my body when I’m gone
I do not live there anymore
The grass grows on, curtains drawn

Think not of me in the past
I am not there, but here
Always present in every breath
The life I gave lives on

See me in the eyes of my children
In all the places in-between
I am not lost but free

Now I return to the far off places
My soul envelops all that is
My body is a million pieces

A tree, a berry, a bird, a man
A baby
I will feed the world

As I always was, I will be
Remember me not
For I will live forever.
 Sep 2016 May Asher
Go ahead, saunter up and down the aisles
Run your finger down the shelves where I carefully placed all the fears I hold
But nowhere will you find that I fear walking this world in solitude
For I am a King inside the mansion of all my 206 bones

I am a shelter for myself
I seek only myself
I harbor love so passionate for myself, that I may burst like the death of a Star
I sometimes gift wrap the World and place it on a silver platter, just for me

But sometimes,
when the Universe trembles and the angels cry
I put my hands over my ears
because the quiet gets a little too loud
And when I sit on my throne and glance over my shoulder

Your absence,
I feel it a little too much
Up on the high rooftop,
I woke up, cuz the last time,
I fell asleep, in the cold breeze.
it was the ambiance of paradise.
It was a full Moon night.

Ow Lord, it was a glimpse,
a glimpse of pure artistry,
as The Moon, She was not shy,
like, She was seducing me
with Her bare soul,
as the feathery clouds were
covering Her tender body,
and The Stars glittering as
diamonds in Her necklace
when I was gazing the bold beauty,
as She was the one keeping watch
on me, Her fellow boy.

I couldn't stop but tell Her
what I was going through,
How my life fell apart,
hoping to sleep again
under Her aura, ow so beautiful,
I almost spared a tear, for
How a pure creation like Her
opens Herself at the dark giving
some light, some hope to
The sky and the lonely clouds,
but still manages to suppress Herself
under the dominance of The Sun.

But She, Her melancholy aura,
And Her deep silence, still says to me,
Its okay dear, Do not fear,
And gets lost to the horizon,
While I sleep again,
Dreaming of a new start,
Until She shows again.....
A night, Where I was drunk on a friend's roof and was wandering her beauty for a long time.....
My glass
Used to be
Of true real
Now it's just
Covered I'm black
That has dried up
On the glass
No one sees
The pain I feel now
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