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 Sep 2016 May Asher
A Poem
 Sep 2016 May Asher
I sat down to write a poem today,
I have got too much to write yet nothing to say,

The adrenaline has got my heart beating this fast,
My thoughts speak of something but hands can't do the task,

There was a time when all I needed was a pen to write,
Now I can't pick one thing until my emotions end up in a fight,

You see, there's not one side of my world I want you to see,
There's a lot to give but only if you're willing to creep,

So take your time, maybe today is not the day,
This evening, we can just have some tea and pray,

And when tomorrow comes we'll bring our weapons,
We'll scribble down the words and wait until destruction finally happens
I can't remember how I got here.
A striving to remember what I was
lead me to a song that I never heard.

Neck and my body strain,
its only when I'm dancing
that I feel like I'm alive.  

But I sit in this lazy boy all day instead.
arthritic hands typing and clicking on internet pages.
I have put myself on the doorstep of death.

But I can't complain about my sore ***.
Or the pain in my head. All I can do
Is remember that life is a cosmic drama dreamed

I am a messenger of the future, hidden truth, planetary organism.
Part of being a seer is knowing when you are going to exit.
I know that I am ready.
 Sep 2016 May Asher
 Sep 2016 May Asher
This is the sunlight
Breaking clouds apart
And bursting in my eyes
Like ten million angels
Playing the most beautiful songs
In heaven and earth
Her body
I am no longer afraid of night
I see her in my dreams
And sense with everything
Even my hands
Even my heart
Her soul
And the flowers will bloom
Only when the time is right
When spring brightens the day
And melts the ice that covered the world
That covered my sight
And covered my hope
Her being
And could be
Winter is coming
But her love
I will still be warm
As all that I need
Her life
Is my life
 Sep 2016 May Asher
Y Rada
I told you I didn't do anything wrong,
Yet you believed their lies all along
I was the love of your life remember?
You promised to cherish me forever.

One mistake - and not even on my part,
Tales told viciously just to break my heart
I was on my knees on that 23rd of July
I begged you to listen to my soulful cries.

What did you say on that bleak rainy day?
That I cheated on you and I must pay
Again You never wanted to see my face
And You would never offer a saving grace.

I accepted your harsh decision in blind tears
My heart bled from your punishment severe
I bowed my head not in shame nor regret
I had no dues to pay nor did I have debts.

Years passed and we met accidentally in a store
Your look of shock or surprise I just ignored
I pretended that I never saw nor heard you
But my heart beat faster for you oh so true!

Two years I suffered in silence and fears
Clinging only to my twin boys oh so dear
Proof of our affair to you was suddenly revealed
My pride won, I've my sons from you to shield.

Tell me frankly, what did I ever do to you?
You have your eyes set on me to pursue
Grayish pupils which always left me on trance
Now, You are asking for a second chance?
 Sep 2016 May Asher
 Sep 2016 May Asher
Scratching for quite some time
on this blank white page,
my emotions flow
shine and glow
till the emptiness
imbibes my thoughts
like raindrops after a **drought.
I love fountain ink pens :)
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