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 Apr 2016 May Asher
Felicia Diana
'We were flowers, covered in dirt.
We were clouds, falling into rain.
We were rivers, becoming dry.
We were candles, burning up.'
-- F.D. Prenger.
 Mar 2016 May Asher
The ground shakes beneath my feet--
Rattling me to the core.
I reach out to grasp your hand,
But you aren't standing there any more
My eyes slip slowly open--
They've been closed for a long time.
I look around at the place we loved,
The place you left behind.

Everything has fallen down.
Everything is broken now.
And in my heart I know,
It is time for me to go.

I pack up all our memories
But am perplexed to find
That all they do is weigh me down--
Shall I leave them behind?
I try to walk, to start my journey
To somewhere far away--
But my feet refuse to move;
I'm clinging to my yesterdays.

The emptiness surrounds me.
The pain of it astounds me.
And I'm not crying because you're gone,
I'm crying because I can't move on.
 Mar 2016 May Asher
Joe Cole
My words are but a shooting star
To be seen in all its glory
But as shooting stars fade in an instant
So do my words to be read once
Then fade into obscurity
I cannot fly
I cannot soar
But across the concrete caves
I can roar
Through the oceans
I cannot glide
Trapped on land
I can cross the divide
As a tree I'll not grow
Impervious to time and its pain
But I can lay the roots
To keep me from the insane
Like the wind that whips
A formidable force
The sun and rain
Who follow their own course
I try to be
Like them free
But I cannot fly
I cannot soar
If only for myself though
I can be so much more
 Mar 2016 May Asher
She was nature, beautiful
But deadly, her cheeks as
Scornful as a rose, the smile hid
The thorns underneath.

Her presence though unseen,
Could be felt, like the sun's warm
Breath on bare winter skin.

She led him somewhere secret
As the night lures the stars,
As clouds gorge on the
Fragile light of the moon.

Over the crumbled bodies
Of leaves, into the alien
Land of tranquility.

When he woke, hands burning,
There was nothing left to see.
Only a faint feeling glistening
In the air, a failing heart and
A tongue full of dreams.
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