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Masked Voice Dec 2016
I wanna be closer
I am afraid of being abandoned again..
Believe me,
I'm trying hard but,
I just can't or maybe couldn't...
People have that feeling often, maybe that's why they can't trust anybody, coz people who they've trusted earlier have abandoned them...
Just be careful while choosing someone to tell something!!
Thank you!!
Masked Voice Dec 2016
Be a little embarrassed..
Get some hugs n kisses from
Your parents,
Help them with weird things in public,
Kiss your sibling making loud sounds,
Go crazy for food,
Live a little more..
Those little moments,
The most treasured memories...
I think most of us feel a little, maybe a lot of embarrassed doing what we like.. for example eating our favourite food in front of people.. we forget to live because we think too much about what others will be thinking...
So, everyone live a little more ;)
Masked Voice Dec 2016
We always have conversations
Long ones,
Very short.

We share thoughts

We share our hearts

Here I am unable
To understand
Whether it's

Pale mulberry was the sky,
No bird dared to fly!
Thus all seemed wrong,
But then, you came along
Suddenly like summer rain
And quelled away my pain.


Velvet blue was the sky,
No bird dared not to fly!
Thus all seemed right,
And as pure as a cloud in white,
When suddenly like the rainbow,
You quelled away thy heavenly glow.


Dark grey is the sky,
No bird seems to ever fly!
Athwart my wild blue yonder
Where I, indignantly do ponder
Night and day wondering why,
We can't give it just one more try.


Pitch black is always the sky,
But, faster than any bird I'll fly!
Swifter than a scudding cloud
Whilst calling upon you so loud,
All the way to a strange plain,
Just to ever feast about you again.


Magenta magic will always be the sky,
When once again we'll merilly fly!
Then, flowers once again shall bloom,
To see you and me as bride and groom
By a placid Mulberry Moon on the rise,
To kindle our enchanted paradise.

©Kikodinho Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
1st December 2016
***!!! Can't really believe it that among the myriads upon myriads of beautiful poems here at HP, this poem has turned up the daily. Thank you so much dear friends to have catapulted me to stardom for the second time...I'm really all gratitude.

Trouble around the corner, any area you stare.
Leaving you hopeless, tired, and without a care.

Doing things in life like it's from a kid's dare,
Making you second guess reality as it may appear.

A bucket of water splashed across your face with an overwhelming dose of adversity to evolve the neuroplastic mind.

A friend who will listen intently with no judgment to find within your unrefined fight for serenity and peace of mind, no longer quarantined.

You are your own, you're not the epitome of the pain,
you are the person who should be boasting the rest as insane.

For when we all go through a fire-lined avenue of trial,
you can stand grounded, strong, and justifiable,
as your life, pain, and utter strength is now undeniable.

- For Brian
Masked Voice Dec 2016
I'm always conflicted
What to choose
Heart and Brain....

I chose
Heart... <3

Did I do wrong?
Oh, sometimes I think following heart is wrong, sometimes following brain might be wrong...
Finally, I end up following my heart. Which gives me happiness and confidence on my decision....
Masked Voice Dec 2016
His sparkling eyes,
His golden hair,
His lips sharing their sweetness with mine..

I closed my eyes to feel them........


I had to do it, now!
I unwrapped the shiny silver knife,
The size of my palm from the foldings in my wavy gown,

Had my throat cut while leaving a scar on his face, his blood on my lips...

I fell with teary eyes, looking into his until my last breath....
He was weeping confusedly...
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