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 Jul 2015 Mallow
cari doll
we're on the same trip now,
the sea of lights are bouncing
surrounded by the crowd,
pulsating beats rupture
from the ground, never taking
away from the sound, im
dancing to my own beat now
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Paul Marfil
I once had a dream
Though I’m not even sure if it’s a dream

I was in this forest, see
It was cold, damp, and foggy
With me was my Dahlia, dressed in white
My oh so pretty Dahlia

She was just standing right there
Far from me, and we both couldn’t move
As if time had died for the both of us
And she was shaking her head
Uncontrollably, violently, shaking her head

I knew she was crying
Wait, was she crying?
Or was she just bleeding through her eyes?
I don’t know, but there was blood all over her

Then, right in front of us was a wolf
Black fur, eyes drenched in vermillion
It—or he?—was staring at me, growling
And then, it—or he?—began to grin

I looked the wolf in the eyes
They were fiery, like windows to hell
And the wolf kept on grinning,
Its sharp teeth like demonic horns

I don’t know, but it seems like
The wolf is there physically in front of me
But its soul—or his?—was trying to **** my Dahlia
To strip her of her innocence
Not to mention her clothes

But of course, dreams are severed by waking up
And I did wake up, to the smell of decaying flesh
With dried-up blood painted all over my skin
I turned around, and there she was
My Dahlia, cold and lifeless

Like her heart
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Kenna Marie
Shards of glass, they are pieces of The broken past.
All the while, my brain is disintegrating.

While love has a lack of radiating, it sure knows how to sedate you.
Stage one of figuring out, is learning how to levitate off the ground, no need to come back now.

Raised up, aligned with signs warning me I'm far behind.
Reaching for other sides, because so far it is too black and white.
Swallowed the sun
  in attempts to
       feel the fire,
dimly lit universe
   eclipsed neath
    inescapable moons,
horizons were hued of
  brackish tea's
   indifferent sympathy,
as solar systems' fate
      lost in darkly orbits,
  relinquished their balance
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Jeremy Duff
I say today is a beautiful day to exist.
You're existing;
you're waiting for the bus in the heart of San Fransisco.
You're painting a landscape of Penn Valley.
You're selling hashish in Portland.

What a beautiful existence!

I'm washing my sheets,
I'm smoking a cigarette,
I'm reading The Return of the King,
and I'm about to go to work.

The cars on the highway are going somewhere.
There are people in those cares who are existing just as gracefully as you and me.
They are existing just as harmoniously as you and me.
They have no idea what happens to them when they die.

I jumped off a forty foot cliff into the Yuba River a week ago and my last thought before hitting the water was:
'Either I'll live and that will be one hell of a jumping rock or I'll die and be free from ignorance.'

I don't want to die, but I'm excited to.
I'm more excited to live and I get to see you tomorrow! I get to hold your tiny hands in mine, a barista and a norcal gardener (if you know what I mean)

I love you and I love you and I love you and I didn't lie, I didn't, I told you I'd see you again and here we are two hundred and thirty seven miles away and tomorrow I will see you.

Praise automobiles, praise gasoline,
praise hip hop music and praise hashish, I get to see you tomorrow!
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Ethan Moon
I try to convince myself that there’s no struggle;
That these are just war games. 

I wear long sleeves and the word
Like kevlar.
I search for second player, when,
       ly, I need a commander.
I gather treasures, battle strategies in
I tell myself that they're just easter eggs,
I philosophize  
That reality is, really, a hollow
A video game, not real, not wrong, not
True, useless;
A projection,
There's no war, no battle,
It's my d mons that speak dark things, when really, there's a
One  lett r difference.
I tell myself that the game's over, try
Again, try again.
Failure stabs, I say
That it was my own doing,
It's just war games.

I need to take a walk,
Run, run away
I tell myself,
It'll do me good.
I come back for another
Try, try again.
I was retreating, my armour could
Not protect me from the claws, the scratches from
It's nothing, I say,
It's all in your head;
It's all in my head.

I try to tell myself that there's no battle to be won, to  
Be a man.
Men don't play video games;
Men be me n.  
They defend, they protect,
They forgive.
But I don't feel forgiven,
I say I'm forgiven.

I'm fine, and
These are just war games.
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Little boats bob
Big boats glide
There's life in the mud
An ancient church
And a pub on the other side

Wild flowers bloom in the sun
Protected by the churchyard wall
Inside rows of box pews facing East
Well maintained at least

Oddly laying at the back
A sarcophagus carved in stone
No doubt a gardener
Would value as a planter

No one comes these days she says
Pouring water in the font
Flowers ready
Only people such as us

Satisfied we sacrifice a coin
Pop it in the slot
Walk back past the tower round
The congregation underground
Through the lilting seabird song to find
Ham egg and chips and a drink
Just to wet the lips
It's the Summer time>ramsholt
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Jacob Cuadro
I think making money to live to regardless how much money you have, or how big your roof is over head, or getting your bachelor or masters whatever ******* you call it just to get a better jobs these day is not life. Doing something you love something your passionate for something to hold on to, is worth the struggle to achieve the dreams that you dream the thing that you were born to do is to create your own world. And decide this is what I really want to truly be proud and say I’m living life.

**By Jacob Cuadro
Going to school and not knowing what you really want to do in life is really a waste of time, hate to say that money is everything in this world so use it wisely and go find your dream and achieve your dream.
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Steph Dionisio
A solitary place
in the middle of nowhere.
Great distance from perfection.
The horrible look is incomparable.
Covered with dirt;
no marks of hope.
The shadow of dark
surrounds every part of it.
now unknown
deserved to be gone.
Then a man came,
from a paradise.
The place awaiting to be destroyed
given a dot of hope.
and for some reason
the man stayed.
Alone for years,
the man removed every single dirt.
From irrecovable
it turned into something
It can be "something"
from nowhere.
A day approached
the man said goodbye.
the place still looked beautiful.
it has no value.
The changes are insignificant.
Certainly it needed more than
how it looked.
Even so, its new beauty
without the man
a solitary place.

*-Steph Dionisio, July 13, 2015
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