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 Aug 2019 Mahnoor Kamran
Lilly F
like the simple, earthy, natural scent
the air gives off when it rains for ten minutes
then the sun comes out

pt 5 from the series I've been writing: what I love about you
There was a time when we were strangers;
ships that passed in the cover of night.
We sailed parallel those lonely waters
not knowing that soon we'd be in sight.

There was a time when we were friends;
you wished only to reach the shore,
but my compass was spinning, our journey just beginning
and so I took you aboard.

There was a time when we were lovers,
but our ship soon started to leak.
We battened the hatches, bailing her out,
but hopes were battered and meek.

An unspoken pact and a final kiss,
letting you drift from my fingertips.
I readied the very last lifeboat,
but the captain goes down with the ship.

Strangers become lovers and lovers become strangers
through sailing the seas of time,
but this mariners tragedy's worth the memories
of when I called you mine.
The girl that I fell in love with had long hair
She had bright blue eyes and never wore a lick of makeup
She laughed a lot but she was very cool
She showed her emotions but never too much.
The day she cut her hair was very symbolic
She cried when she got home and looked in the mirror.
Despite what she thought and how I knew her to look,
I still thought she was beautiful
The day she wore makeup for the first time was a mess
She had dark circles and lines covering her beautiful eyes
Making them seem like a whole new shade.
But despite the looks she got on the street, I still thought she was spectacular.
The day she heard her favorite joke and didn’t laugh was the hardest of all to bear
I waited for the punch line to hit her and I sat waiting for that hypnotizing laugh
But she just offered a weak smile and a fake scoff
The girl I had fallen for had completely disappeared right before my eyes.

wildness of white,
uncanny strangeness,
calm sea...melting
moon of mahogany.


silver dish of the sky,
lost kingdoms,
the lonely isles of
the sky...


the moon like

see the moon rise
like a secret flower
of summer buds.


as if the sky mirrored
the reflection of the
lake, full to the brim
until each falls into
the other, sky of lake,
lake of sky, gathered.
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