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 Jun 2014 Hayleigh
Sitting by the fire,
He raised a glass,
Whispering words,
Of his secret past,

A solitary tear,
Wiped slowly away,
Hiding the pain,
Of that fateful day,

As a curious child,
I always wondered why,
My heroic father,
Would sit and cry,

Or wake up screaming,
Soaked in his bed,
Telling my mother,
The noise in his head,

As I grew old,
I understood why,
My soldier father,
Would sit and cry,

He lost his family,
Not linked by blood,
He witnessed things,
That no human should,

Affected by the war,
Still to this day,
Is stuck on replay.
 Jun 2014 Hayleigh
Francie Lynch
One may observe one's quite absurd,
And question why one's not deterred,
When one hears what one's observed.
One's world abounds with wondrous places,
Peopled with mosaic races.
When one blurts out a black man's black,
One says one's not a Democrat.
If one detects one's hue of skin,
One says one's not Republican.
But one is blamed for mouthing words
Like Indian, Paddy, Jew or Kurd.
One's innocuous indiscretions
Has one's eyes rolling on occasions.
Should one be blind to the homeless,
Then one can't see one's not blameless.
When one supports a Pride Parade,
One proudly says one's not afraid.
If one's an anti-abortionist,
Then one must help the Innocents.
“The sick and dying are a great expense,”
One yells demanding the same treatment.
One preaches hard-line on foreign shores,
Would **** the ******* in one war.
One's a diplomatic boor
(And one's glad it's there and not here).
If one knows one conceals a gun,
One's compensating for the wee one.
If one encounters a common thief,
One should keep one's company brief.
Should one hear a politician,
One needs to separate fact from fiction.
One sees terrorists everywhere
From the confines of one's chair.
One speak of one's impending doom,
Looking out from one's room.
There's so much angst one lays on one,
Yet we are one,
We're not one.
Our time here has ebbed,
Will flow,
One must leave.
One must go.

The term wouldn’t exist if it doesn’t hurt does it?
When does it start? This feeling,
It grows bigger and larger,
And suddenly I realise,
My heart is on the verge of exploding,
Bursting with emotions that I can’t help but feeling so.

The only thing that I have want to convey and send to you is
‘I like you’, ‘I like you a lot’,
My heart, it hurts,
Evan seeing you from afar, my heartbeat goes crazy,
It's hard to breath,
How do I stop this feeling?
I am tired, I am sad, I am happy, I am anxious,
Because the only thing I have been thinking of is you,
You! You! and only you,

But crush, oh crush,
In the end you’re just a crush,
Those words,
They were never conveyed,
And I silently keep this feeling to myself,
With the faint hope that you’ll return this feeling,
In this feeble heart of mine,
And again, it hurts.

 Jun 2014 Hayleigh
The carpenter builds
Spilled blood on a board
And under his nails
Smashed black and blue
Indigo on a page
Words sharp like a saw
Cut to the bone
Twice measured then honed
On the streets
Alive with a beat
A rhythm and rhyme
He's counting time
With a rat-tat-tat
One nail at a time
Straight is his line
He drives it on home.

r ~ 6/2/14
  |     Para mi amigo, Ernesto.
/ \
the razors were her best friends
the only source of control of the pain she endured.
her hair was falling out
her skin , pale as the snowy grounds of December.
no one ever cared
until they day she wore short sleeves and everyone got scared
they never care until its too late. but then they swore they cared all along.
 Jun 2014 Hayleigh
Andrew Durst
I've been to a
fair amount of
I've witnessed
my fair share
of things.

But I still
can't fathom
the concept
 Jun 2014 Hayleigh
 Jun 2014 Hayleigh

They say the world is smaller,
it’s still too big
 Jun 2014 Hayleigh
What would I do if my family died?
I would stroll by the beach
and let waves swallow me.
I would sit by the jagged rocks
and wish for the werewolves,
mermaids, vampires to come to
my rescue.
I would take a hand full of the rough sand
and let my tears transform it into a mould.
I would build a sandcastle and let the water
cut through,
exactly like the tears rolling down my freckled face.
Then I would jump from the cliff,
the dive funerial, graceful and almost glad
like the splash of water that hit the rocks
one last time.
 Jun 2014 Hayleigh
You love freely
Whereas I am enveloped by a
that haunts me
and shatters my very soul
as I ache to breathe.
My heart thumps
as my arms flap
and I pull out a single feather
protruding out of my back
A single dark yet soft feather
Heavily light and
nonsense sense
As I fly,
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