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Mister J Aug 2017
In this fast-paced race called Life
Where people come and go quickly
Searching for happiness amidst all strife
Only to be eaten alive by a harsh reality

A new chapter awaits this young lad
Seeking only to find his place in the world
Prepared to give everything he ever had
Just to have his voice heard ‘round the world

He dreams of greatness to be earned
Harsh years he endured proved to help
All the failures from which he learned
Building up that grandiose life for himself

The music he yearned to resonate in his heart
The songs about pocket of smiles one seeks
Scattered in the twists of this one complex art
This uncertainty called Life and its enigmatic tricks

Strong in resolve we all sought to secure
To leave an imprint among those that live here
This untitled song that we all need to endure
This uniqueness called Life only we can hear

He has yet to find security in this uncertainty
Be it love or contentment he still yearns for them
Hope is fleeting but the heart remains sturdy
Someday he’ll leave footprints, rule his own realm

Today the journey remains to be taken
With small steps we walk towards our destinies
With hope in our hearts our resolve strengthened
Facing the realities of Life, facing and fighting uncertainties

In this untitled life that we hope to write ourselves
How will you chronicle your own journeys?
How will we be remembered in the library shelves?
What will we leave behind, our lasting legacies?
Another old piece
Mister J Aug 2017
The wild trees dance with the thundering wind
within the forest floor life blooms in all living beings
And on top of the mountain, a campfire dances
As two hearts merged into one, conveying their feelings

The Dark Clouds conquered the night sky,
still, moonlight illuminates the mountain top
yet your face outshines all, supreme in beauty
striking me resolutely, leaving me jaw-dropped

How this woman stares right through me
the reason I might never be able to know
and as her almond brown irises gaze upon me
my heart opens, dormant emotions start to show

Her hair gives off the scent of jasmine
Her body curves like a perfect porcelain vase
Her skin radiated much brighter than the fire
a goddess illuminated by glory, beauty, and grace

How soft her lips are as it touches my own
Her breath warmed my face as the night grew cooler
Her beauty seems to last for a thousand eras
The gods might envy me, for this mortal wonder

Love was igniting between the two of us
and I won’t let anyone ****** her away from me
Selfish as I may be, we stay in each other’s arms
My heart shall yearn for her each moment, perpetually

As dawn unveils what the shadows hid
I wake up with my lover within my arms
and as we smile waiting for the rising sun
we vowed this love of ours will never be harmed
An old poem, written around 2011-2013? I can't remember. One of my first pieces. :)
Mister J Aug 2017
When you lost your way and you don't know what to do
When you feel okay yet they don't think that you do
When you feel out of place and no one backs you up
When Life throws you off your feet and you can't stand back up

When they call you a friend yet they treat you none of it
When your fears start to unveil and no one wants to listen
When depression kicks in and you know you're gonna lose to it
When you want to pull the trigger and blow off your head

When you reach for Heaven yet they pull you back to Hell
When love is beyond reach yet you pointlessly struggle for it
When you search for salvation yet salvation cannot be seen
When the heart says yes yet the mind says no

When the sadness held within becomes unbearable
When everything you hold firm slips away from your grasp
When your childish dreams become your dreadful nightmares
When the heart succumbs to what it wants but can never have

When the heart seems dead and life seems an endless loop
When you reach for the end yet you can't go for it yet
Let this world become dead like the people within it
Don't let it Stop
This Rotten Life will eat us anyway, accept it
Don't let it Stop
Been posting a mix of old and new poems.
Yeah, I fell down a lot of times in my life
but, didn't we all?
Mister J Aug 2017
Loneliness defines me
Solitude is my insanity
And in the deepest abyss
I find my place, my refuge

My youth has been lost
My heart chiseled and carved
Its pieces scattered in the winds
Hear me plead, don’t let me die

In this deep withered heart
The soul of a child lies
Yearning to break free
Be released into Paradise

Locked in a cold depression
Save me from this facade
Hiding behind a mask of contentment
Whereas I greedily yearn for atonement

Break my chains
Save my sanity
Give me Love
Bring me to Reality

Free my aching soul
Free my tired heart
Give me new strength
Don’t let me fall apart.

Hear my plea
Take me away
Hold me forever
In my arms, stay
Mister J Aug 2017
Lying awake three hours past midnight
As my thoughts scramble in the cool wind
Nostalgic memories of love come to light
Bringing warmth to my weary heart and mind

Thoughts of you come flooding like a river
Overflowing with all the love that we shared
Young I was when you caught my attention
Young you were when I gave you my life

I still remember the warmth of your hand
And how happy it feels when it touches mine
The way you looked at me with those small eyes
Immersing me in the deep abyss of your thoughts

The very first kiss that we shared still lingers
I can still feel my heart throbbing like it did
And when you said how much you loved me
I couldn’t help it but smile as if I’m crazy

I loved you with all I have and all I gave
You loved me as passionate as you could be
I guess it was just time for us to grow apart
When all that romance made us stubborn in life

The feelings we shared stayed within me
Even when you went away they’re chained on me
And even if you now stay in the arms of another
My love for you exists, even if I freely gave you away

This weary heart is getting older each day
Not knowing if it will be able to love as it did
As much as I want to love like I’m young again
This heart only opens up to the one it loved first

If only it could go back to the way it was
A young heart that could give love so passionately
A heart that is never cold and always forgiving
Then I guess this lonely existence could be upturned

This old heart wants to love like the first time
When its innocence was whole and intentions pure
If only I could turn back the clock, go back in time
I would regain all that happiness, of that I’m sure
Mister J Aug 2017
Amidst the night I walk into the streets,
The chilling wind howls from the bayside;
Pedestrians crowded with people going home,
Moonlit waters illuminated what the dark hide

I sat alone on the dockyard pier,
my mind wandering into the vast abyss;
as the waves come crashing to the beach,
so does my questions and their answers kiss

A wicked smile runs across my face,
as if something fun will nearly occur;
Then my thoughts drift onto the ocean,
vanishing with the waves as if they were lured

My life had been full of tears and cries,
Smiles were seldom, Laughs were really rare;
but they always say that Life is a big wheel,
Once you're down, then you're up, and God cares

As the cold wind continued to plague me,
A warm hand touches the back of my head;
I turned around only to see the woman I love,
The one companion He gave me, she I had wed

With a kiss she greeted my wrinkled cheeks,
her hair, grayed with age, danced with the wind;
even as her years passed by, she still looked fair,
the most valuable treasure in the world I could find

Our love never changed as our years went by,
the passion in our eyes glowed brighter than ever;
I was born to grow old with this woman beside me,
to be with her, and hold her in my arms, forever

We walked home together in that cold winter night,
holding each other's hands like our teenage years;
before we opened the doors I looked at her sincerely,
I thanked her for the love, and crushing all my fears

True love will endure all the years to come,
the fiery passion unchanged even for a thousand lifetimes;
because when God gave man the right to love a woman,
it transcends the boundaries of the very fabric of time
2nd old poem for today, probably the last. Thanks
Mister J Aug 2017
The first fall
When eyes first meet
The lingering stares
The first heartbeats
Awkward smiles
Like shy children
Feelings unexplained
Growing deep within

The first moves
When feelings meet
The weight of emotions
The unbearable tension
Pulling like gravity
Hoping to get closer
Wanting to go deeper
Yet far from reach

The first tests
When doubts can’t rest
The uneasy jealousy
The unnecessary confirmations
Testing out the waters
Checking the compatibility
When in reality
Needing each other furiously

The first acceptance
When nothing can be done
The fast free-fall
The great longing
Kisses addicting
Embraces nourishing
Passionate in every step
Cherishing every stolen moment

The first and last surrender
When everything is given
The uncontrollable throbbing
The love bursting
Heart feeling comfortable
Mind put to ease
The memories we create
Lasts an entire lifetime
Post no. 5 for today. :)
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