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You broke my ******* heart.

And you did it from the comfort of your own ******* garden.

While you had a *******  cigarette.

I was curled into the corner of a ******* bathroom, so no one could hear me cry.

I don't ******* cry.
But since then I can't ******* stop.

I can't ******* deal with this.

Why the **** did you do this to me?

I ******* hate you!

Please come back...
The pain in my chest won't go away, I can't forget him, I love him. I HATE HIM
He is a storm
and storms devastate,
but every time he hurts you,
you hold your breath
and bear the hurricane;
repeating to yourself
One more chance
One more breath
just one more,
and you'll fix him

Until one day you can't
hold your breath anymore,
and you are half a stormy evening,
one tear stained night,
two minutes and five seconds
away from breaking down,

And you realize,
you cannot fix  anyone,
not until you fix  yourself.
Don't become broken glass just to be someone else's mosaic
 Jun 2016 s u r r e a l
Here's to the boy who never had friends
I am sorry
but the world will never understand you
not the way that I do
Here's to the sad girl who stands at the back of every crowd
I am sorry
the world will never see your talents
but I do, I always do
Here's to the artistic man who has the world as his canvas
I am sorry
the world is blind to your colors
But I am not, I see it clearly
Here's to the quiet woman who hurts just to live
I am sorry
but the world is a judgmental place
and I am not
Here's to the oddities out there
I apologize
for the world sees you as different and wrong
but you belong
to your own hearts
you've already found where you belong
long before others even found themselves
If I could go back and relive any moment
It would be the one where
We both thought that you loved me
It would be the one where you called me beautiful
It would be before the scars on my arms

If I could go back
I would go back to that empty house
The one on Bishop
I would go back to that garden where we made love for the first time
I would go back to when we both believed
That there was love to make

If I could go back
I would go back
I would fix the broken windows of our relationship
I would love you until you learned to love me

We should go back.
Sometimes I wish a planet would crash
right into this godforsaken world.
I wouldn't flinch, I wouldn't thrash
knowing that around my heart, your hands are curled.

Sometimes I wish we could just nuke
each other to oblivion . It wouldn't hurt
A flash, I wouldn't have the chance to puke
as finally we would be buried in the dirt.

Sometimes I wish your loving hand would come and take us away.
Sometimes I wish He would come again.
Lord, please come again,
For I resent being made from my clay.

I wouldn't have to hide,
I wouldn't have to see the tears of the broken-hearted.
For too long I have cried,
But the time has come for me to join the departed.
i am a mere word of this page
and you are the phrases i admire most that i can't have.
at least give me a proof of sentence,
that i am still part of your paragraph.
i've never thought that this boundless sea of whiteness
can be so lonesome.
the large gap between us and other words,
feels like the vastness of the ocean,
drowning me in and out of the pages.*

the untold story of the lonely word
shadows deepening
snow topped indigo mountains
flamingo pink skies
camped by a glacial lake
watching the end of the day
a single ****** swims past
its wake a thin silver line
then a loon calls from far off
and my heart disentangles
as the universe floods in
and washes away my pain
in a deep ocean of stars
bliss incandescent
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