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Kezexxe 2d
When the pain takes over, lemme heal with you,
When it feels like everyones against you, I'll fight beside you,
When lifes hard, i feel you,
When you feel all alone, I'll be there with you.
I've been there too, all alone,
Now I'm grown, now i'm known,
As the girl who overcame the anger and pain,
The girl who kept sane, kept the anger and pain contained,
I'm with you, 'cause I've been there too,
And I've lived through, and i'm seeing the beautiful view,
The pains washed away, so listen, you got a decision,
Put away that gun, this life to you has been givin',
I'll help you, all the way through, but theres 1 condition,
You gotta live.
Take my hand, oh, i know this lifes ******,
Don't be scared, i'll teach you to withstand,
Life is hard, and the journey is not easy,
But don't worry, i'll be with you completely.
Kezexxe Feb 22
Black is the color of a heart that has stopped beating,
It is the color of dried blood,
The color of sky, at night, when everyone is sleeping,
It is the color of a child, sleeping sweetly in their warm beds,
The color of children finding a safe spot to stay in a damp cold alleyway,
Is is the color of a childs bruises,
From their parents beating them,
It is the color of a frayed belt,
Worn down,
It is the eyes that have stopped seeing the beauty in life,
It is the depressed solider,
The soldier who came from a rough life,
Hiding his pain into hurt,
Hiding the hurt into hurting,
Hurting the ones who don't deserve hurt,
Black is the color of hurt,
It is the color that people doubt,
Is black a color?
I know its a shade,
Black is the shade, of ones sacrifice,
The value of a sacrifice lies in its necessity,
The sacrifice of a scared father,
For his scared child,
His child now living with no dad,
It is the shade of loss,
The shade of sorrow,
The shade of a child now growing to sixteen,
And the child now killing himself,
Black is the shade of death.
Kezexxe Jan 5
Empathetic inspirations vast upon all creation intuitive,

but forsaken stand between me and his nation.

See the change in culture.

The change has been spinning the diversity.

He's been twisting the questions.

The answer's been giving,

such big change.

In emotion,

inspiring rotation,

Feeding on imagination

dropping the simulation.

You see, I've been pacing.

The questions have been racing.

The answers I've been chasing.

Why are you all trying to erase them?

Why are you trying to erase your creation?

So, it doesn't give your simulation away?

So we still think we're living in reality.

When it's really as fake as we make it to be.
Kezexxe Jan 5
I thank you Lord for the sun, 

I thank you for the moon,

I thank you for giving your son,

And hope he will come soon.

I thank you for the day, 

And I thank you for the night, 

I hope I will be in Heaven one day, 

Oh what a sight.

Thank you for friends,

And thank you for family,

Its sad to think that everything ends,

But I will be free.

Free from darkness,

Free from evil,

Free from the heartless,

And free from the lethal.

Free to be me,

And free to be free
Kezexxe 1d
You can't have light, without darkness,
Good, without bad,
The harmless, without the sharpness,
Happy, without the sad,

Truth, without lies,
Men, without women,
Cowards, without the wise,
Sinking, without swimmin',

And now how do you put creation, without a creator?
Satan, without God?
Kezexxe Feb 22
Live everyday like its your last,
Live in today, not the past,
Life is to short, you'll watch it pass,
As death appears, and your trapped behind glass,
Focus on what's important in life,
Don't worry about money, wealth, or your type,
Do what you love, and follow the light,
When a push comes to shove, keep doing what's right.
People live and they die, it's the cycle of life,
They smile and cry, as they're going through strife,
They live they're whole life, and it not being worthwhile,
Can't see the fact, that it's all just a trial,
It's a trial under God, so stand tall in His eyes,
Don't go to heaven alone, bring someone beside,
You live for a reason, if it's treason or strife,
Or die unborn, or get killed by a knife,
It's all part of rotation, from the creation of life,
And life is a gift, so go treating it right,
Cuz at the end of each day, we all die in the night,
It's not anything bad, it's just the way of life.
It's a matter of when, we happen to die,
It's a matter of why, I'm writing tonight,
It's a matter of who, that makes us cry,
It's a matter of what, that makes me lie,
It's a matter of why, you want to die,
It's a matter of life, there's struggle and strife,
And at the end, you may want a knife,
But in the beginning, you just want what's right.
When you can't keep moving on,
And you feel your life is wrong,
And death is taking to long,
Keep on going.
When the storms are raging high,
And your hope has passed on by,
And you want nothing but to cry,
Keep on going.
When death has showed its face,
And your in your final stage,
As you find your resting place,
Don't lose grip of your faith,
For it's the only way.
Kezexxe Jan 5
I wont let them come, 

Not to take my kingdom, 

Or steal my wisdom, 

I will not be the victim, 

I wont be part of their system,

I dont belong in their prison.

I'll wont take their offers,

Not for a million dollars,

Their all just monsters,

The eternal life robbers.
Kezexxe 2d
I've been rejected, and it comes when you least expected,
It means that your not respected, people dont care, so they treat you like your infected,
Even if you've been tested, you wont be accepted,
So if, like me, you have been neglected, nobody's hand will be extended.
And I've felt it, the pain the hurt, being locked away, cause they dont wanna hear a word,
When your heart is shattered, your vision is blurred,
And still, what you say is absurd,
Even if you suffered, in discomfort,
No screams will be heard,
Now look at what i put up, a mockingbird,
So even if you whispered, or through a blizzard,
Your word will be considered,
And your same words, from the same bird, will be heard,
So now, if nobody wants to hear you,
Think of the bird, and continue.
Kezexxe Jan 7
Matthew 7:13-14
Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction,
and there are many who go in by it.
Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life,
And there are few who find it.
The narrow gate, the narrow path leads to Heaven.
Broad path, broad means wide, the wide path is easy, everyone goes in it.
Little do they know it leads to destruction, meaning hell.
Narrow path is hard, but rewarding, 'and there are few who find it', = Everyone goes on the broad,
(easy) path.
Narrow path leads to true life, eternity in Heaven with our Lord God.
Kezexxe Jan 10
Cracked ribs,
Broken hips,
Killed physically,
Alive heavenly,
It is well with my soul,
Fleshly desires no longer in control,
Kingdom awaits,
Open the gates,
Walls of gold,
While the earth has turned to mold.
Kezexxe Jan 5
God, are you there?
Do you really care?
I haven't seen you in awhile,
I haven't even seen a smile.
Through the dark, you were my light,
Through the hard, you were my fight.
Now the dark has taken over,
And I wish you were closer.

— The End —