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I tried to find happiness
I tried to find peace
I tried, so hard, to find love
But in the end
It seems that I prefer
To lose everything
So I can build it up again
So why protest?
Take it all
My soul, my words, my music
Let me start again
So I can find the truth behind it all
Let me throw away my life
So I can craft a different me
Let my heart melt
So I can cast a new one of flesh
Instead of iron
For they can search all they want
But it won't change the fact
That I don't want to be found
 Dec 2014 Kaweqamon
 Dec 2014 Kaweqamon
since you've been gone
i've written a few poems 
& not a single one 
actually says what i want
because i want to say
i miss you
& i want to say
i need you
& i want to say
come back to me 
& you left the door wide open
i thought it was a sign 
i thought it was some poetic way
of saying you'd walk back in
but now i realize 
you just didn't care enough to shut it
& now i feel a draft
a small cold wind 
"get up & change some things
she left you for a reason"

& now i come to find 
that there were never enough ampersands
to keep you & i together

 Dec 2014 Kaweqamon
You open
fortune cookie
there is
At a lowest lowest time this actually happened, proving once again there is no fiction greater than truth
The trouble with Hello Poetry
Is that I fall in love daily
Held under so many captivating spells
moulded and crafted by all walks of life
I find myself longing for all of you
the broken, the fallen, the bruised
the saints, the sinners
the righteous, the dispossessed
the holy, the unholy
all meet here
to speak of life
as they feel it
as only we know it.
Onwards, upwards
Downward spirals
kindness, cruelty
crashing through boundaries
bounding across oceans
carried on wistful sighs and broken dreams
The trouble with Hello Poetry
Is that it breaks my heart
Then brings me back to love again
All within an hour.
 Apr 2014 Kaweqamon
There is just something
about your eyes.
Something hypnotic,
I don't know what it is.
But every time I look into them
everything is erased,
everything but you
everything but me
everything but us
and isn't that beautiful?
I don't know. It's 3:28 in the morning and I'm tired and evidently quite sappy, so for my own good I'm gonna go to bed now. ^^
So much power
You should need
A license
To use them
 Apr 2014 Kaweqamon
a whisper of familiarity
a hint of deja vu
and undetectable scent
in a room full of roses
this is how i know you

at the bottom of every breath
at the end of every heartbeat
miniscule moments
of absolute serenity
this is how i know you

faceless throughout a dream
the tune i can't quite place
the lingering warmth
after an unexpected nap
this is how i know you

the peace underlying chaos
the hope that pushes despair
the truth that hides
in misconception
this is how i know you

the thread that ties the then to now
the link between before and after
the love that makes me
who i am meant to be
This,  is how i know you
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