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Oct 2019 · 519
My enemy is inside me
Kashif Khalid Oct 2019
If you become a slave of your habits, you start dying slowly. The enemy outside is less lethal than your inner self. To attain closeness with the creator, one must **** oneself in this life and this struggle is the biggest Jihad and also the very first step of Tasawwuf. The ultimate goal is to become one with the creator, the Nafs e Mutmainnah, the one who can say Ana al Haq. These steps are easy to write, beautiful to read but the hardest thing for a human being to accomplish and then maintain and in our era where we are fighting the last war against the forces which stop a person to attain this paradise on earth aka Shaitan, these hardships have reached their peak. But one must continuously strive for killing oneself and should remind oneself that we are spiritual beings on a physical journey. | Kashif Khalid | 31-10-19
Inspired by the writings of the Promised Messiah as
Kashif Khalid Oct 2019
After a long time when he thought to write something, he realised that the spirit of the past that he enjoyed his writing had lost its path somewhere and it was replaced by his new addiction, ignorance!!!. What was the attraction behind adhering to this behaviour? He pondered for a while. Soon he realised that initially from when he started ignoring people was the start of this journey that has gradually provoked him to ignore his own self his interests and the moments when he could have achieved more only if not ignored. Coming out of this delusion he realised he is just overthinking and decided to ignore these thoughts...
Aug 2019 · 338
Wake Make Break
Jul 2019 · 264
Kashif Khalid Jul 2019
Never said a word
unable to cry

She is angry with me
I felt

her only enemy
are those eyes
that cannot lie

I have her remedy
my words
she cannot deny

that I Love her
but I won't tell her
to make her shy

time for goodbyes
but I hope
she realizes
I'm not a bad guy
and feels like I felt
Feb 2019 · 280
A Game
Kashif Khalid Feb 2019
My love was not for fame
I gave you my name

Thou treated me as a game
Why were you so lame

I wasn't your soul mate
But I don't deserve your hate ...
Feb 2019 · 805
A burning beauty
Kashif Khalid Feb 2019
She is filled with a fire
burning all of her desire

Kept alive those flames
Remembering alltheir names

This volcano will erupt soon
Turning the world into a ruin
Feb 2019 · 342
A prayer
Kashif Khalid Feb 2019
I pray that we always remember each other in our prayers.
Just a prayer or a poem
Feb 2019 · 384
A Lesson
Kashif Khalid Feb 2019
All you need is a lesson......
Don't cry  just learn ...
Soldier, the pain you earn ....
Makes you strong in return ....

My first one. Please comment your views on it

— The End —