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  Aug 2020 KNS
Drinking the air
of the cool night
crisp clarity dripping
down the forefront
Aug 6, 2020
  Aug 2020 KNS
two little bees were flying round a tree
one said to the other will you marry  me.

one he was the king the other was the queen
both of them agreed and set the wedding scene.

they invited friends insects that they knew
ladybirds and ants and lots of others to.

then they both got married the wedding was complete
flew in to there hive for a bite to eat.
KNS Aug 2020
Dusk settles over the plains
A horse neighs as the village awakens
It smells like new beginnings and dew
A familiar scent
On a summer's eve

The butterfly rests its wings on a bench
Soaking in the rays of the sun
Before the shadow of the night approaches
It meets its friend the ladybug
They converse
And share
And motion

To the sky they would like to fly
And to the sky they eventually go
But first, a suggested pause
At the wonder of life's flow
Wrote this while in the Hungarian countryside. Enjoy! :)
KNS Jul 2020
An evening shower often begins
with a conversation
between myself and my body.

I turn on the music;
a comforting melody that sets the tone for this dialogue

I caress my left arm with my right hand.
"Why can't I be thinner?
Why can't I be lighter?"

My skin hears me and whispers,

"Though you are not thin, you are full.
I hold the muscles that allow you to articulate and move.

Who told you that your darkness was not as beautiful or as powerful as the light?
You come from generations of spirits that fought for their darkness
and fought for its freedom."

I look at it and begin to weep
and a tear drop falls,
rolling down the volume of my tummy

Wiping the tear, I reply

"Thank you for reminding me of my inherent beauty.
I am sorry that I do not recognize how much you do for me,
I am sorry for the verbal abuse that both myself and the world have spewed at you,
I am sorry to not have been your protector,

I pause
and cradle my chest
wrapping my arms tightly around myself

"I am here now.
I am here."
A poem about learning to love myself as a black womxn.
KNS Mar 2020
The brain
How it disregards space and time
Memories are insignificant and the present
is only a reminder of what the past
was not
Why do you harass me so?
Why do you disturb my ignorant slumber?
My fabrication of a reality that
excludes extreme contemplation and melancholy
It is lonely.
I don't like it here.
This is the brain
And without it, I am reduced to a shrub
Easily moved by the surrounding currents
of air
Nothing memorable
Nothing irreplaceable
A peace that would scare and debilitate me
I will continue to live with
The brain
I was feeling sorry for myself an living with mental illness so, I wrote a poem about what I feel goes on in my brain.
KNS Mar 2020
I want to kiss you
My lips quiver when I look at you
My heart screams, it wants more of you
It wants to hold and cradle its own

I wanted to kiss you
But you looked at me with an air of logic
and not of love
And the two are like oil and water
Medicine and wine
Forgiveness and the lack thereof

I waited to kiss you
I never did
That year flew away from me
Our time together
Stifled by the irreversible wind
Of neverending past lives
and loves

But still,
I wish I had kissed you
For B.
KNS Feb 2020
is lost after a heart is ****** dry of all it has and is
translates to the lack of passion in your voice
(when you say my name)
I can hear the blood being pumped thoughout your body
Your apathy echoes
It projects onto me like a spotlight
I mistake this light for love
For both glisten and reveal
Your face
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