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381 · Aug 2017
GfS Aug 2017
Why fear nightmares
when there is
the false beautiful reality
that we call
**a dream
When you wake up from a nightmare,
there is solace cause it is just a nightmare
when you wake up from a dream
there is despair in wishing it was true
373 · May 2015
si evoL thaW
GfS May 2015
looked like
a short girl
She has
pale white skin
Dark almond eyes
and soft wavy hair
And every time
she'd smile
You'd see her
face shine
Like the sun
looks like
a girl that
Often stares
out the
Window or
the blank space
Seeing only
her thoughts
come to life
Watching the
World become
her *playground

looked lost
on the streets
While immersed
in that world
Trying to find
her every step
Without tripping,
without falling
,she waltzes
through rugged
streets finding
Safety and security
looked like
an angel
Asleep or awake
She'd smile like it
But never
claimed to
be one
and no matter
how much you
Try to convince
Her, she'll never
Believe you

is the one
that cares
Hugs and pats
you on the head
Comforts and cheers
you up with
the best that
she can
and with even
her mere presence
and soft "hello"
you'd feel ecstatic
and would
burst with joy

is what I see
in that girl
even when she
doesn't see it
She'll make you
believe that
you don't
But all the more
you will see
in her
Sometimes, love needs to be seen
Sometimes, love needs to be felt
Sometimes, love needs to be heard
But at all times, love needs to be out there
373 · Apr 2016
GfS Apr 2016
I always
that there's
I'm with you
and I'd
look forward
to tomorrow
cause I
that there's
372 · Jun 2015
Untitled VIII
GfS Jun 2015
I still remember how your hand held mine
How your smile would just stop time
I remember how you'd blush
How you'd just amaze me too much
I remember how you'd make me shy
It'd be crazy for me to say "hi"
Sadly, these are just memories of mine
Don't worry, I'll be just fine

I'll just close my eyes and remember your smile
Old High School poems
371 · Oct 2016
Another 4-word story
GfS Oct 2016
He spoke
things broke
364 · Aug 2015
You were once like the Sun
GfS Aug 2015
Like the Sun
you shined
with every smile
you pulled
and I couldn't
bring myself to
look your way
as I was in a state that
my eyes could only
be for the earth
As much as
I wanted to see
the light of your being
my mind and body
did not dare to fathom
what kind of joy
is there in store for me
as my eyes grew curious
I looked
I looked at the sun
and like everyone
who dared to look
I was blinded
I was blinded too well
I looked past every burn
you gave me
and I just let myself
under the scalding humid
fooling myself that it was
your love
or something
was it?
was the warmth just
something that
I brought myself
to believe that it was?
Or.. was it real?
Either way... you were

Haven't written in a while..
was in a stump
363 · Dec 2015
GfS Dec 2015
There's nothing
more heartbreaking
than the feeling of
being alone
even when there are
so many people
around you
360 · Jun 2015
My Curse
GfS Jun 2015
I am cursed with words
for words were never mine to begin with
I am knowledgeable of words
but never the knowledge itself
words are not the language I speak
Words are a curse for me

You have a gift with the words I don't speak
Cause words are in love with you
I fathom at the heart of your soul
For that is where words reside

I cannot speak truly of what I have in mind
For I have said before,
words are a curse to me
Because I have no words to speak
I only have my mind and soul to listen

I question why I have no gift with words
Because with words, I cannot speak
For I wish to ask the God almighty
To give me the words I seek

I could only wish for words
as sweet as yours
Because your words seem to breathe
I wish to speak the words
that go beyond dreams
The words that stay in
somnambulistic silence

No one uses them as well as you
It's like you dwell in another realm
I could only wish to have words like yours
But alas, *my curse is silence
Maybe it would've been better if I remained in silence

359 · Dec 2016
GfS Dec 2016
If I could begin to be
half of what you think of me
I could do just about anything
I could even learn
to love
like you
I could learn how
to love
like  you
357 · Mar 2016
GfS Mar 2016
I used to believe that
good things happen
to good people
that's not the case
Unless the good
is not good anymore
357 · Jul 2015
Why Love?
GfS Jul 2015
People around me always ask those questions of
"Who do you love?"
"What do you love?"
"Where did you love"
"When did you love?"
"How do you love?"

But not so often do I hear someone ask
"Why do you love?"
I guess it's because every one of us
will never get a satisfactory answer
I mean, I guess it's true for me
because a reason why is never
greater than reasons why

Well, for the sake of sharing
I will tell you one of mine

"Because I can't afford to hate"

As cliched as it sounds
it seems a reason good enough for me

As a person who has seen more than
his fair share of death firsthand
You'd get to see stories of people
who died never seeing what love was
who died never experiencing love
who died never knowing love
who died never seeing their love again
who died never experiencing love again
who died never knowing love again

and for a chronically sick person like me
I can't afford my life spent on hate on anyone
I can't afford hate more than what is human

Maybe, it's just being positive, but..
Love while you can still love
Because the mere fact that you are alive is love already

Just trying to stay positive
356 · Dec 2015
19th of December
GfS Dec 2015
It gets harder and harder to sleep
For there is fear within me
of waking up only to see
that last night was only a dream
****, sonny
355 · Jun 2015
Untitled IX
GfS Jun 2015
Is *it so Bad That I  Told You
How I  feel

Maybe, I shouldn't have
Maybe, I shouldn't regret
Maybe, I should've waited
Maybe, I should've left

But this
things can't be left like this
I probably have said this more than
what a normal man have said
but, I'm sorry
You might say not
but I'm sure..
Things are not the same between us
355 · Dec 2016
GfS Dec 2016
I  always thought
I might be bad
now I’m sure
that it's true
cause I think
you’re so good
I’m nothing like you
Look at you go
I just adore you
I just wish
that I knew
what makes
you think
I'm so special
353 · Jun 2016
GfS Jun 2016
How could I
such a glow
of blessed light
with every
like photons
to make
stars and suns
the infinite
352 · May 2015
GfS May 2015
the stars aren't enough to count the number of times
I've lost my mind thinking about you
351 · Mar 2016
For what its worth
GfS Mar 2016
Nighttime coffee
with just the two of us
etching memories
on that side of the shop
laughing, smiling, crying
with the cold air around
remembering and forgetting
whatever worries we had before
looking back at that moment
where hearts were
as transparent as they can be
the time we lost was realization
that we can never be
unless you make it be
for there will be a day
not too long from now
that you and I will part
farther than the universe
can ever imagine
where your pulse grows stronger
and mine grows weaker

if today or the next
will be my (hopefully not) last
know that I want to be
the last who'll ever be
the one who hurts you
For what it's worth
this is how I say
"I love you"
350 · Jun 2017
GfS Jun 2017
the weight
of the world
feel like
348 · Jan 2018
Ikigai いきがい
GfS Jan 2018
I had a dream once
where the light
finally took me
and the pain stopped,
eternal bliss and euphoria
stepped up and gunned
me down to never ending joy
as if for once,
the universe cooperated
but you looked at me
with a pained look
in your eyes
more than I have ever seen
and it hurt me
to see you scream in agony
as your tears fell
clattering on my deathbed
wishing I could be there
to wipe your tears of
your lashes

but I lay there helplessly
only to regret
not holding you more
than I should have
before the light took me
347 · Jun 2015
The Last Good Night
GfS Jun 2015
There's a faint sound of wind against my ear
and the laughter of children playing around
As I lay down on the field resting without a care
I feel a gentle gander above me
As closed as my eyes could be
I felt a slight press against my arm
I felt a familiar warmth as time flew by
It was her that rested beside me
by each other's side we rested til dusk
and woke up next to each other's gaze
We yawned then laughed at each other's hair
But boy, was she still beautiful after that
She stood up and said goodbye
and that was the last time I heard her say "good night"
Old High School poems
337 · Nov 2017
GfS Nov 2017
You stare at me
like there is
happiness in pain,
teardrops in laughter
and dancing
under the rain
Like there was once
joy with me
but all that
we’re left with
are just
337 · May 2016
GfS May 2016
Why does
a single
make me
all the
of the universe?
336 · May 2016
Rainy Days
GfS May 2016
I was never
to be happy
335 · Apr 2017
GfS Apr 2017
how can you stand there
so beautifully
and know nothing of it?
(poem ideas)
331 · Mar 2018
The Girl
GfS Mar 2018
You're the girl
that eats too much
too little
Yet reminds me all the same
to not do so
like all the food
is forbidden to my mouth
as it is welcomed in yours
and yet all your meals
the smallest and tallest
you un-finish just the same

You're the girl
that sings songs
with different lyrics
like each one from
the same writer
even your favorite song
would have different lyrics
every time
even your favorite singer
would be surprised to hear
different words to their rhymes

You're the girl
whose own forgetfulness
digs her own grave
bringing the fate of the sea
and the future of her children at stake
making you more dangerous
that at times make me shake
as you stare blankly into space

You're the girl
who hides all too much
yet claims to have shown me everything
and with most instances
of the past brought up
is forsaken and replaced
by an unforgiving face

Yes, you are the girl
that my mother warned me about
from my lips to my soul
stolen by your kiss
and with every embrace comes
a commonly unwelcomed warmth;
every emotion brings me closer to insane

you are also the girl
my mother never told me about
the unreasonably kind
and unusually gentle
and with every smile
comes sincerity
despite whatever darkness
hides behind it

You are the girl
who cared more than
I never thought could be
and loved the monster
I never thought
was inside me

You are the girl
who embraced all the warmth
I could give; all that I have
looked at me and smiled
like what I have is more than enough
even though what I have
will never be enough

You are the girl
who forgets all the songs and lyrics you loved
but you remembered me;
thought of me
more than I never could do for myself

You are the girl
who stole my lips and my soul
but you stole my broken heart
that I never thought was still there
and stuck all the pieces with every kiss
with no trace of a shattered piece

You are the girl
that looked beyond
whatever future I had left
and looked a plans A-Z
with every possible alphabet
while I stare at you
thinking of how long
will I still be able to

You're the girl
my mother should've told me about
You're the girl
that should've been all this time
You're the girl
I never though would be but did
You're the girl
You are THE girl
330 · Jun 2015
Untitled III
GfS Jun 2015
I still yearn for the day that
you will look at me
but with the same eyes
I fell in love with
329 · May 2015
GfS May 2015
Today, I entered an everyday hell
The Nightmares and noise were more than I could tell
Peace and silence were never there
And every war was never fair
I saw nothing right,
and everything was just blight.
I could not see any blessed light
for peace was never there to fight
But amidst the angry mobs
and everyone that sobs
Beyond the corruption
And every destruction,
An angel appears before me
And takes my breathe completely
As I continued on with the difficult trials
She comforted me with single smile
The angel then lifted my soul
From this hell full of rotten coal
She brought my heart in the right place
Where everything was going in a  comfortable pace.
But the angel disappears and hell begins again
It seems that I still have things to amend.
Today, I entered an everyday hell*
But I won't worry, everything's swell
Cause I'll hold my head up high
For again, I'll be able to see her smile.
Inspiration from Stuck in Love
327 · Jun 2015
Crushing Words
GfS Jun 2015
We knew what we felt for each other
though sadly, they face other directions
A few seconds, we spoke only the two of us
in those seconds were the words that crushed me
"I'll be a bad girl"
Why do you do this to yourself?
Why did it return?

I'm not sure anymore
if I watched over you
too much
too little
but in any
possible circumstance
You shouldn't do this
Out of all the things I have written
that I may be too shy to show you
This is one that I wish you can and will read
and for another one out there, I know you can read this
and I hope this goes through you as well

I just care
326 · Dec 2015
GfS Dec 2015
We're all in a constant wave of particles
moving randomly through double slits
waiting for us to arrive where we are
without knowing where we came from
a Particle-wave Philosophy
326 · May 2016
GfS May 2016
star lover
322 · Jul 2015
Untitled XIII
GfS Jul 2015
It's not in your tears
that I've seen your pain
It's the fake smiles
that you bring out in
raindrops or sunshine

I've seen my fair share of
people putting up a face
to show others that they're okay
when in fact, they're in a craze

The kind of people who put on
such a fabricated smile
at the brontides and oblivions
when their tears fall inside than out

I've met too many of them
that I've lost fingers for counting
and with toes are not enough
to give you an exact number of people
I've met.. I've witnessed.. I've lost

Maybe, I cared because
I did not want to lose another
I did not want to lose a friend
I did not want to lose you

I've met many of them
young and old
sometimes, I believe that
I've seen more than my
"fair share" than what is actually

Sad to say; I've lost another
though greatful; it's not you
Would you blame me if
I was scared to lose people?
when people get lost too much?

Please find your way back
back to where smiles didn't need
to be as fake as they are now
It's not nice to lose a person/ a friend/ a loved one to sadness
It's not nice at all...
321 · May 2015
Untitled I
GfS May 2015
I've roamed to the corners of the world.
And never have I seen a sunset more
compelling than the sunset back home.
Maybe, from where I'm standing now
None compares to the sunsets at Manila
Maybe, you'd know what I'm talking about
When I would someday show you why

Instead of where I stand, I wish I was there
With you by my side, watching our special
sunsets. Like the world was meant just for the two of us. As much as each sunset gleams, it shines with much fervor every moment we see it. Maybe, it's just an illusion, or maybe it's real. But the most wonderful sunsets are at home with you.
I could only wish I've traveled with you.
320 · Sep 2015
GfS Sep 2015
I'm afraid that I am possessed by a persistent beast
It crawls in my stomach
and makes my heart beat faster
It feeds on our encounters
and whenever our hands
would suddenly reach one another,
my lungs stop and
my mind would yearn more of it.

I'm afraid that I'm possessed by a very persistent beast
It haunts me day and night
with your image
your phantasm
The memories
that you are with me
and I with you,
both interlocked in the moment
They slither to my thoughts
every night I lay down to sleep
and I when I wake up,
I open my eyes
like I came from
sweet inebriation

I'm afraid that I'm possessed by a very persistent beast
that brings me to a perpetual state of anesthesia
that confuses me to believe
That the world
is a wonderful place
and no man, animal, or object can ever harm me
That the world is beautiful with it's own faults
and that every moment in the dark
is just another moment
to be shed brighter in the light

I'm afraid that I'm possessed by a very persistent beast
and I cower at the thought
that I might hurt myself knowingly
yet I promised you that wouldn't

Please tell me how
to tame this very persistent beast
this beast that everyone calls
Please teach me how to tame it
319 · Mar 2016
GfS Mar 2016
It hurts
to see
spend on
sweet emptiness
when you
have not much left
to spend on
(for the greedy and ignorant spenders, the ludicrous and sinfully bored)
318 · Jun 2015
Untitled IV
GfS Jun 2015
I felt a hug so warm
then on my cheek, a kiss
I felt no harm
cause it's from a person I'll miss
I look back and see
her most beautiful smile
Oh, how lucky of me
to see it for a while
She whispered unto my ear
The four words I'm dying to hear
She said "I love you, dear"
In a voice so clear
and then
*I woke up
Old Highschool Poem
307 · May 2015
Why GfS?
GfS May 2015
It all started with a nickname really, a pet name that only you called me. It's amazing how it was three words long, and yet you opt to say it completely. Others called me different, but strangely you called me special. The name ticked and clicked with ease. Maybe, it's because it's you.
301 · May 2015
GfS May 2015
Love never really
sunk in your
Beautiful skull and
I never made
It clear to
I love you
And I will
Make sure that
You will feel
What love is

Love is never
Meant to make
Us only happy
Love meant to
Allow us to
All the feelings
We were meant
To feel and
To show what
Good really was

Love, I only
Meant to show
You how much
I love you
And only you
Attribute to my
Smile and I'll
batter your beautiful
Skull til you
Understand that I

I love you

I cannot fathom
Or dare to
Understand what makes
Me in love
With you but
I will fathom
And dare to
Make you understand
That here in
The great now

I love you
289 · Mar 2017
GfS Mar 2017
Don't cry, my dear
Don't come to my grave
I cannot wipe off your tears from here
275 · May 2015
GfS May 2015
Out of all the living things that are alive on this planet, I believe that the true witnesses of love were the trees that root the earth. In the history of the world, you will always see one growing tall and strong. And if you don't see one growing, then you'd find yourself unwitnessed of your love. For in the trees were carvings of every movement of the wind, sun and rain. Markings of wars that fought for love, and names of people who fought with love. The trees were there to witness love through the air, for every moment the air becomes wind was a moment that love was being felt. Maybe, when we cut a tree, maybe we should first think of the love it witnessed. For every tree that's cut, believe that it once saw and felt love. Whether it was plant or animal, human or God. It was there to witness love.
266 · Oct 2015
What is "Enough"?
GfS Oct 2015
Maybe, I don't understand what it means
time after time again, I've been told
"You've done enough"
When I love too much
When I love too little
When I cry too much
When I cry too little
When I fight too much
When I fight too little
When I care too much
When I care too little
Sometimes, It's not enough
what I think is enough
cause what I do is never enough
Sometimes, I've had enough
of what people say
What is "Enough"?
265 · May 2015
In the now
GfS May 2015
I could only tell you
What makes me love
makes my love
have an end
but I could never
Tell when
Or how
It will end.
Maybe it will
Maybe it won't
But one thing
Is definite
And truly certain
I love you now
And in the now
I love you
265 · Mar 2017
GfS Mar 2017
"I was ready to die anytime
but then I met a special girl
She made me want to go on living
and for the first time in a long time
I was afraid of death
261 · Nov 2020
-short poem-
GfS Nov 2020
And yet
the carbon
that could've been
instead made
259 · Jun 2015
What I want//What you want
GfS Jun 2015
All I ask from you now is to pray.
Keep praying til I want what you want
If what you want is for me to stop loving you
If what you want is for me to give up on you
Please pray harder if that's what you want
Cause everyday, I'd love you longer and longer
Everyday, I'd have fallen for you
over and over and over again
Pray til I want what you want
If that is what you really and truly want

It'd be selfish for me to ask you love me
the same way that I love you
So here I ask, pray
*Pray til I want what you want
Please keep praying for me
259 · May 2015
GfS May 2015
If music was the closest thing to the mind of God
I'd write songs and score sheets with you name
For every time one would sing a song about you
Your name will be embedded in His grace

If writing was the greatest thing mankind has ever made
I'd write every poem, ode, sonnet in your name
For every human being that reads about you
Your beautiful name will be immortalized in our brains

If art is the only way to see in a mind of another
Every painting, drawing, sketch sculpture, would have your face
For every moment that one would see a work of art
They would see what I see in you every time you'd smile
I'm pretty sappy, but I'm happy
251 · Jul 2015
Untitled XI
GfS Jul 2015
She's more like the gentle light
that reflects from the street lamps
after the heavy rains and storms
248 · Nov 2015
GfS Nov 2015
There are times that
I don't want to believe
in kindness
cause that is a word
meant for fools who
believe that there is
such thing as good

We believe in such
existence as genuine
as it, but later on to
see that we were all just
mindless, spineless
and filled with ignorance

We are all but arrogant beings
who swore by such
codes and ethics
and despise such
despicable behavior
yet hypocritical,
ignoring our sickening

And yet, why am I still
a fool who wants to believe
that the world isn't as
horrendous, as horrible
as the world claims itself
to be? as other claim
the world to be?

Why am I still a fool who
still wants to believe in kindness
when kind words and actions
seem meaningless to everyone?

It's hard to believe now
but I still want to
*I want to believe in kindness
I want to believe in your kindness
245 · May 2015
Just a reminder
GfS May 2015
At times, I wonder
If you still think about me
Since that night when
I told you everything..
everything that you
needed to know
and you told me that
It was once mutual
Do you remember?
Maybe, it didn't mean
anything or something
maybe, you didn't believe
me when I said what I said
Believe me when I say that
those words were
meant for you
words only for you
stories that only you know
believe me when I say that
I did not say a single lie
believe in what I said
And I hope you'd
remember it in time
but in case if you've forgotten
Or maybe it wasn't made clear
So here, I'll say it once again...
*I'm in love with you, dear.
I'll repeat it, again and again until I break your lovely skull to understand it.
226 · Jun 2015
Untitled V
GfS Jun 2015
You love her, She loves you

You love her, She loves him

In love,
make a way
*make way
For Filipinos,
make a way
make away
(pun definitely intended)

— The End —