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 Oct 2016 John Barinem
Illya Oz
 Oct 2016 John Barinem
Illya Oz
Someone once told me that pain is an illusion
But that doesn't mean you can't feel it
What reality is isn't important
It's that way you perceive it
 Oct 2016 John Barinem
Walking through the mist
Barely seeing anything but haunting faces,
Making me feel as though I am a time traveller,
Caught in a present where he does not belong,
As an integral part of an experiment he had no choice in joining,
And when he hits the line between chaos and order
With enough force to divorce such fault, and mix it,
It becomes himself.

It becomes me

So thank God for this mist
That I may not see the evil that is me,
And live the good that is the rest
Funnily enough, inspired by showering. Weird, huh? the "mist" is just steam from a 30-minute long, more than warm shower
You were my perfect poem
Brief but of many lessons
Our life was the perfect paradox
For love I thought we could rhyme

You hated all I ever loved,I loved all you hated
You said dirt was clean and the sun was cold
You desired tears for years
And resisted all advances of happiness

All you hated I had to forsake
For our love was at stake
But like a toddler you had fun with my feelings
Leaving our blindest love in darkness reeling

Yet my greatest victory was losing you
My severest pain was my sweetest gain
You schooled me through experience
My all-time worst teacher

You were my perfect poem
Eternity would be short to describe the undescribable
For when my hand is strong to hold the pen
Then my heart is weak to pen the words
 Oct 2016 John Barinem
Emily B
Sometimes I wonder

if I even survived
my childhood.

Maybe some part of me
is sleeping
up on the hill.

One of those
That I couldn't escape
Carried me off
In its jaws

and so maybe
I am planted.
Looking down
At all the people
I can't remember.

I hope that I am ashes.
I never wanted a stone.
It's in words, my masters' glory
Yet many think it's just a story

Inherit I, the sins of man
It's all a part of my masters' plan

To get the things I think I need
I'll cultivate the serpents seed

Caligula, the king of mayhem
Seek the good man, go and slay him

****, and ******, endless plunder
The righteous frown, they start to wonder

Is He there? Faith can weaken
That's the dark mans' flashing beacon

He works magic through the winds
Do you wonder how the madness ends?

It's in words, my masters' glory
Yet many think it's just a story
I wrote this poem about 30 years ago, and had not thought about it for some time. I walked into my bedroom today and picked up a piece of paper on the floor, and it was this poem. That's pretty weird.
Tangled bedsheets
and coveted whispers
in dingy hotel rooms

breathy laughs
and half stolen glances from across the room

you are in love and I am lonely
we will soon be each others doom.
 Oct 2016 John Barinem
Put no faith in Serpent, for it will poison you
A Serpents tool is their Traitors Gift
Hard to identify, this is true,
So tread carefully, be wary of shift
Try to avoid being backstabbed. It's not fun

— The End —