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Jenna Mar 2020
(Tired, lonely, depressed, hurting, scared, sad, messed up, complicated, dying inside, quitting, sick of it...)
Im... Fine.
  Mar 2020 Jenna
You said you

were made to

swim free;

but, my darling

I'm a harbor not

the sea..

Jenna Mar 2020
Delicate and beautiful,
Innocent and kind.
True and loving,
She was forever lost in time.
Slowing fading away
Jenna Mar 2020
I looked in the mirror.
I didn't recognize what was looking back at me. I rubbed my eyes but the image wasnt any clearer.
She was broken and bruised. Submissive and misused.
Pushed around and cut up.
She was tired of being a **** up.
She had mascara on her face.
She felt like a big disgrace.
She was a sheep in wolf's clothing.
She deep in self loathing.
She quick to give a smile.
She only looked sad once in a while.
She looked whole.
She looked bold.
She looked strong.
Nothing was wrong.

Looks can be deceiving.
They can also leave you grieving.
Take my advice. No one is completely whole
  Feb 2020 Jenna
Shadow Dragon
Get a job,
a husband or wife.
Make yourself comfortable
in your own life.
So they tell me
or would have told me
if they were still alive.
But they are dying slowly
by the magic pills.
They are no longer there
to protect and care.
I no longer have devils
that whisper and scream.
They can do both
but now they are doing non.
And I can see myself having fun,
not caring or staring
into nothingness.
Yet it leaves me in mourning
to know they are about to die.
Maybe if I hold on a little longer
I won't be lonely and then find myself
a job, husband or wife.
Jenna Feb 2020
Should I tell him?
Should I stray?
Should I want him?
Should I stay?

Does he like me?
Does he think I'm weird?
Does he want "we?"
Does he care?

Is he real?
This can't be true.
Am I dreaming?
I know you don't feel how I do.
Should I? Shouldn't I? Does he? Does he not?
Jenna Feb 2020
I need to straighten my crown,
I need to clear out my head.
I need to flip up my frown,
I need to get out of my bed.

I'm gonna take back my smile,
I'm gonna be the best me I can be.
I've been hurting for a while,
I was blinded by sin, but now can see.
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