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 Jun 2020 JaxSpade
Yes I loved you and I still do
But what can I do?
You were with your "true love"
and you're just my "first"

I really wished were meant to be,
but do you love me?

I really wished that you were Juliet
and your Romeo was me
but isn't that a tragic ending story?

Well if were together
we can't have our happy ever after.
My eyes sought a woman of my dreams, perhaps she was just meant to be in my dreams.
life never goes the way we expect it to go but anyway its just gonna keep going so you too cling on to it hoping your stop doesn't come soon
 Jun 2020 JaxSpade
Haiku 610
 Jun 2020 JaxSpade
Take a photograph,
Let it develop slowly,
Patience is virtue.
 Jun 2020 JaxSpade
Poetry Art
do you love
when you are ready
or just whenever
love is there?
Our world is hell
We cannot deny
Disease lives amongst us
It thrives within each soul
Popping up with just a sigh

Once upon a time
Our world was much more calm
Our air was clean
Not infiltrated with so much pollution

Our wonderous knowledge
Told us we had to strive
Make it better!
Now look what we have done
Disease popping up
All over this nation

Fibromyalgia    metabolic disorders
Cancer of many kinds
Cardiovascular disease
Diabetes, digestive disorders
Liver disease

The importance of nourishing the brain
Diet and recovery seem an impossibility

Dem bones: Do high protein diets cause bone loss
This could drive one insane
What is the cost
Insanity some find to be
The gravy train

Human knowledge may have turned
This world into hell
Pray death will bring
A clean slate
To this humanistic spell
 Jun 2020 JaxSpade
Jon York
The Sun and the Moon
are loves who rarely meet, always chase,
     and almost always miss one another,
                    but once in awhile,
        they do catch up  and  they  kiss  
               the world stares in awe
                      of their eclipse.

                      He was the day,
          she  was  the  night.  He  lived
    for misty mornings, she lived for crazy
        midnight's. He was the Sun, she
  was the Moon, yet both waited impatiently
        for  those  rare  days  they  might
                       exist peacefully.

                    She wants a man who
       understands her eyes. If she gets sad,
            she  points  to  her  chest  and
               says, "here is your home."
                        He understands.

                    But perhaps the very
          fact the Moon could never have
               the Sun was the reason
                      that  she  loved
                               him  so.                          
                                                                                  Jon York   2020
 Jun 2020 JaxSpade
The Moon
 Jun 2020 JaxSpade
The beams of moonlight
roll down a silver carpet
in the sandy bank.
The soft singing gentle
lapping waves glitter
with its milky jewels

Became the moon's messenger
carrying its silver pamphlets
to the silvery shaded tree.
The milk white pamphlet
with silvery words carrying
message to the Sun to rise late

The moon became the silent audience
enjoying the love birds
perched on the silver tree.
Poetry is all about inspiration...Inspired by the Silver by Walter de la Mare...
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