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 Jun 2016 LJ
brandon nagley
The lumad in her doesn't go away,
The map's of time; written  
Upon her face. O' the
Stories, of her kin dost speak; an empress
Of the Subanon, she is strong, I weak.

Tis she's sedulous, in her way's of hard
Work, knowledge do I gain, she guideth
Me in the rain; she dryeth mine tear's,
With her malong of royal worth.

Tis God's known her from her birth,
He picked her from the Mindanao Sea;
Verily, verily she's a sacred one,
Every breath she breathes is turquoise green.

And when she takes her daily breath,
Psalm's compose inside her chest, inside
Her chest where her heart doth beat;
Beat's of holiness, in whitened sheets.

Wild child of unknown path's, mine
Guide, mine friend, soulmate of the past;
Lover now, as wilt alway's be, do I learn,
So much I've yearned, from God's eastern breeze.

O' tis she's free, she's just like me,
As I am her; O' I am her; she call's
Me pookie, she's mine mi amour,
Mine Reyna, girl, Jehovah's daughter.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou)
Jane where she comes from in Misamis Occidental in Philippines is this- where lumad comes in - Brief History
The province was previously called Misamis. It was originally peopled by indigenous people called Lumads, in which the Subanon tribe was dominant. Circa 1700s, Misamis was threatened by marauding pirates from nearby Lanao.  
The pirates used to abduct 500 Filipinos a year to sell as slaves to the Dutch’s United East India Company in Java, or to the Portuguese in Jakarta. Northern Mindanao was hardest hit, particularly Misamis.  
To evade the pirates, many Subanons migrated to Misamis Oriental and Zamboanga del Norte, particularly Dapitan.
In 1756, Father Ducos built the Fort Santiago Ozamis to defend against the pirates. He named it ‘El Fuerte De Nuestra Señora Del La Concecion Del Triunfo’ (Our Lady of Triumph) in honor of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. He also created a naval armada he himself commanded.
In 1929, Misamis Occidental was founded following the division of Misamis into two… the other half is Misamis Oriental.
In World War II, the province was briefly occupied by the Japanese invaders. It was liberated in 1945.
Finally, peace embraced the province.
Its capital is Oroquieta City which also seats the Provincial Capitol.The history of the Philippines from 1521 to 1898, also known as the Spanish Colonial Era, begins with the arrival in 1521 of European explorer Ferdinand Magellan sailing for Spain, which heralded the period when the Philippines was a colony of the Spanish Empire, and ends with the outbreak of the Spanish–American War in 1898, which marked the beginning of the American Colonial Era of Philippine history. Many don't know as it happened in usa the Europeans and Spanish invaded not just America as its called now and stole the land of the Original native peoples here and killed ( slaughtered, brought disease to this Land,) and displaced the natives already here on small plots of land where at one time this whole land they roamed free, as well as all natives here their materials and lands goods like gold sacred mountains spiritual places were taken and can go on down the line of a list of things, not including tons of chiefs and medicine men and shamans here locked into insane asylums by our gvt and elders afraid to talk about it these men were locked into insane asylums because they spoke to the animal's, nature were spiritual in tuned in ( reality ) not crazies they were locked away for worshiping god should show you how well Satan influenced what was brought here and across the globe ,a group of people went into the insane asylum I as talking about this all was opened up by chief golden light eagle member of the
Ihunktowan Dakota Nation , people went into this same insane asylum was speaking of and realized everyone locked away in their wasnt ( nuts or crazy) but we're all released and chief golden light eagle had one grandpa die in their and another imprisoned in there, as Spanish just like they did here with Europeans invaded into Jane's tribal land, and destroyed so much and took so much that belongs to the native peoples of Janes country , and irony now my country runs so much military operations in the Philippines using native land as they do here for curruption and destruction! It's disgusting!

More word meanings,

Tis- it is,
sedulous-(of a person or action) showing dedication and diligence
Malong- Malong
The malong is traditionally used as a garment by numerous tribes
in the Southern Philippines and the Sulu Archipelago.
Its origin is from the ethnical group of Maranao,
Maguindanao and T’boli located in Mindanao.
Handwoven malongs are made by the weavers on a backstrap loom.
Very rare malong designs and styles can indicate the village in which the malong was made.
Handwoven malongs, which are costly- made of cotton and silk,
are likely to be used only at social functions, to display
the social and economic status of the wearer.
But a malong in royal colours is worn only by Maranao men and women of royal status.
The malong can also function as a skirt for both men and women,
a dress, a blanket, a bedsheet, a hammock, a prayer mat, and other purposes.
Mindanao sea, is closest to Misamis Occidental.
Verily, means truly or certainly
Psalms- sacred song or hymn, religious verses
Doth- another form of does, just like dost.
Jehovah - one of the names for god in hebrew.
 Jun 2016 LJ
 Jun 2016 LJ
Saw a single clover...
Peeking out from the crack in the wall.
All alone... With no other.
Shivering in the wind.
Still it braved the unknown.
Just to see...
What was shown.

Touched the single clover.
So much courage within something so small,
so green and frail.
Standing tall in the torrential gale.
So much I could take and learn from it.
I shall make it my daily inspiration.
I shall leave it be.
So that on my daily walk back,
it could say to me,
"I'm still here, you are too.
Let's keep on, keeping on,
till our days are through."

On my walk back today,
I have looked forward to see the clover I've learnt to adore.
Only to find that it had gone missing...
It just wasn't there anymore.
The crack was vacant...
I looked all around.
I finally looked down...
And there it was on the ground.
A twisted corpse of what once was...
The storm earlier had ripped it off its perch.
The winds had overcome and left it in the lurch.
Grounded and defenceless,
It quickly became the target of many footsteps
belonging to people too oblivious.

The clover is dead.
But it's still so green.
As I looked at it,
I imagined what it would have said,
"Keep on, keeping on.
You won't truly know...
You won't really learn...
And life won't show,
if you get too afraid of the storm.
And then you won't grow.
Stick your head out
and never be too scared...
To see and be a part of the wonders of the world
that the universe has infinitely shared."

Today she's the green lady on the Black Sabbath album cover
Tomorrow she'll become the Morton Salt girl
On Sunday mornings my girl is Aunt Jemima followed by the
Mona Lisa in the afternoon
When she takes me by the hand she's indescribable* ...
Copyright June 21 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Jun 2016 LJ
Dr Strange
Let us paint a beautiful picture
Using bones as paint brushes
And blood as paint
Let the scream be our muse
And the world our canvas
Let them see my majestic mind
As I haunt down my supplies
Yes, let us paint the most magnificent piece of all time
Let the world know that I've that I have not lost mind
That I'm just committing this mass suicide
That they are the ones who have gone insane
And I am realist who is making the world beautiful again
Oh yes, let us paint this beautiful picture!
Maybe I'll even sign my name with the bodies that remain
Just so the world acknowledge my greatness
As I smile and **** this dead girl's corpse
So sweet, so sound asleep as stroke her hair
I could could just lay here and marvel at the beauty
This truly is a beautiful picture
Let it be known that I meant inside the mind of a crazy person not my own
 Jun 2016 LJ
J Robert Fallon III
Stuck in the middle of reality and haze, constant struggle that cannot be raised.

Undeniable truth that holds consistent, that without moderation the pains are persistent.

Underneath the silken exterior, lies a boy with images that his life is inferior.

Don’t fall down the hole that is too deep to see, become one with the grasp that will never let you free.

Understand that this is reality, and beat the struggle that thinks it has you caged.

Don’t give up and continue to grow, learn from your mistakes and the undeniable utterance of the word no.
 Jun 2016 LJ
Denel Kessler
 Jun 2016 LJ
Denel Kessler
I can’t help but mourn the frogs, flattened
like Wile E. Coyote after the inevitable boulder
plummets from a great height, leaving him
mashed on the pavement while the Roadrunner
speeds off -  vroom, vroom, beep, beep.

I try to steer around them, but they blanket
the road in biblical numbers during the rain
and it’s like some impossible video game
weaving through masses of randomly hopping life
a certain amount of death is unavoidable.

When I walk the road I can’t stop
counting one, two, five, ten, twenty
cartoon-flat bodies littering the pavement
where I extinguished their glittering
copper and golden-green existence.

Last night, on the panes of every lit window
frogs of all sizes and colors gathered
outside, they covered doors, watering cans
even lined up single file on the coiled garden hose
like they were climbing the ladder to frog heaven.

Through the glass, I admired their rhythmic
throats and soft, creamy, underbellies
one, two, five, ten, twenty
fragile creatures seeking warmth
in the hastening darkness.
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