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Jan 3 · 208
Sober thoughts
JD Lovell Jan 3
Every teacher has a lesson to preach
As each preacher has a surmon to teach
If they'd just left me get high
life was a beach! but...
So I grab a pint glass
and reach for the bleach!
Happy new year, everybody!
Dec 2024 · 101
Children with a revolution
JD Lovell Dec 2024
No, you can't fool the children of the revolution
they all demand a contribution
you say they have a real solution
but I say you can fool the children with a revolution!
Dec 2024 · 80
Stuck to you
JD Lovell Dec 2024
History is prophecy
the end is how it starts
we're gonna fall in love you see
then leave with half a heart
but you can only hit a bullseye if you throw a dart
so take a chance, come with me and sniff glue up the park

His story is her's you see
Venus bound to Mars
born into one world are we
those sharpened words were ours
we landed in the gutter after aiming for the stars
maybe we should have stuck to sniffing glue in cars

We argued at the alter
couldnt say "I do"
too much like an admission
you me as I blamed you
we broke the celebration
we broke the family do
we even broke the vicar who turned to sniffing glue

So I hear your heart is broken
mine is broken too
Yes it f@#king rotten
alas...I got some glue
you can take a big sniff & I can take one two
go to that park, fix our hearts and be the kids we knew
Dec 2024 · 114
JD Lovell Dec 2024
in a year so long  ago,
a mother lost a son when a brother took a blow,
they're fighting in the garden
and bleeding in the snow
yet despite it all the family tree shall grow

The final destination
is where the story starts
they argue over borders and battle over hearts
in Seine there is a new bride
A stolen queen of tarts
I guess the wedding present
will lead them into dark

Many men in armour
many wives in black
many questions haunting
"when's daddy coming back?"
Fighters of the future being sown today
Flowers on a dirt mound
Its dusty 'round this way

For a king a coronation
on a street they call kingsway
all are free to travel
and all obliged to pay
the king is gonna juice them
as always is the way
until the revolution and the revelation day

The Alpha & Omega
the turning of a page
the end of One religion
the dawning of New age
the beast is getting hungry
mount Zion builds a stage
I Am iron like a lion....
so open up the cage!
Dec 2024 · 33
JD Lovell Dec 2024
Take me back where we weren't old
take me where the poet sold
his pretty words they use to stitch nostalgia
Take me to the starting gun
who took the fun out of this run
and replaced it with something like neuralgia
Take the **** and do it bold
be righteously acerbic, cold
set no limits, shoot at any target
Take me to the break of dawn
Throw another midnight stone
Your greenhouse wont survive my Hiroshima
Take my wife, please take her now
she dont love me anyhow
Take her from behind if that's your pleasure
For here is where the future starts
A history of broken hearts
a pack of fools, a trail of many tears
I remember when you locked the door
but you cant hurt me anymore
you never silenced any song my soul was singing
Im still walking tall and proud
I never begged or ever bowed
I dont need no phoney absolution
Here is where the luggage goes
this heavy baggage no one knows
invisible? longer will i carry
Take me now....I f@#king dare
You cant hurt what does not care
maybe all I need now is self acceptance
and take some time to make some sense
the message in coincidence...
(insert the last line here)
I cant be bothered
Dec 2024 · 41
My Dong
JD Lovell Dec 2024
I wrote a song
about my ****
but it was too long
Dec 2024 · 47
the Gunslinger
JD Lovell Dec 2024
Out of the concrete a rose bud sprung,
like a bullet of justice birthed by a gun,
From cracks in the pavement where shadows exist
to a world like a riot it looked like a kiss
in a time of despair a lone voice sang out
to where angels wont dare a gunslinger rode out
not for money but justice, never giving a name
t'save freedom of speech his mouth he took aim,
on a foundation of courage  his heart was built true
he was outnumbered as he always knew
flesh against blood he could not win
but in a battle of spirit injustice gives in
so our hero fell and no X marks the spot
yet the mind of the witness never forgot
a few times the world circled the sun,then it came
like a fire, an uprising, for the man with no name,
the battle won easy
and speech was set free
when the people unite the tyrant will flee
the gunslingers name?
you can not find
these events lay ahead so dont look behind
his fate, he saw, you ask how he knew?
coz he read these words... could our hero be you?
Dec 2024 · 108
The Road
JD Lovell Dec 2024
Alone & dark, on that road, I drove to you
Street lights cast and shadows past as i dove true,
the world lay still  there was no chill, just summer breeze,
was this the start, first shoots of heart from spring time seeds

And the music plays, the summer days, still linger on
the memories of where ive been and where im from,
Fade away to yesterday and other songs
the street light lights the dark of life, the road rolls on

Unto you I always knew the road would bring
i travelled long, through many songs and still I sing
alone and dark a broken heart was on the mend
then 'Destiny' the sign post read "just round the bend"

And all in all, a voice does call out in my soul
all thats been was so obscene and not a dream
upon a wish, sealed with a kiss, my hope hung tight
cast away on stormy waves in those dark nights

Is what we get just the debt of what we send
A love that died, the tears cried, farewell old friends
the road is long, described in song and stories of old
the rainbows end, just round the bend, the *** of gold

And the music plays, the summer days must fade away
from one and all, the tears that fall for yesterday
by morning light there'll be new light singing old songs
the road is dark, the road is life and the road rolls on
Dec 2024 · 52
Miracles and magic
JD Lovell Dec 2024
The wind that rocks the cradle
the hand that shakes the barley
the magic in the moment is  memory
who are we?
You dont believe in miracles for you have never found
evidence that's physical
my N word look around
look at us existing, I think therefore i am
look at what we're living.. the greatest show in town
where did all this come from?
what does it all mean?
any answer is to doubt the unbelivable is obscene
you find no evidence in nature
but super-nature's outside this
only those in love can feel the loving in a kiss
your everything is nuts and bolts, youre only skin on bone
I wonder if your real eyes see a house is not a home
maybe you dont believe in miracles
because they dont belive in you
maybe like your sceptic brain
your heart they see straight through
and my beliefs are dillusional?
Just illusions that i see
Yet 'atom' means invisible and they're almost matter free
so dillusions and illusions are also your reality
and even you are a dillusion
you're just an illusion that eye see
note: the N-word referred to is 'Nature'... as in nature its self is magical but taken for granted rather than presented as exibit A (or N) for evidence of magic or miracles... im tired of explaining the n word is not 'Naggers'
Dec 2024 · 54
return to the Darkness
JD Lovell Dec 2024
Return to the darkness to tango once more,
in the world of the larkless we dance
as we *****
where the untrusted hunt the nieve
the fear of Dawn and what she'll reveal
Some souls are shadows
shadows hide theives
souls sold or stolen
some lost belief
Political posters pose pasted on walls
are mugshots of those who dug the *******
black as a bible
black as the coal
the beast that eats worlds just birthed a black foal
but once in a life time
a heart that is true
with no fear of the darkness
our hero walks through
Dec 2024 · 52
JD Lovell Dec 2024
Return to the Darkness

Return to the darkness to tango once more,
in the world of the larkless we dance
as we *****
where the untrusted hunt the nieve
the fear of Dawn and what she'll reveal
Some souls are shadows
shadows hide theives
souls sold or stolen
some lost belief
Political posters pose pasted on walls
are mugshots of those who dug the *******
black as a bible
black as the coal
the beast that eats worlds just birthed a black foal
but once in a life time
a heart that is true
with no fear of the darkness
a hero walks through


Once in a lifetime
a heart that is true
with no fear of the darkness it walks out of to you
why?, you may wonder
does it brighten the night?
because this solid heart walks in truth and in light
you were told stories of the darkness when young
you assumed they were only about times with no sun
but these were always tales of the soul
setting sun was lost hope in the stories of old
black as a bible
black as the coal
there's a man at the crossroads buying all souls
if you go to the crossroads he'll be waiting for you
unless you walk through with a heart that is true
Dec 2024 · 39
Supernatural dark
JD Lovell Dec 2024
Twisted, tangled, platted scard, bark roots
growing up, aiming for the stars, from humble springtime shoot,
the beer bottle, chlorophyll conopy
framed the stars and hung on the sky for you and me to see
your mules lay sleeping, and my worn out boots,
20 toes on 4 feet stand casually aloof,
This half past, bed time, ink soaked, sultry night,
plots to **** our foot loose, fancy , child free, single lives, by night
a citrus soaked, aromatic breeze
makes music on its way as it mingles with the leaves that dress the trees
A barn owl holidays inside a hole
who is he to twit twoo or even hoot to us to go
the river oozes easy to the sea
Opal blue twists and turns corners into aqua green
Whip crack lightning lassoos across the sky
a prophet for a thunder storm at war near by
come morning has broke its going to break my heart
to lose this poetry, this painting this supernatural dark
Dec 2024 · 312
JD Lovell Dec 2024
I was so sentimental
i prayed to above
to send me a love
I was so, sent a mental
Dec 2024 · 153
Sound of'er soul
JD Lovell Dec 2024
Her soul sings so beautifully,
echoes of lives blown apart,
and ghosts of history
howl in the holes of her heart
to tell her not to hurt...
you may as well tell her to fly
cant express how much
but it hurts all of the time

but pain is a teacher
it leaves when its lesson is taught
and battles tomorrow
won with the strength that pain bought
Time has no desire to fix or heal you inside
but with time you learn
to confront where you once tried to hide

Her soul sings so beatifully
It sounds like a place that i know
it rhymes with the memories of days
where i played long ago
tell her not to hurt
or allow her to learn how to fly
in time pain and memories
will trigger a bittersweet smile know! we keep going just because. x
Dec 2024 · 48
Supernatural dark
JD Lovell Dec 2024
Twisted, tangled, platted scard, bark roots
growing up, aiming for the stars, from humble springtime shoot,
the beer bottle, chlorophyll conopy
framed the stars and hung on the sky for you and me to see
your mules lay sleeping, and my worn out boots,
20 toes on 4 feet stand casually aloof,
This half past, bed time, ink soaked, sultry night,
plots to **** our foot loose, fancy , child free, single lives, by night
a citrus soaked, aromatic breeze
makes music on its way as it mingles with the leaves that dress the trees
A barn owl holidays inside a hole
who is he to twit twoo or even hoot to us to go
the river oozes easy to the sea
Opal blue twists and turns corners into aqua green
Whip crack lightning lassoos across the sky
a prophet for a thunder storm at war near by
come morning has broke its going to break my heart
to lose this poetry, this painting this supernatural dark
Dec 2024 · 44
JD Lovell Dec 2024
If i try to upload a profile picture
it doesnt work
something about pixles?
Dec 2024 · 55
for Willow
JD Lovell Dec 2024
my first like
youre every breath that i take
youre every move i make...
thank you, Willow x
Dec 2024 · 57
my best quote
JD Lovell Dec 2024
"good artists borrow
great artist steal"
(JD Lovell esq)
Dec 2024 · 410
Yes today
JD Lovell Dec 2024
today all my troubles seemed so far away
Dec 2024 · 187
Touching Souls
JD Lovell Dec 2024
I remember how I loved you,
and I knew you loved me too,
it was oh so long ago!
now I am this man,
while you are now their mam,
yet once we were one,
just two touching souls

I remember how you kissed me,
and I knew that it was just me,
days that should come wrapped up with a bow,
Then we were naughty,
Now around 40,
Yet once we were one,
just two touching souls

Oh yes, so young!
oh yes, so free!
unfortunately not forever to be
Oh you were 'his'
as so, I was 'hers'
but that is life,
its sometimes how it goes!
then we grew up, as we grew apart,
almost a magnetic reversal of hearts,
but i still remember
that first night,
that September,
when we held our toes touched
and so did our souls
for Miss Helena Maria Jones
it was a pleasure and an honour to share a moment in the sunshine of our lives!
you were almost as beautiful as me (*wink...just joking) x
JD Lovell Dec 2024
Through roads your life drives through
when fear engulfs you
and hope up and leaves you in the darkest of nights
know that you have to
do whatever you need to
you have to save you
get back up and fight
Time will escape you
& space it invades you
what does it matter if you do not mind?
Who said it was easy?
like you, life did sqeeze me
be thankful that we were both juiced in our time!
Those dreams where I call to
Nightmares but cant reach you
& morning wont sooth you
its so dark in the light
search deep inside you  find a switch that is there to
make you the fire that lights up the night
Time! it has fooled you
that with space it does rule you
but its only a matter of freeing your mind
it's all just illusion, misdirection, confusion
dont chase your tail you'll be wasting YOUR time
Like days our lives lived through
& gold fields where I kissed you
the secrets I gave you are held safe in your heart
please know I still love you
even though I have left you
for it was just death that did tear us apart
Time! it has lost me
space! will not cross me
and it seems that matter never did mind
I'll always speak to you
feel the words deep inside you
sychronicity rhymes with symbols and signs
Through lives we all race through
the faces we once knew
the race has to finish and the faces will die
please tell them I love them
and again I will see them
in a space we'll embrace unrestricted by time!
Dec 2024 · 123
JD Lovell Dec 2024
If I should die before morning,
while you live out dreams in your bed,
if I should die before morning,
while you produce acts in your head,
know in this moment, in sight of that morning,
A dreamer to weave from afar,
I thought of you in that moment this morning,
as death stole me from the place you still are,
and hope, in sky, like clouds throw shapes
shaped like hearts, like glass they break,
I kissed your head and looked again
once more my muse, my love, my friend
those dreams, on draughts, uplift away
on shooting stars a wish they say
I wish, once more, to you three words
they are hearts and lives not just nouns and verbs

— The End —