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J B Moore Jan 2016
To my once dearest friend,
I simply wish to make amends,
I know that you've moved on
It's my turn to go.

But what's it like to realize
That what we felt was only lies 
And not for real?
Did it catch you by surprise,
And did he open up your eyes
To how you feel?
Oh, I just want to know, my friend;
What's it like to fall in love again?

I often wished to write, but then,
I feared upsetting you again.
 I really should move on,
But I need to know.

Will I look into her eyes 
Only to think of all the times 
I looked at you?
Will not everything she does 
 Simply remind me of the love 
That I first knew?
Oh I just want to know, my friend;
What's it like to fall in love again?

I can't help thinking of
The day I get to fall in love 
And show how far I've come,
That I've let go.

But what's it like to realize 
That your first love was all a lie
And not for real?
When she looks me in the eye
Will it catch me by surprise 
just how I feel?
Oh, I just want to know my friend;
What's it like to fall in love again?

 I'm not sure how I'll feel.
How will I know if it is real,
Or if it's better that I run;
I need to know.

Will she catch me off my guard
And will I feel within my heart
A love that's strong?
Or will I know upon first sight
When I'm with her I am right 
Where I belong?
Oh, I just want to know, my friend;

Will she help me off the ground
And will I at last be found
As I take her hand?
It hurt like nothing else before
When you knocked me to the floor,
I couldn't stand.
Though I know you said we can't be friends;
Tell me, what's it like to fall in love again?

Lyrics to a song I tried writing, but I could never quite get a good melody, and the one I do have I can't seem to find on the piano. Still the words are exactly how I felt and still do from time to time; it doesn't come from a place of total sorrow, though there's certainly some pain. It really come from pure curiosity, sometime I just can't help but wonder, what's it like to fall in love again?
J B Moore Jan 2016
There are always warning signs,
If you could only see one.
If you do see it in time
Don’t ignore it, just run.
Forgetting what lies behind
You might just get out before it comes.
J B Moore Jan 2016
When you find a love worth more than gold,
That special girl, to have and to hold.
With all of your heart, love her so.
Awlays hold her tight, never let go.
J B Moore Jan 2016
After all those sunny days, this one seemed so dark,
With tear drops falling as you were falling apart.

Depression nipping at your heels, sewing seeds of doubt.
Those memories calling as you were calling out. 

"Help me, please help me!" But you were all alone.
Then a memory appeared and back in time you were thrown.

It's not about the memories, it's not about the dreams;
It's realizing that everything was never as it seemed.

You take a trip down memory lane
To a time where you didn't know any pain.

You were young and full of joy and laughter
Dreaming of stories ending happily ever after,

Where you were the good guy, even an ace,
Putting the villains into their place.

But it's not about the glory, it's not about the fame;
It's realizing that everyone may never know your name.

You're back from the trip, the memory's gone
Back in the place you guess you belong.

The pain's still overwhelming, and sorrow too intense,
You're trying to find a reason, but nothing's making sense.

Then you begin to remember something you were once told
A lesson from your father and the stories from of old.

See it's not about the pain, it's not about the sorrow;
It's realizing the gift of life and the blessing of tomorrow.

J B Moore Jan 2016
Here's to the New Year
For one filled with hope
Where we conquer the fear
With which we couldn't before cope.

To a year full of promises we mean to keep
To finally getting a good nights sleep.

Here's to a new dawn
One filled with a brighter sun
A day to face with out a yawn
And filled with joy and fun.

To a day for us to be reborn
After being battered and forlorn.

Here's to the new life
And the promises to change
To persevering through last year's strife
And outrunning terror's range.

To all the things that caused us pain
That they might at last bring forth gain.

Here's to the New Year
Filled with great unknowns
To have many days of cheer
And a light to us shown.

Here's to the hope of a better tomorrow
One filled with hope instead of last years sorrows.

Here's to the future me
To never forget the past
That I might always see
How God has built me to last.

Here's to a New Year filled with laughter
And to living life happily ever after.

Something I wrote a few years ago
J B Moore Dec 2015
I may not know what words to speak
When meeting new people, I'm a little weak
But I'll still watch closely and listen well
To capture the story they're all dying to tell
Had to write this down before it was lost in the maze of chaotic thoughts. Perhaps it will find its way into something with a title... or perhaps it will always be nameless
  Dec 2015 J B Moore
Free Bird
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
Money in the pocket of the biggest shareholder

Day by day, we grow older
Love is lost, hearts grow colder

So while you still can, you should hold her
Say what you feel, before you wish you'd told her

Don't stash your dreams away, in that folder
As you care less what they think, you'll get bolder

Listen to those, who need a shoulder
Let her live, don't try to mold her

Don't sell your soul, for something golder
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