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J B Moore Dec 2015

Has picked up my trail
Is looking to find me.


He's right on my tail
He's coming to bind me.

I run through the night
I'm looking behind me.
With no one in sight
I'm running to find me.

Where would I go?
How would I get there?
Will I ever come back?
Would anyone care?

I'm outrunning fear
Running to find me
Who will come near
And help me come find me.

Out of nowhere it strikes me
I fall to the ground
Out of nowhere it fights me 
From pain do I drown

Away from the pain
I go and I swim
But what will I gain 
If I actually win.

I'm running away 
But there's something I lack
I know I can't stay
But do I have to go back?

J B Moore Dec 2015
You found me without searching,
 Said you loved me with all your heart

Then ran and did desert me
Once you helped me fall apart

I'll never see your face again 
I'll never hear your voice.

For you thought it best we not be freinds
Claimed we didn't have a choice.

But the choice was there, the choice you made,
Leaving me in the pouring rain.

I sit facing my future alone and afraid;
Afraid that I'll never escape this pain.

I only ever, at all times, always
Wanted forever to make you smile.

If only ever at this time in all ways
To do what hasn't been done in a while.

That would be, being for once, happy
Which is hard for me, being without you.

But it seems you're doing fine without me
If the very thing I hear is true.

So much for no choice in the matter,
When you left me and chose another.

For even though you love the latter,
I can't choose right now to love any other.

J B Moore Dec 2015
It's that time of year
So I guess I should confess,
Twelve months ago my greatest fear
Put me under great duress.

I started living my worst nightmare
In every single way
And learned to cope instead of hope
In waking up someday.

Still I've overcome the outcome 
Of being too depressed
By holding on to being wrong,
It wasn't love I guess.

But it's that time of year again
To curse my memories and dreams,
For a year ago I lost my friend
Who has yet to be seen.

I couldn't live without her,
But I haven't died yet,
I've come so far; as to what we are,
well, it's best if I just forget.

For I've overcome the outcome
Of being friends at best,
By holding on to being wrong,
 We were doomed to end, I guess.

So happy anniversary
For the worst day of my world
A time of great adversity
When I lost that perfect girl.

I thought my life was over
I thought that hope was gone
It blew my mind, I couldn't find
A reason to move on.

Still I've overcome the outcome 
Of losing too much rest
By holding on to being wrong,
Well, at least I try my best.

  Dec 2015 J B Moore
Francie Lynch
To lift a thought to a song,
To redress perceived wrongs;
To relive my youth,
To expose the truth;
To express my love,
To see a pigeon as a dove;
To foresee the future,
To capture the elusive;
To give voice to the abused,
To find refuge when refused;
To immortalize loved ones,
To embrace the shunned ones;
To know stars are fireflies,
To scrape away lies;
To explain time is just a moment,
But enternity's in a sonnet.
Simply put,
It's the right thing to do.
J B Moore Dec 2015
I am not now, nor will I ever be
Defined by misconceptions others have of me.
But rather by my actions to those that bring no gain,
How much more so to those that caused me pain.

I am not now, nor have I ever been
Defined simply by the number of those I call my friends.
For an excess of friends can be like fame, vain and quickly fleeting
Rather I have found only a few close friends is what I'm needing.

My convictions are no restriction, at least not that I have found.
For the best way to learn is debating with one who disagrees.
It may take some time, but the truth does truly set free.

Definition like inhibitions, only weigh us down,
Clouding our careless conceptions, not allowing us to see:
We are what we do, attempting all we can surely be.

J B Moore Dec 2015
Poetry is perfected in pain,
Music through the madness of life.
So let your worries fall like rain
With a melody like a knife.
Take your sorrows and your fears
Play them out like a song
Drown them with your tears;
Until the whole world sings along.

For poetry is unlike the sorrow;
Music, much unlike the pain.
Each describe the madness of the morrow
Where melodies and tired eyes are sleepily lain
And eloquent dreams of memories borrow
The magical, maddening rhythm of the rain.

J B Moore Dec 2015
Read the pages of ancient lore,
Where a creature lives in days of yore.
With violet, black, and silent wings
In the dark, a wretched thing.

Over bloodstained fields of dead men's flesh, 
Bringing forth the sting of death,
Silently soaring, with talons sharp
Quickly tearing the weak apart.

Who can stop it, strong and wise,
Seeing everything, with it's watchful eyes.
Never sastified, wanting more,
It's greed rotting it to the core.

Among the shadows it spends it's time
Plotting carefully within his mind
For the next time you come around,
 You'll try to scream, but won't make a sound.

He'll take what you have, to the very last straw,
Quickly and quietly as you watch in awe.
In the depths of your soul he deeply stares
You should be thankful if your life he spares 

He sees himself as full of power
Not knowing there will come an hour
At the time when no one else can hear
And the shadows he himself should fear.

For long ago, in days of yore, 
Within the pages of ancient lore
The dark became his haven, 
And he called himself The Raven

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