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 Apr 2017 Dana Colgan
Luna Marie
He is fire, and I am ice.
One look at him brightens my dark eyes.
The heat of his body warms my frozen heart.
I might melt, so we stay apart.

He is outgoing, I am reserved.
I am not the one that he deserved.
Yet he chose me out of everyone else,
And stayed with me to hear the morning bells.

He is the sun, and I am the moon.
I keep him out, but he's immune.
He is kind and very funny,
I have no idea why he likes me.

He is Springtime and I am Fall.
When he's here, I have a hard time keeping up my wall.
He plays the guitar and the piano,
And I have a hard time singing solo.

He had grace, and I was clumsy,
But that didn't stop him from loving me.
No one would ever think that we'd be together,
But we knew that we're meant for each other.
It's fun getting to know someone who isn't like you.
 Apr 2017 Dana Colgan
I've broken through
The wall that has surrounded
Not a word
has been written by my hand
since a time so far forgotten.
Overgrowth from disuse
has cluttered my focus,
drying up my ambition
although no sun has shone upon it.
My thoughts became cracked,
dusty with age,
and the webs
became so thick
I couldn't cut them with fire.
But like a maze,
I found a path through.
There were dead ends,
and tricks,
and traps along the way,
but I made
the correct turns to get back
to that place
like a mouse to cheese.
I've found my pen,
and through the ink,
my words will find the world.
along with this life steps
my past life was a mess
i was lifeless

i lived with fighting thoughts
to obey or being rebellious

if i found out,
that my main persons
is all supportless,
i would never told my goals

but there's no way back

i grown with taunts,
in rude vicinities

but it's all changed me
now i'm a strong unity
i left my fragility
to fully conquer this body.
For everyone who had unhappy past.
they whisper in reverent tones
on the television,
hushed, in awe,
struck dumb
by the images
of fifty-nine tomahawk cruise missiles
a flaccid, wanna-be-strongman
just launched at Syria,
a country whose refugees
and babies we'd rather see
washed-up on the sands
of foreign lands than safely
at peace in our homeland.

Brian Williams calls
the spectacle, "beautiful."
sociopathic pundits in ecstasy,
spewing meek excuses
like babbling baboons, buffoons
lusting for an **** of nihilistic violence.
they invoke their dead gods,
beseech the "Almighty" to bless
their bloodstained hands,
and say this is how a demagogue
acts presidential.

beat the war drums in quick succession.
about face in a new direction.
left, left, left, right, left.
it doesn't matter who sits
in the Oval Office, war
makes America great again,
boosting administrative approval ratings
and corporate coffers, revenue soaring
like sky-rocketing jet-fuel.

we cannot pummel the world
into submission with munitions,
but that won't stop us from trying.
planting early graves
like seeds in the ground,
bearing fruit that spoils
and keeps this whole sick joke
spinning perpetually around.
we **** people who **** people
because killing people is wrong.
what i'd give to wake
to a world not torn
apart by war.
National Poetry Month, Day 7
 Apr 2017 Dana Colgan
Those familiar grumbles
come from somewhere
in a dark corner or my mind.
They come sneaking around
without more of a warning
than a soft cackle.
The laughter
grinds my bones
as if I'm searching
for gears in the car.
The creatures
have been hunting me,
taunting me,
haunting me for years.
They come for me at night,
when I'm most alone.
They know
I cannot be saved then,
they'll have their way with me,
chewing on me,
never to swallow me whole
but just enough
to leave me sore
with the rise of the sun.
I've grown to expect them,
embrace their presence,
because unlike those
who are with me
in the daytime,
the demons
will always be here.
 Apr 2017 Dana Colgan
 Apr 2017 Dana Colgan
I don't think people understand
Nobody does
No, I am not saying this in the typical teenager
Nobody understands me ahhh way
I just mean that, as the truth
Nobody understands what others are going through
The phrase I understand people take to a different level,
of believing that I've had this exact experience
When the truth is,
Nobody has had the exact same experience as anyone else
Because that's human nature, that's life
What bothers me more, is when people say
My experience is worse than yours
Oh that's bad, I'm sorry but this happened to me and this is why its worse than what you experienced
You have no idea what is going on in this persons head,
so how can you say that what you had happen is worse?
Even if you don't outright say this,
that's exactly the impression that it gives off
You don't have the right to say who's experience is worse
this person is hurting,
and trying to "one-up" their pain
is not going to ******* help
So if you go to say this
shut the **** up and sit the **** down
 Apr 2017 Dana Colgan
spark from the furnace
a single thought

imagination lights up
hidden realms

you can travel her depths
enter her portals

make of yourself
a craft to sail.
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