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 Feb 2021 Hopeless Outlet
It’s rare to find
people who

In the deep corners of 3am,
I find her.
I have hidden
For far too long
Afraid of all the things
You told me
I could never be
No longer
I let you convince me I was so small. I'm not.
The fate of the hopeful....

                                               S    creaming

                                               T    owards

                                               A    ltered

                                               R    eality
There is no rush,
Only breath.

There is no stress,
Release that notion.

Just let it be,
        let it be.

Listen to your heart beat,
Dance to its song.
Sway to its rhythm
Like you should have all along.

Make an intention,
Set it to motion.
Keep your head
Above life's commotion.

This day is a gift,
This life is a light.
Your soul is a beam
That can brighten the night.

Smile like a full moon,
Shoot like a star.
Be the best you,
The true you that you are.
 Jan 2021 Hopeless Outlet
Can I be your honey with my stinger bunny?
Sting away those ill willed emotions and make you laugh at all things funny
Help that smile glisten a little more
Isn't it strange?
For the Sunshine Sunrise to feel butterflies
All fluttering around thoughts of you
How do you do? Firebird
Naturous charm, who ever thought a heart could be captured as such
Run with me in this meadows, lets play hide and seek.
Let us feel the energy between us, of us as separate beings.
My job had always been to help the growth or so I thought
You have taught me to grow within myself so that I do not Rot
Your arms are such a safe place, although I feel bothersome
 Jan 2021 Hopeless Outlet
I wish I had more
time with you, instead you’ve
left me saying, “*******”.
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