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Heavy Hearted Nov 2023
To you I scribe these words of grace
& pray you reach that golden place,
the one beyond the world we live- a place that transcends time.
A place to move through, with the brightness of peace-            all places

Untill we reach that
faithfull destination
Of our dreams.

Though we've got direction-
The destinations never been clear.
Regardless, onwards we march
with confident discretion
Revel, in the thought -
togetherness; connection.
Heavy Hearted Oct 2023
Help me- I am so sorry,
for all the nights you spent in the dark.
they were nights where
I needed the pain and fear to stop-
And you would do
Everything you knew
Just trying to make me alright.
" No one Deserves my world quite like you do"
I heard that in a song once.
Now knowing you,
silently, I
Another poem I found in my old journal
Heavy Hearted Oct 2023
Thirty four days of delusional bliss

Thirty four ways to greet the abyss

Thirty four shock waves, to the cruelest brain

Thirty four days of irreparable pain.
Written Last summer i'm found in an old journal
Heavy Hearted Oct 2023
Autumns leaves undo
& all that's said carefully-
remains untrue

Unorganized these
unprecedented artworks
Powerfully heal.
2 stanza northamericanized haiku
Heavy Hearted Oct 2023
On my nape the unassuming kiss placed, between slumber's tumble...
While all the while we might forget
Moving forward / Backwardly stumble

Wild eyes open - pierce the dark
Left on my nape, that mesmerizing kiss,
bearing the mark
of true fictitiousness.

Invisibly insidious
I'll scrub it clean off me-
Deliberately delirious
Modern Romance < Liberty.
Heavy Hearted Sep 2023
So sometimes, I still double back,
To these little pretty things-
Where I entwine my written words
with depictive new meanings.

Happy birthday, I must first say
To my Albanian commerce kid.
When we met, then when I left, I
always appreciated all you did.
Next comes the apologizes, I'm sure you know what for
The fact that you showed up, for me?
Confirms it even more:

Julia Kruja, you're an incredible person- such a beautiful soul,
Its a blessing to call you 'friend', and remain someone you know.
With unconditional support- unwavering sincerity
whichever way things go.
Despite my lack of clarity, selfishness and pain- you're always there to meet with me, make plans again and again.

You instill this worth back in my soul, by treating me the same- removing judgement from your heart,
Regifting hope inside my brain.

Happy Belated Birthday my friend
Happy Birthday
Heavy Hearted Sep 2023
Sad boy, oh,
How you had contrived,
But wont you ever understand?
Kristoff: some things we make are more alive; When we're both gone, our memories to fade- What might remain is all we've made.

Poetic rhymes, key signature times,
A meter and an inch~
Fountain pens, splashing ink
How, Word's arrangements force us to think.
Maybe still, you're a piece of art-
I know you're more than just an image...
Or a sound, always formed by arms, frantic written movements:

Which Record
And Remain
Reminding me, & then you too
Inside all we might create,
Lives our spirit too.
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