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12.2k · Nov 2019
Beautiful dream
Gulishta Nov 2019
If it was possible..
I would exchange my heart,
With an eve bark...
So that someone will write,
Something this beautiful about it.
Someone once said to me're
Like a symphonic conductor in an auditorium...and it made me work harder in very aspect of my life not just writing. ..I'm so thankful for that support..
This is for you:):)
1.6k · Dec 2020
Beloved prey.
Gulishta Dec 2020
It's crazy attractive to get away
                         With a perfect crime.
Slicing one's heart    
                         With a cold butter knife.

Frown or hide away
                        Behind a sinister smile.
Lure the prey with warmth
                       End it...with a perfect strike.
1.5k · Jul 2018
Gulishta Jul 2018
The idealisation of the far-fetched reality ,
Doesn't make it right.
The happiness coming from someone else's pain,
Doesn't make you thrive.
The insensebility of taking wrong decisions,
Doesn't make you look cute, just cruel and naive.
The passing on of the confusion,
Shows your incapability of commitment or in general Life.
The repetitiveness of a command,
Doesn't make people oblige.
It's a simple game...
A game of what's wrong and what's right!.
Of seeing things you ignored ,
Being a self-centred blind.
It's an opportunity to open yourself up,
For the things you've done to others,
and putting yourself in their shoes...
1.4k · Sep 2018
Gulishta Sep 2018
I'm pretty you said..
    But not beautiful enough.
You like the way I say things. .
    But not crazy enough.
You are happy when you're around me..
    But not excited enough.
You want me ..
   But not possessive enough.
You love me..
   But not passionate enough.

I said enough I've had of your compliments and that's for me is enough.
Because you are here..
   But not present enough.
You are charmer ..
   But not cheesy enough.
You are a man ..
   But not human enough.
You are a friend. .
   But not considerate enough.
You are a waste of time. .
   But not enjoyable enough.
So I'm done..
   Enough is enough.
1.0k · Sep 2018
A blessing and a curse.
Gulishta Sep 2018
I met a woman,
          On my daily jog.
She was my lookalike,
          Walking with a dog.

The parameter that surrounded,
It changed in that moment.
We were somewhere else,
Change of a second or may be a minute.

I saw her ghost-like skin,
I saw the redemption she was seeking for her sins.
I saw a battered mind,
I saw those dead but piercing eyes.

I tried to communicate,
Couldn't read her mind.
She tried as well,
Then she vanished from my sight.

It was an experience,
     I can't explain.
It stopped me there,
     Lured me to see,what I'm trying to gain.

I knew the path I was walking,
Will get me there.
Where I was someone,
That I can't seems to bare.

Knowing what's going to happen,
Left me reeling.
Knowing there was a possibility of loosing;
Everything that I hold dear,
Everything that I want near.

It took me a moment to realise,
There wasn't a ghost I was seeing,
Just a trick of my unconscious mind.

It was an awakening,
I didn't knew I was waiting for,
It was an opportunity,
To change what could happen and maybe being more.
It was a blessing.....
And it was a curse.
It changed the facts and the future...
And everything that could've occurred.
#blessing  #curse
1.0k · Apr 2019
A perfect poem.
Gulishta Apr 2019
A perfect poem...
   Is it the one that's well written,
Or the one having a greater meaning.?
   Is it the one with perfect verses,
Or required a perfect rhyming?
   Is it the one that speaks to all,
Or the one having hidden mysteries?
   Is it the one that let you vent,
Or the one with you wouldn't deal?
   Is it the one that opens wounds,
Or the one that makes you heal?
    Is it the one that came out of a chaos,
Or the one describing the peace?
    Is it the one that told the tale of the chains,
Or the one giving you freedom wings?
    Is it the one about the Prince charming,
Or the one exercising the demons?
    Is it the one describing the vast beauty of the nature,
Or the one about havoc of disaster?
     Is it the one that makes you smile,
Or the one that bring tears in the eyes?
     Is it the one that's written with the ink,
Or the one that bled through it all?

I'll say perfect is overrated. ..
  A poem is what that smooths an ache within the soul you never knew existed.
Just being able to pen down the thoughts gives an immense joy that you can't buy anywhere in this world.
And being brave enough to put it out there to be judged and commented that itself is a perfect poetry!!.
860 · Sep 2018
Unrequited love.
Gulishta Sep 2018
You and me a team,
Us against the world.
Finishing each other's sentences,
Sometimes even the words.

The play of the king and the knight,
Choosing the weapons,
A sword and a knife.
Rough house play room,
And the adorable way we used to fight.

Two halves of one heart,
Not angels nor demons could pull us apart.
Indulgence of weird cravings,
Not leaving the other behind.

Holding the eye contact a bit longer.
The connection between us started to strengthen.
The desire and longing I started to feel.
One touch of yours could make my bruises heal.
Hanging over your every word..
Oh baby you did,
You pierced me with your beloved sword.
The weapon of my choice remained forgotten.
Just like our love being forbidden.

The foundation we built,
Couldn't hold itself ..
The storm inside you broke everything ,
Destroyed it in the process.
Collapsing...meeting the dust.
The friendship of ours begun to rust.

I gave you my heart,
Left it in your feet.
I started to move forward,
You started to retreat.

Now,you're back...
Flashing those dimples.
The dynamics of our friendship has changed.
Not quite as simple.
Asking for the second chance.
Don't know I can provide.
Can't hold it inside anymore,
The feelings you want me to hide.
A stranger's face with the familiar eyes.
Memories flashing ...
With your goofy smile.

You pierced my heart once again
But this time with a knife.
821 · Oct 2018
Gulishta Oct 2018
Words are the power,
Words are the pain.
Words are misfortune,
Words are the gain.
            Words can heal,
            Words can hurt.
            Words can cure,
            Words can burn.
                          Words are friends,
                          Words are feud.
                          Words are beautiful,
                          Words are cruel.

Words cut deep,
Words are stitches.
Words are jewels,
Words are gems.
Words are play,
Words are games.

             Words are puzzles,
             Words are pieces.
             Words are questions,
             Words are the answers.

                               Words are romance,
                               Words are fight.
                               Words are darkness,
                               And ray of light.

Words are war,
Words are love.
Words are weapons.
Words are peace.
           Words are authority,
           Words are responsibility.
           Words are complication,
           Words are simplicity.

                             Words are glum,
                             Words are delight.
                             Words are emotions,
                             The greatest high.

Words are poem,
Words are songs.
A constant companion,
And so much more. .

Can you imagine a life without them?.
I honestly can't mine.
768 · Aug 2018
Why I choose to stay!.
Gulishta Aug 2018
Plaster a fat curve,
Whenever asked to smile.
Mind and heart in shreds,
Being beautiful outside.

Unwanted attention,
Being centre of attraction.
Getting inside my shredded mind,
That's only distraction I seems to find.

Blatant ogling,
Iron clad hold on my waist.
Walking through an exhibition,
As if being the one presented on display.

Abused soul ,
cursed life,
Smile so big in the photograph .
Standing side by side.

A relation on pins and needle,
A bed made of glass shards.
Unacknowledged discomfort,
Sharing the world apart.

Blazing brown eyes,
The hatred inside.
Fingers clenched in fist,
Anger the blood-thirst in disguise.

Unveiling the monster,
Underneath the surface.
Projecting all the charm,
No room to escape.

Trapped in a life long bond,
An exchange of the vow.
Fear ingrained in every bone,
Not seeing an out.

Emotional instability,
No shrink can heal.
Threatening to destroy the destroyed,
To keep the mouth's seal.

The end is near ,
I smell it in your fear.
In the surprise on your face,
When everything turn into haze.

What I miss the most about that day,
The moment you realised,
Why I choose to stay.
709 · Dec 2017
What is it??
Gulishta Dec 2017
What is it?,
That binds me to you.
What is it?,
That makes me want to be close to you.
What is it?,
That I can't resist.
What is it?,
Without which I'm ceased to exist.
What is it?,
That makes my name sounds different in your voice.
What is it?,
That makes me want to remove every distance.
What is it?
That makes me want to be yours.
What is it?,
That makes me crave these arms of yours.
What is it?,
That I'm wearing like a cloak around me.
What is it?,
That makes me forget me.
668 · Oct 2017
Gulishta Oct 2017
Trying not to think about you,
But everything reminds me of you.
Anywhere I go ,you're there.
Everywhere I see,it's you.
Your smile,your eyes,your wink,
Your lips,your mouth, your **** hip swing.
The secret laugh,the inside joke,
Everytime I try to touch,
All turns to smoke.
Your touch , your smell,
The shelf full of shower gel.
The tie,that lies
Among my frilly dress.
Your kiss,your hug,
Lying on the counter your coffee mug.
The trees ,the wind ,
The flowers,the bird that sing.
Memories of our love,
The passionate meet.
The downtown  Street,
And my heartbeat.
649 · Oct 2017
Stupid me.
Gulishta Oct 2017
You said, you were sorry,
You said, I don't need to worry.
You said, you'll make it alright,
And our future is so bright.
I wondered,what's going to happen,
If it was the time to be more forgiving.
You said , it won't happen again,
You said ,you were in the pain.
But I should've seen coming,
I should've been less forgiving.
I wanted to save you,
I wanted to keep you safe,
As if it's a fairy-tale.
You said you want me there,
I reached,you weren't anywhere.
I wanted to put you in a wrap,
you set me up in a trap.
They say life is not fair,
But what you'll make of a betrayal.
I gave you my heart and soul,
But you just wanted to see me fall.
you succeeded,
I didn't.
624 · Nov 2019
Smiled again.
Gulishta Nov 2019
Contemplating the mess
We all called life,
Sitting on a bench
Like dear old times.

Thoughts drifted back
Towards the starry night,
Where it all had began
First time you called yourself mine.

A stroll down the memory lane
Bits and pieces
Some still the same,
Fresh like it happened yesterday
When I wasn't struggling
To be sane.

The way you smiled shyly
Everytime you saw me,
The way your eyes Sparkled
With mischievous glint,
The way you got choked up
Overwhelmed with the love,
That used to flow like a current
Between us.
The intensity you used to
Watch me with.
And the goofy laugh
We used to share on my
Stupid nerdy jokes.

Flashes after flashes
Of the time spent together,
You and me...the world
Nothing else ever mattered.

Then I came back to
Myself. ..
And a heavy sigh escaped.
Still kinda weird,
But you made me smile again.
612 · Dec 2019
Gulishta Dec 2019
Tired enough to let go
I've learned to breath
Under the water
Accepting that drowning
From this overwhelming
Unrequited desire
Is what meant to be
The thing people called
611 · Aug 2018
There's always a good side.
Gulishta Aug 2018
No matter how hard you've been hit.
No matter how much you want to give in.
No matter the circumstances.
No matter the sacrifices.

There's always a good side.

If tonight is the darkest it's ever been.
Then tomorrow would be the brightest you've ever seen.
If the days are cloudy and rainy.
The nights will be starry.
The moon will shine a litter brighter to cheer you up.
The sun will be pleasant to warm you up.
The hugs will be tighter,
The smiles will be brighter,
The tears will be of laughter,
And the joy of happily ever after.

You just have to keep hoping,
And never giving up.
597 · Nov 2019
I remember. ..
Gulishta Nov 2019
Someone asked me today ...
       Do you even remember what it's like to fall in love that early in your life.?...
       "you were just a kid with out of reach dreams ...with an innocence about life that only be stolen with coming years and experience ".
       Do you even remember??

I actually don't remember. ..
     When you turn into my home?...
      When I first started noticing you?...
       When you become the core to my existence? ..
         When you stood out among the rest?
I don't remember. ..
         When or why I started craving the arguments we used to have?
          When you became the highlight of the day?
          Why I always went back to you?.
          When you became the centre of my gravity?.
I don't remember. ..

I just remember. ..
    That we used to live across the street from each other.
    That I grew up in your family as a member.
     That you were an aloof personality.
     That once I called you an arrogant with hostility.

I remember. ..
     Crying my eyes out on your shoulder. ..when the world was closing down.
I remember. ..
     Being surprised by your fierceness and the strength of your arms.
I remember. ..
     You pulling me upward and keeping me together...when my heart's about to gave out.
I remember. ..
    Losing myself but finding you in the end.
I remember. ..
    Being crazy scared about your reaction when I found the courage to confess.
I remember. ..
    Coming home when you said yes.
Ahh...when I was kid I used to think that its such a cliché when people say that they wanna go back in their lives and live childhood again..
Now I'm the walking talking prime example of that...
Some days are good ....some are fluctuate with the wavelength of the motion set inside my heart. .
590 · Jul 2021
Gulishta Jul 2021
Once upon a time
There was a prince
Lived in a castle full of happiness
With a family full of love.
Now.. the prince is gone
So is the happiness
And so is the love.
572 · Oct 2017
Gulishta Oct 2017
Sitting here thinking about my life,
There's a darkness, not an ounce of light.
Battered, shattered wings,
Sadness flowing and consuming like the wind.
Tears left my eyes dry,
Questioning, if I'll ever fly.
They asked, why am I depress?
There's no way I could express.
Sitting over here,wondering what to do?
Situation out of hand,my life never looked so blue.
Looking around myself,
Everything's covering in itself.
I'll walk a road of thousands of miles,
Where no one can say when to smile.
If only I have the courage to fight,
My life can take anothere height.
558 · Dec 2017
Gulishta Dec 2017
You made me by your flesh and blood.
You brought me to this world.
You bled for me,you went through immense pain for me.
You fed me the bite out of your mouth.
You dress me up in the fanciest gowns.
You are strict when you need to be.
You are gentle,.when I want you to be.
You are calm in between a chaos.
Your kiss can heal any wound.
Your touch is the best medicine.
Your hugs the warmest of the cocoons.
Your lap,the best bed I've ever slept on.
Your voice itself is my lullaby.
Your arms still the best home.
Your fussing over ,I won't exchange for the world.
You are my UNIVERSE.

You are my best friend. .
    When I need one.
You are my cheerleader. .
    When I have no one.
You are the difference. .
    Between good and bad.
You are the FACE OF THE GOD.

You are my partner in crime.
My bank where every dime is mine.
You are my first school.
You are everything that I wanna be.
You are the strength that no one can beat.
You work every minute of every week.
You stand up for me even when your knees went weak.

You are what every child should have.
You are what we took for granted.
You are the world itself..
You have so many names.
Gulishta Jul 2021
Your eyes tell the lie
   You were trying to survive
One minute one moment
    One breath at a time.

You said some words
    You meant the another
You made few mistakes
    Then you looked for another.

We were all destroyed
    Death now lives inside us all
You played the long game
    Acted dumb but were smart after all.

The battle of emotions
   You won with the silence
The wait for something to signify
    You counted as the minutes went by.

The fracture of our soul
    The wait the guilt the regret
    And the life of us all.
516 · Nov 2017
Close to you.
Gulishta Nov 2017
This thing between us is not clear,
But it's so beautiful and pure.
I don't care about it's name,
I won't be able to if you ask me to elaborate.
This feeling I get whenever you're near,
This spark and charm that you inspire.
The more and more space in my heart you seems gain,
I'm just a moth to your flame.
The intensity of my feelings for you is scary,
As oppose to the easiness in your life that you seems to carry.
Everytime you come close to me,
My heart skips a beat.
I know it's cliché that I just repeat.
You are what they say "bad for health",
I don't know how I'll keep this strength.
But I don't wanna get lost in you,
All I Want is to be close to you.
511 · Dec 2018
Gulishta Dec 2018
Black clouds and Pouring rain at midnight.
Blue moon and the empty bed by your side.
Forming music and hypnotic
Essence and memories of mesmerising eyes.
A perfect scenery and a haunting
Heart strike.
The only thing thats missing is
The personal heat source of mine.
510 · Apr 2019
Captive Angel.
Gulishta Apr 2019
Coming home is what it feels,
When you look me in the eyes.

At ease is how it was,
When you were standing by my side.

Enchanted is how it sounds,
When you say my name.

Essential is what it is,
You are for me to survive .

The tips of your fingers,
         Running through my hairs.
Doing double time it over,
            The blood in my veins.
The world ceased to exist,
                When you started to stare.

Beating like a drum,
                 The uncontrolled emotions.
Loud enough to focus,
                 On that uncertain moment.
Exerting with a flow,
                  My love in liquid notion.

The beauty held within,
              The captor of an angel.
Don't care about the righteousness,
              I'm happy in this moment.
503 · Jan 2018
Welcome home.
Gulishta Jan 2018
The butterflies in my stomach.
Jumping around and dancing is not enough.
The world is shining a little brighter.
My chest feels a little tighter.
This feeling! !..
      Can't contain it inside.
Eyes burning with joy this time.
The pearls flowing out of our eyes.
Don't wanna touch, ,
         What if I'm dreaming like every other time.
Then you hold me in your arms.
        I'm nothing but a piece of you,
That you left behind.
      Oh baby!!! Welcome home.
You are my every prize.
479 · Sep 2021
An act of kindness
Gulishta Sep 2021
To fall
   To unfold
       To connect
           And to hold
The life story of a lonely princess
Completed with a stolen glance
Mated with a perfectly calmed storm
Amidst an act of kindness.
462 · Dec 2017
A borrowed life.
Gulishta Dec 2017
There was this girl. .
   Living her life in peace. ..
      There was she,her books and poetry. .
             Then a boy came. ...
                   And swept her off her feet. .

Maybe she was looking for a friend.
Didn't wanted to complicate what could've been a simple to an extent.
She didn't realise that life doesn't work that way,
Whenever you think you have it under control.
It will ****** it away. .

It wasn't her life she was living. .
Don't know when but she started believing. .
The boy wasn't a part of the plan..
Those feeling couldn't be a part of her plan..

Manipulated and justified action..
Suppressed and false reactions. .
Then it changed drastically. .
She was baffled basically. .
But what could've been done about it? .
She was the one who didn't do anything about it.

Now,she is back..
living her life in peace. .
Where there's she,her books and poetry.
Does it matter? ..
That there are pieces where her heart should've beat. .
It was a borrowed life. . Never her's. .
Still. ..loosing it does hurt.
458 · Oct 2018
Broken Heart.
Gulishta Oct 2018
Sadness creeping from every side,
Seeping into my bones.
A curtain falls like a thick fog,
Blurred vision,can't see anymore.

This thing inside my chest,
Out of control,bleeding.
Then shattering into a million pieces.

An Explosion so deafening,
Didn't make a sound.
Little needles running through my veins,
Turning me inside out.

It felt like shards of glass,
Piercing, cutting,hurting,
Then settling in my chest ,
A knock out punch,
Making it hard to breath.
455 · Dec 2017
An ugly side of love .
Gulishta Dec 2017
LOVE....a four letter word.
It's beautiful if it's in your favour..
It's ugly if it's not.
           I've seen an ugly side of love.
It breaks you..
     Shatter you....
          Consumes you...
                   Becomes you...

It have a dark side.
  It will always be in front of your mind,
     No matter how badly you want to keep it aside.
   It will **** your soul right out of you.
It won't let you feel anything else..
Any other emotion...
joy,happiness,satisfaction, pleasure nothing.
All you can feel is it...
All you can see is it...
It will make you search for yourself over and over again.
It will make you a habitual to feel the pain.
It won't let you overcome it. .
No matter how hard you try.
It will a constant always trying to pry.

And at the end.....
You will become it.
You will be the ugly side of love.
You will be the thing you were running from.
You will be what you hated the most.
Then maybe..not loving wouldn't have been the worst.
434 · Oct 2017
No life without you.
Gulishta Oct 2017
It hurts to even think,
What would happen if I blink.
My life is gonna change,
And everything we manage to make.
Only constant thing is uncertainty,
Won't even be getting an opportunity.
Everything that's there to loose,
ohh I don't,don't wanna choose.
They say they've done enough,
And keeping like this for you is rough.
Why moving on means leaving everything behind?,
Why can't can I keep you by my side?
They say it has to be this way,
I don't even get to get a say.
It's your life with they are dealing ,
Like you are gone already.
They say I have to let you go,
And expect me to keep going on.
My heart dying a little every minute,
Since I saw you on that breathing machine.
You can't leave me,
I haven't given you the permission,
And it's time to keep your promises.
You said we were meant to be,
Oh baby, baby please ...
Come back,come back to me.
426 · Nov 2017
If i could.
Gulishta Nov 2017
If I could change the past,
I would change the moment we started moving too fast.
If I could change my one sentence,
I would change the one I said
About you being my penance.
If I could change the way it hurts,
I would change the minute I started to trust.
If I could change one feeling,
I would change the one I got
When I was staring at the ceiling.
If I could change my one wish,
I would change where I wanted you to miss.
If I could go back in time,
I would go to the moment we met.
If I could change my one word.
Then I would change when I said yes.
424 · Mar 2019
Blurred lines.
Gulishta Mar 2019
Sometimes I like looking at the world without my specs on...
Like the world is a painting that had an accident with water.
Undefined lines.
Unexplained sides.
Unsharpened edges.
And Unseen emotions.

Smudged together like a make-up artist working in a hurry..
Like world is a canvas for an apprentice.
Unmade faces.
Undisturbed innocence.
Unclear visions.
And unsolved equations.
420 · Oct 2017
My friend
Gulishta Oct 2017
It started with a shared meal,
Eventually, became a big deal.
You saw me sitting alone,
Talked! because you were bored.
One simple phone call,
Smallest of the gesture that's all.
You saw something in my eyes,
And Wanted to make it alright.
I tried to push you away,
you kept coming back much for my dismay.
The way you were ready to forget whatever,
just so we could stay together.
you pushed,until I get ready,
And our time together has been crazy.
I'm proud to call you friend,
And I hope "us" never ends.
404 · Feb 2019
Let it.
Gulishta Feb 2019
Be quick to laugh at yourself,
Always ready with a smile.
Show your emotions to the fullest,
Won't be any good if you hide.
Don't be too quick to dismiss,
The smalls and big things are what makes your life.
Give your best in everything you do,
Let the unknown come your way..
Let it excite.
401 · Nov 2017
Best friend's goodbye.
Gulishta Nov 2017
I'm happy,that you are happy.
I'm celebrating your love.
I'm standing here beside you.
Watching you walking down the aisle,
Toward your one true love.

I pray to God everyday,
For him to never let you loose your smile.
I'm asking him to take care of you,
Since I've given up on what has been mine.

You've asked me,
if I ever fell for someone,
If I  ever missed someone.
I didn't answered,just walked off,
Then I looked up in the sky and said

You have a life,
full of love ahead of you,
Don't ask me to come back.
You have everything you ever wanted,
Just loose your best friend.
399 · Sep 2018
My reality
Gulishta Sep 2018
Weaving my hand through your hairs,
I wanna hold you and keep you there.
Sole object of your attention,
Every minute,every second you could spare.

Being on top of your priority list,
My commend your every wish.
You and me an us,
Without you I couldn't exist.

So many boundaries keeping us apart,
A wish for a moment,just for a moment.
I could forget about that.

I want to touch your face with my fingertips,
See your eyes up close.
I wanna trace your every feature,
Memorise your cologne.
I wanna mark your skin with my teeth,
Smother you with my lips.
I wanna hold on to your solid arms,
Hear your every hitch in your breath.
I wanna tear down your walls,
Make a home in your heart.
I wanna hold your hand in the street,
Kiss you on the dance floor.
I wanna cherish being in love,
Shout it at the roof top.

My last sight your smile,
My last breath your name.
My last lesson your love,
My last tear on your face.
My last bed your arms,
My last reality your surname.
396 · Nov 2017
wish you were here.
Gulishta Nov 2017
I never took you seriously,
Never knew what you mean to me.
Everything we shared ,
Showed me how much you cared.
Your possessiveness used to scared me,
Now I wish to see your beautiful eyes staring at me.

Singing with the radio,the sad songs.
Days of dancing in your arms are long gone.
It used to suffocate me,
The way you were always around.
Now I wish to feel your arms on me.

Why did I go made it complicated?
When you were that committed.
Trying looking for something,
that's always been there.
Now I wish to you to be here.
391 · Dec 2019
Gulishta Dec 2019
Picked up my pen
And thought about the things
I wanna write about.

Closed my eyes
For inspiration
You are still the only thing
I could think about.
382 · Dec 2017
To the girl who broke him.
Gulishta Dec 2017
It's been a while since you left him.
But you are still living in him,
He says he has moved on and forgotten about you.,
But when he is drunk and have his guards down,
I see the real him,
I see the regret and heartbreak he's keeping.
The regret in his smile..that never reaches his eyes.
The regret of being so in love with you.
That it change him...Everything about him.
From his watch to clothes to apartment to his personality .
And I don't have to ask if those things reminded him of you..
Because he has said..everything does.
Maybe that's why he hates his skin..
Because he can't change it..
He says it smells of you..
He says love is a tragedy happens to two people at the same time.
You are killing every part of him.
One by one ..
I'm listening everything he has to say..
I can't do anything about it for my dismay.
I've heard him cry himself to sleep.
I've seen him struggle to do simple things.
Is it love that he carries on his body or a scar that you gave him.
Isn't love supposed to be a good thing??
Please let him go for good
or come back to him.
380 · Sep 2017
Gulishta Sep 2017
We were walking from the market,
Reaching on time was the target.
Talking about this and that,
I can't remember what went bad.
I said I was fed up,
I don't know why I blew up.
But the result was disastrous,
The glare on your face was murderous.
Oh! How much I want to take it all back,
Oh!  How much of it all I regret.
I asked if it was the way it ends,
Your reaction was no comments.
I'm burning here in this guilt,
Choosing to loose what we've built.
Oh!  how much I want to take it all back,
Oh! how much of it I regret.
378 · Nov 2017
Ready to be mine.
Gulishta Nov 2017
A simple touch,
An innocent hug,
I'm trying to rein my feelings,
Please make it worth.

Twinkling eyes,
Goofy smile,
Don't be that sweet ,
It's getting harder to hide.

You're touchy feely,
Please take it easy,
You've got no idea
what's going on inside,
This head of mine.

You're all over the place,
I'm trying to keep inside,
Please behave until ,
You are ready to be mine.
374 · Sep 2019
Forever twenty-five.
Gulishta Sep 2019
On the journey of finding myself,
                   I found a broken heart.
We went on an adventure together,
                   No questions asked.

We bonded on shared love for music,
            Movies,books and abstract art.
We huddled when the road bumped,
            Then....we drifted apart.

With a constant ache for more,
           We Kept trying to make it last.
An unspoken rule to let go,
            To not think about the future past.

A rocky Mountain,
         With smooth silk lane.
A fresh perspective of storm,
          Just to keep us sane.

An impossible possibility,
        An uncharacteristic faith.
A bond formed with respect,
        No caring for mutual gain.

An attachment. ..or attraction...
                 Didn't know the name.
Just a bug ruptured,
                 Driving us insane.

One couldn't express,
                 One couldn't hide.
Push and pull of desire,
                  Love came in blind.

Few smiles. ...immensely expressive eyes.
One look of naked emotions. ...
The dam broke....and the ice vaporised.
374 · Nov 2017
A journey
Gulishta Nov 2017
The innocence of childhood.
The excitement of learning something new.
The process of growing up.
The hustle bustle of teenagers.
The hide and seek in the street.
Riding the bicycle for the first time.
Getting A+ in least favourite subject.
The increasing trophies on shelf.
The collection of stupid things .
The crushes on movie stars.
The understanding of friendship.
The push and pull of relationship.
The hovering of parents.
The annoying interference of siblings.
The first love.
The stepping into adulthood.
The going through college.
The torture of professors.
The experience of heartbreak.
The first hangover.
The process of finding the job.
And starting the "adult life".
The finding of forever.
Making a life together.
And starting a family.
And here's come the new circle.
368 · Nov 2022
Gulishta Nov 2022
Feel of a lost direction
   A path saved for later
Took about a hundred try
   Lost the touch.... what's the matter?
367 · Sep 2017
Gulishta Sep 2017
When the beating of your heart change,
Because of the texts you just exchange.
When someone's smile makes your heart fly,
And you know there are no rules to apply.
When you can't stop thinking,no matter,
And promises yourself to do better .
When you feel so light ,
And just want to  hold on tight.
When you feel you can change the world,
But still can't say the word.
What you can do for them is whatever,
And the promises of forever.
When you can take what life give,
And still have the power to forgive.
When there's no right or wrong of a side,
Because that one person is by your side.
362 · Nov 2017
No more
Gulishta Nov 2017
No more, expectations,
No more, explanations.
No more, sticking around,
No more, staring at the ground.

No more, letting you tell what to do,
No more, letting anyone through.
No more, saying "I love you ",
No more, weaving my life around you.

No more, wanting to get back together,
No more, the illusion of forever.
No more, hiding my tears,
No more, conscious what not to wear.

No more, letting you near,
No more, living in fear.
No more, pretending to sway,
No more, letting you get away.
351 · Apr 2019
The trio.
Gulishta Apr 2019
A trio,
       A bond,
              The mortal enemies,
                         Ended up being friends.
We met when we were kids,
      Well you two were...I was always me!
It started with just two,
     Ohh how I wish I can erase that from my memory.
Sitting on the same desk,
                      Fighting every day.
I didn't liked you very much,
                  But we were partners anyway.
We fought,
           We loved ,
                    We hated.
We smiled,
           We cried ,
                     Got separated.
Then we met again,
          We were better this time.
Within the space of two years,
          I learned the patience you learned to smile.
We got separated again,
         But never lost the touch.
Well,if we were always together,
         Would've been too much!.

Then came the third counterpart,
         And balanced it all.
The huge space you carry,
         We were going with the flow.

Taking a trip together,
        Sharing a hotel room.
We bonded on window seat,
        And seriously bad food.

I don't remember,
       what happened after that!!
It's all a blur ,
       Of having a good time and sarcastic comment.
Emotions and support,
       Couldn't ask for better.
If I die tomorrow,
       It would be without regret.
Just don't make fun of my corpse,
       Let me die without your cracks.
So glad to have you both,
       In this weird *** world.
I'm happy I was there to ground you,
      To keep you both in line,
And to teach about the life.
331 · Sep 2021
The crown prince.
Gulishta Sep 2021
An active active duty call...
Words...please spread them for...
For a life lost somewhere...
Somewhere...we couldn't look for.

Burdened hearts with heavy shoulders...
A youth lost to nature.

We moved one stone,
Another turns up..what's the matter.

In the valley ...where river flows..
It all seams a little scary,

The path left unmounted..
But couldn't stop the screaming,

Soundless words spoken...
Haunted eyes prays...
Hallowed emotions broke...
The last fragile part of the brain.

The one among the thousands..
The life left to chaos,
Hanging in a self imposed purgatory..
But the life.. still goes on.
324 · Aug 2018
Gulishta Aug 2018
Black clouds covering the white,
Thunder and lightning exploded,
Making the birds to take flight.

Wind blowing,
      Swinging everything to right.
Huddling a family of veronica's,
      In a corner, to survive.

The raindrops,
     Making everything bright.
The pearls hitting my window,
     Making me come outside.

The prism forming,
      The scattering of light.
Colors bursting,
      A mesmerising site.

Essence of this beauty,
     Capturing in my eyes.
Trying to giving it a form of a poem,
    Failing miserably this time.
322 · Feb 2023
Gulishta Feb 2023
More than anything,
I'm thankful and I'm elated that I found you.
More than anything
I love the companionship and everything about you.

You are the answer
To my every prayer
You are perfection
Anything else doesn't really matter.

You make me love myself
You make me feel safe.
You make me feel untouchable
As if nothing bad can ever happen.

You made content,
You made feel cherished.
You make it so easy to love you
You are an honest to god miracle.

You are my home,my safe place.
You are everywhere,but still give me space.
You are my hope,and all the good inside.
You are my supporter, roaster on the other side.

You are the other half of my soul
The creator created me with your bone.
I was lost somewhere in the storm
Thank you for being my home.
321 · Nov 2017
Moving on.
Gulishta Nov 2017
The stillness of the house,
The chaos in my brain.
The pigeon sitting on the window,
It just me and him again.

The vacant cupboard,
The empty shoe-rack.
the numbness that surrounds me,
And the things I still have to pack.

The moon high up in the sky,
the brightness of the stars.
it's all gonna help me,
to heal those scars.

the peaceful quiet,
after a very long time.
trying to leave everything behind,
that's all on my mind.
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