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277 · Sep 2021
The crown prince.
Gulishta Sep 2021
An active active duty call...
Words...please spread them for...
For a life lost somewhere...
Somewhere...we couldn't look for.

Burdened hearts with heavy shoulders...
A youth lost to nature.

We moved one stone,
Another turns up..what's the matter.

In the valley ...where river flows..
It all seams a little scary,

The path left unmounted..
But couldn't stop the screaming,

Soundless words spoken...
Haunted eyes prays...
Hallowed emotions broke...
The last fragile part of the brain.

The one among the thousands..
The life left to chaos,
Hanging in a self imposed purgatory..
But the life.. still goes on.
273 · Apr 2019
Saving grace.
Gulishta Apr 2019
An animal caught in a trap,
Caged for self interest.
Having extinguished the fire,
But can you break the spirit?

True nature of a beast,
A single moment and you'll be a feast.
Affection and loyalty,
Should've been the priorities.

The prey is the predator,
The hunter being hunted,
The captor become captive,
This game changes every second.

Loyalty to the friend,
Dimiss for the foe.
Strength in isolation,
And The revenge is savage.
271 · Jul 2021
Gulishta Jul 2021
We never truly move on
     We just learn to hide it a little better..
Cause some wounds are on our soul
      That changes the shape of us.
270 · Jan 2018
Coming undone.
Gulishta Jan 2018
Your breath fanning my face.
Your hands in my hairs.
The depth of your dark eyes staring at me.
The power that flows from you to me.
The intensity with you love.
This spark simmering between us.
Blood flowing with undercurrent.
The pulse beating behind your ear.
My hands drifting down your back.
Our breathing that's increasing every passing sec.
The buildup of this chemistry..
Hovering over the edge.
Diving down from this cliff.
One touch..... is all what it took,
For me to come undone.
267 · Feb 2023
Gulishta Feb 2023
More than anything,
I'm thankful and I'm elated that I found you.
More than anything
I love the companionship and everything about you.

You are the answer
To my every prayer
You are perfection
Anything else doesn't really matter.

You make me love myself
You make me feel safe.
You make me feel untouchable
As if nothing bad can ever happen.

You made content,
You made feel cherished.
You make it so easy to love you
You are an honest to god miracle.

You are my home,my safe place.
You are everywhere,but still give me space.
You are my hope,and all the good inside.
You are my supporter, roaster on the other side.

You are the other half of my soul
The creator created me with your bone.
I was lost somewhere in the storm
Thank you for being my home.
264 · Jan 2018
Who am I?
Gulishta Jan 2018
Sitting at your door,
Knocking every once in a while.
Waiting for you to open up,
So I could stay there for a while.

Call me an opportunist,
Call me a begger.
Call me your own reflection,
Call me a wager.

Won't go until I met you,
Waiting for it to happen.
Or you can make it easy for me,
Do something about it.

Everything that has to happen,
Is going to happen anyway.
You wanna stand and stare me in the eyes?
Or you can give me your back,
I'll enter from your side.

Being afraid of me,
Won't do you any good.
I'm persistent, stubborn and relentless.

Wanna know who am I? ?
         YOUR DESTINY.
258 · Dec 2017
Don't kill the saviour.
Gulishta Dec 2017
Suppressed emotions,
Depressed mind.
Looking everywhere for courage,
Instead of looking inside.

Struggling to stand,
Don't want the support.
Wasting away a life.
Don't know how to afford.

It isn't a bad thing,
Asking for help.
Want to conquer the world,
Hoping to be blessed.

Accepting what life gives,
Doesn't mean a failure.
Imagine yourself a hero,
Don't **** the saviour.
257 · Oct 2018
Gulishta Oct 2018
Love is the simplest thing in the world,
Yet the most complicated.
It's the easiest emotion to feel,
Yet the hardest to keep.
It's the basic foundation of living,
Yet people keep searching.
Have a language of its own,
Yet don't need saying.
255 · Nov 2019
Break free.
Gulishta Nov 2019
Start from the beginning. ..
From the ins and outs of the shadows
Lurking just underneath
The righteous path you've chosen.

Let it flow through your veins
Direct to your heart
Let it direct you to the darkness
You're trying to hide from.
To become something
You're supposed to be
Rather being someone
You meant to  be.

Tell me about the courage
You've found within the Hopelessness
About the moment
Where you've found the solace in your darkness
The acceptance you've given yourself
About the emotion that made you decide
About not wanting the approval
Of the ones who broke the promise
To love you unconditionally.

Where you broke the chains
Binding you to everything
You've known to know
Exactly what it's like
To be the supporting character
In your own story.

And about the out of  body experience
And the knowledge that
It was you all along
Who held the cards
Just didn't know the play...

The prison felt like the home
Or the home was the prison
You were the key to it all...

Tell me about how you found it
To break free.
I was kinda unsure about this one...but it felt like I needed to share it...this one doesn't have rhymes and proper Verses. ..but still one of the closest to my heart.
251 · Nov 2017
A question.
Gulishta Nov 2017
Your innocence is what captured me first,
Then your personality became elixir for my thirst.
You were always too witty,
Used to make my jaw gritty.
Then you started to look cute,
And I knew the chances of being something between us were acute.

One day suddenly it strucked me,
That you became a big part of me.
I started to look forward to our banter,
And every other interesting encounter.
You were every thing that I didn't wanted,
Now it feels, for you I've waited.

But I'm too afraid to say.
What happens if you wants me away?
Should I risk already good relation and my heart?
Would it be the end or a fresh start?.
250 · Sep 2018
A bird with a thread.
Gulishta Sep 2018
Tangling your wings,
      With a thread.
Not caring to fall,
       Or any other threat.
Flapping and flagging,
       Still try to fly.
Abandoning your nest,
       For a flight in the sky.
Keeping the promises,
      Taking the dive.
Trusting the wind,
      Hoping to survive.
Having one end,
      Around your neck.
Sharpened your beak,
     Been ready to strike.
Defying the gravity,
      The stubborn polite.
Grasping the straws,
      Remembering the fight.
Will it be you or me,
      Is left to decide.
Cut through the thread,
      It will be us that you'll sacrifice.
247 · Nov 2017
I got lost on my way home.
Gulishta Nov 2017
I got lost on my way home.
There was this place,
That I didn't know .
So beautiful but out of reach.
I tried the walls but couldn't breach .

There was solitude and greatness .
There was compassion and happiness.
There was a life of absolution.
And maybe with a lot of solutions.

I wanted to stay but couldn't.
I wanted to make a home there but couldn't.
I wasn't what they wanted.
Not worthy enough.

I was just a human.
With lust and envy.
With love and jealousy.
With a motive and a search for empathy.
237 · May 2019
Gulishta May 2019
Respect comes from inside
No fear can earn it
Prioritiesing is the way
To resolve the conflict
They say this is all
A game of certain
Rules and expectations
Are the proof of
One finding you their own.
235 · Dec 2017
Lost in it.
Gulishta Dec 2017
There was a corner in my heart ,
That I didn't let anyone see.
There was a space in my mind,
Where I didn't let anyone be.

There was a piece of my soul,
That I didn't let anyone have.
There was a part of my life,
Where no one came to stay.

There were some of my words,
Those I never said to anyone.
There were some of my actions,
Those I didn't let anyone understand.

Then you came by..
    And everything changed.
You started to exist. .
    I was ceased by.
I called your name so much. .
    I started to get recognised by it.
You were what I became. .
    And myself somewhere lost in it.
234 · Dec 2017
Not in love.
Gulishta Dec 2017
I'm not in love with you. .
It doesn't matter that I wake up every morning  wishing to see your face.

I'm not in love with you. .
It doesn't matter that everthing reminds of you.

I'm not in love with you. .
It doesn't matter that I check my phone every few minutes, wishing to see your name pop up.

I'm not in love with you. .
It doesn't matter that if you don't talk to me a single day,I'll go crazy.

I'm not in love with you. .
It doesn't matter that If you are sad,my heart refuse to feel any joy.

I'm not in love with you. .
It doesn't matter that I'm missing you like I'm missing a part of myself, while writing this poem.
232 · Dec 2019
Just this day
Gulishta Dec 2019
As we walk over the lawn
     Facing the wrath of the crashing waves
    Feeling the dew beneath the sole of our foot
     As the grass tickles on every footstep

As the sun rises up with all of it's technicolour glory
    Bathing the sky with golden glitter
         Burning the water in it's yellow liquid rage.

As the wind chilled our bones
      But the beauty keep us warm
As the birds take flight
      To keep the young one fed
As the smell of the ocean
       Nurture wounds as a balm
As Foam form ashore
        Wet sand on our toes
As the day embrace the light
        The promise kept by the night
As a new hope emerges
         Just this day we'll keep up the fight.
231 · Jan 2019
Truth of the poem.
Gulishta Jan 2019
Everyone reads the same words,
But the meaning is always different.
It's in the mind of the reader,
Where it's hidden,
The meaning of the poem.

Some relate to the emotions,
Some just like the words.
Some can interpret as it is,
Some take it to another level.
It's in the eyes of the reader,
Where it's hidden,
The beauty of the poem.

For some it's a song,
For some it's a lesson.
For some it's just a saying,
For some it's a passion.
It's in the heart of the reader,
Where it's hidden,
The purpose of the poem.

Sometimes it reminds us of a good time,
Sometimes it makes us cry.
Sometimes it's just what we wanna hear,
Sometimes it shows the ugly side.
It's in thoughts of the reader,
Where it's hidden,
The truth of the poem.
224 · Dec 2017
Life goes on.
Gulishta Dec 2017
You learn to walk..
You learn to run..
You fell down. .
You scrap your knee. .
You broke your hand. .
You loose your patience. .
You loose your mind. .
But you still try..
You get up. .
Try to stay upright. .
You crawl. .
You wobble. .
Then you stand up..
You start to fight..
You prove yourself. .
You defeat every obstacle. .
You conquer every fear. .
You became what you wanna be. .
The best version of yourself. .
It doesn't matter what you left behind. .
Everything that came and went was a lesson..
Everything that stayed. yours.
Life goes on.
223 · Sep 2019
Hate to love you.
Gulishta Sep 2019
An innocent connection,
              A trap set to entrap.
A twisted tale of desperation,
               A bond left inept.

An angel....
       With a smile of the devil,
Got a heart full of warmth. ..          
        With the mind of an evil.

Desired to reach inside...
       Within the vaults you tried to hide.
A crack left it open....
         The door stretched wide.

The hand reached out to help...
       The hand snatched it away.
A single question asked...
        Stand the ground and just stay.

A step closer to the glory....
        A step closer to the doom.
There's no time to flourish...
         There's no time to bloom.

The beginning was the end. ..
       The end was the beginning.
The round and round and round. ..
        It's about time to let it stand still.
221 · May 2019
Soul pilgrimage.
Gulishta May 2019
Keeping everyone at the arm length,
    Not trusting a soul.
This isolation you choose for yourself,
    Is it yours or someone else's fault?

A jaded heart,
     A broken trust.
          A love unfinished,
                And an unquenched thirst.

It hurts to love,
    More so to be loved.
           A race unending,
                  But finishing is must.

Trusting the instinct,
     No fear to be ashtray.
              Fighting the battle,
                     No shelter  ,   no escape.

A pilgrimage of your own,
          Don't need the rest.
                 Everyone left behind,
                       Turned to ashes or dust.

Is it really about?
        If you need someone or not.
You came alone in this world,
        You gonna go alone as well.
221 · Jul 2021
Part one
Gulishta Jul 2021
Empty promises and awkward silence
The hurt the guilt the regret
All part of this scam
The time insignificant
The time spent so far
I was arrogant in one battle
But you won the war.
220 · Nov 2017
For you.
Gulishta Nov 2017
You came slowly,
without making a noise.
Made a home inside my heart,
Didn't gave me a choice.
I didn't even realise,
Until it was too late.
Never in my life,
Have I ever took a bait.
You became my reason to smile,
You eyes became my reason to keep going with my life.
Your laughter became music to my ears,
Your dedication took away my reasons to fear.
You became the beating of my heart,
You became every wish I asked to the stars.
You became the centre of my universe,
You became the reason for my existence.
218 · Dec 2017
A poet without words.
Gulishta Dec 2017
You were music and sunshine.
You were laughter and light.
You burned so bright while having a dark side.
When you were around. ..
                           I felt alive.
I was unstoppable. ......
                           With you by my side.
You inspired emotions. ....
                           And intense feelings.
You became my muse....
                         Made writing easy.
Then you left....
                    Took away my words with you.
Now I'm a poet ...
          Struggling to write anything that doesn't remind me of you.
           Every word feel dishonest.
           Every verse broken.
           Every promise a lie.
           Every poem incomplete.
          And I'm trying to get by.
I let you go...
            Because you wanted me to.
I closed the door...
            I thought it'll help me through.
Just please return my words...
           Then go back to being you.
218 · Jul 2021
Gulishta Jul 2021
Standing beside the one I thought was on my side.
It took an immersion of a massive disaster to know that wasn't something the one wanted.
The ploy of little tiles expanded on a Scrabble board to find the meaning
Behind the smile hidden by the obvious eye roll.
It all feels as if every moment was fake.
218 · Jun 2019
Gulishta Jun 2019
As I walked the dark hallways
To navigate my way through
The desperation to feel something
Something real
Or the promises to reach out to
The brightest part or corner of my heart
Where it all lies in a jumbled mess
To solve it I gotta resolve
The issue inside the conditional box
Tucked below my bed
In a color coordinated portfolio
To lure away the bogeyman
I gotta wake up from this
Insomnia to prevent it from
Turning the dream into the nightmare.
218 · Oct 2018
Let go.
Gulishta Oct 2018
You gave a good fight,
Now it's time for you to stop.
You did what you could've,
With your shield and your sword.
Your scars your trophy,
Your skin your wall of fame.
Your blood spilled for loyalty,
And every one of those broken bones.
A bloodied battle,
For a crown made of stone.
Enemies and friends alike,
Shielding away the cruel,
Innocents on the point of the swords.
Looking around you,
Can you tell who won or who loose?
Blood flowing is all red,
Doesn't matter to whom it belong.
It's the same ache they feel,
To go back to their home.
You fought for what you thought was right.
Have you ever thought about of it being all wrong?.
Would you be weak?
Or would you be strong?.. To let go..
Not fighting anymore.
214 · Mar 2018
A beginning. .
Gulishta Mar 2018
You loved me for that moment. .
Why should I ask you to love me forever.?
It was enough for me....
                         to know you ..
I won't change it for the world.
It was the best....
                       while it lasted.
We had a tremendous time.
It was beautiful...
                       Please don't be sad.
We got what we wanted. .
                It doesn't matter for how long.
Can you imagine??..what a tragedy it would've been..
                 Not knowing you at all?...
I'll carry a part of you with me .
You carry a part of me..
       In the long down future ....
You smile when see me..
And I'll smile with all the light and memories that you left with me.
214 · Nov 2017
Till we meet again.
Gulishta Nov 2017
I didn't wanted to ***** you,
Wanted to give you time.
I was taking it slow,
Since I thought,we have a lifetime.

But you were snatched away,
In such a brutal way.
I couldn't get my bearing,
Couldn't believe what I was hearing.

I didn't know you were struggling,
What kind of a friend I've been?
Didn't even know,
The hand you were dealing.

I was just around the corner,
You would just have to reach.
Or you could've just told me,
We would've set up a meeting.

I would've answered,
Anytime you called.
What was your hesitation?
I was your best you've told!

If you would've just told me,
Maybe we would've still had time.
I would've moved heaven and earth,
Just to make you mine.

I searched for you forever,
Looking for your face in stranger.
Even chasing few wrong persons,
There's new height for my hallucinations.

Now,I'm going through the motion,
Working through this pain.
Waiting for that day to come,
Till we meet again.
211 · Feb 2018
By my side.
Gulishta Feb 2018
I wanna hold still,
     But wanna keep moving.
I don't want a choice,
     But the choice of choosing.
I wanna stay ahead,
      But so far behind.
I wanna live on the edge,
     But with a precocious mind.
I want you to let me go,
     But hold on to me tight.
I wanna fly in the sky,
     But with my feet touching the ground.
I wanna loose it all ,
     But still want to survive.
I wanna be alone,
     But with someone by my side.
208 · Nov 2018
Gulishta Nov 2018
Just let everything be...
Take one moment at a time,
Take a deep breath. ...
Baby!..All you gotta do is try.

I promise....
I'll hold your hand,
Clutch it as hard as you want.
Sync your breathing with mine,
Baby!...all you gotta do is try.

I'll be your support system,
I'll be your fan.
I'll be your teddy bear,
Even punching bag....I swear!.
Have faith in the faith I have in you.
Just hold on...
Baby...all you gotta do is try.

We'll face it together,
Two peas in a pod.
You're my key card baby,
I'm your slot.
You are me and I'm you,
Let's just stick together...
We'll be through.
One breath.
One moment at a time...
Baby. ..all you gotta do is try.

I'll carry your burden,
You'll carry mine...
There's nothingto lose,
The pleasure will be mine.
Just let me hold you...
That's all I crave.
Don't be ashamed to be vulnerable,
It's a done deal...
I'm yours....You're not getting any say.
Let me be with you baby...
All I'm asking you to do is Try!.
207 · Oct 2019
Gulishta Oct 2019
He said he knew me...
For who I was.
Said he saw me....
As I was.
Loved me to the core...
For what I was.

Perfection.... he said I defined.
Projection....but his heart was mine.
Respect and adoration ...
Made his eyes shine.

His words ....left a greater meaning.
His eyes....told me from the beginning.
His smile...finally reached his eyes.
The last he did decide.

The faith in me...
     ...more about the faith in him.
The love for me...
     ...more the love for him.
205 · Nov 2017
An unwanted love.
Gulishta Nov 2017
He said,
I like you, a little.
I want you, a little.
I trust you, a little.
Wanna be with you, a little.
Wanna love you, a little.

I said,
I don't think it's possible.
That my decision is irreplaceable.
That I wouldn't let this happen.

Then why?
I was the one to fall.
I was the one who couldn't be alone.
After knowing everything all along,
Why am I the one who couldn't keep,
My head and heart apart?
Why am I the one,with a broken heart?.
205 · Aug 2018
Found me.
Gulishta Aug 2018
In that moment,
      When I was vulnerable.
In that moment,
       When you wanted something memorable.
In that moment,
       When something was about to happen,
In that moment,
       When nothing can make it saddened.
In that moment,
       When we were about to get the world.
In that moment,
        When there was nothing but you,me and those words.
In that moment,
       When you got down on your knee.
In that moment,
       When you asked me from me.
In that moment,
       I lost myself to you.
And In that moment,
       I found me.
204 · Nov 2018
Gulishta Nov 2018
Waking before the dawn,
Chasing the sunrise.
Rushing over the work load,
Being on TIME.
Carrying a casserole filled with,
Exotic aroma and spice.
Planning and plotting in front,
Dropping the hints behind.
Building an unmeasured,
an anticipated delight.
Waiting and watching,
Your annoying secret holding smile.
You were not very good by the way,
Or were you just pretending to hide?
It was all in open,
But I couldn't contain my high.
I was so bumped when you told me,
There wasn't even a surprise.
You actually fooled me,I'll give you that,
Started calling myself stupid and naive.
And I wanted to **** you,when you exposed,
Your ill hided and goofiest  birthday surprise.
204 · Sep 2018
Gulishta Sep 2018
The signs of the time.
Reading between the lines.
Listening to the eerie quite.
And brightness of the sky.
Watching the hours goes by.
Humming sound from inside.
Reading my own mind.
Minutes and seconds being mine.
All alone,
Sitting outside.
Is it lonely?
Or I'm having the time of my life.
Quite possibly both,
At this moment,
Feeling most satisfied.
198 · Nov 2019
One by two.
Gulishta Nov 2019
On a perfect contrary
To a perfect deception,
Hearts in the eyes
Signals weak for reception.
Another day. ..another illusion,
Sit back a little,
Just read through instructions.
198 · Feb 2019
Always and forever
Gulishta Feb 2019
A fragile innocence,
    A demon trying to steal.
A family sworn to protect,
    And a witch fighting to heal.

The powers and priorities.
    The assets and liabilities.
The friends and allies.
    The duty and responsibilities.

The friends became the foe.
    The loved ones are lost.
The spells of protection.
    And the truth trying to cloak.

The harness of pain,
    The threads of sanity.
The switch between the brothers,
    In exchange with clarity.

To defeat the monsters,
    The family should stick together.
Even demons and monsters are afraid,
    Of their always and forever.
It's inspired by a show I watched a while ago.
This always and forever stole my heart.
198 · Nov 2017
A mess.
Gulishta Nov 2017
My mind is a mess.
This game of life,
Really similar to chess.
I don't know what is right or wrong.
I don't know ,if I wanna be with someone or stay all alone.

I'm trying to solve this puzzle.
Everytime I come close ,
There's another one.
I don't know what to believe.
I don't know,if I should be scared or relieved.
Should I enjoy this feeling?
Or run for the hills??

Maybe it's a bad thing,
My lack of experience.
Or Maybe I shouldn't,
Take this That seriously.
197 · Jan 2018
Happy ever after.
Gulishta Jan 2018
A touch like feather,
             Like warm summer weather.
A hope shining bright,
             And stars twinkling eyes.
A promise of a new life,
             No reasons to hide.
A love forbidden,
             A color that's crimson.
A feeling like wind in the hair,
            The life about to be shared.
A dodged bullet,
            And a happy ever after.
197 · Dec 2017
A confession.
Gulishta Dec 2017
I have a confession.
I'm scared.
I'm overwhelmed.
I'm not thinking straight.
I've never been more afraid.
I'm losing it.
This feeling is becoming an essential.
I can't accept a partial.
It's cutting me deep.
It's making me bleed.
It's grazing on my heart.
It's tearing me apart.
It's blurring my vision.
It's raising the suspicion.
And It's becoming consuming.
196 · Dec 2017
Running out of time.
Gulishta Dec 2017
I'm running out of time,
I have to make a life ,starting from a dime.
I don't know how it came to this!
I was living in an oblivious bliss.

My life is hanging from a thread.
I can't even take it as a threat.
They say it's all for the best.
But my mind can't seems to understand.

I'm struggling everyday to make something stand.
I'm trying to control it,
But it keeps getting out my hand.

This flame of the desire that burning inside,
Oh how much more should I have to sacrifice? .
I want something, but life keeps getting in between .
It's such a mess,I want a blank screen.

I wanna write on it.
Make something beautiful.
But why there are always other obligations? 
That I must fulfill.
195 · Oct 2018
Gulishta Oct 2018
You came slowly .....
       With your silent feet,
               And hushed breath.

Sneaking behind me .....
        As the silent sea,
               Before tsunami.

Swept me away.....
      In your whirlwind,
               Snatching the ground beneath my feet.

I was floating with your current.....
        At the mercy of your waves,
             Catching breath in-between my last priority.

I was yours....
     Being drown or saved.
I was yours....
     To discard or to hold.
I was yours....
     With my body and soul.

But in the chaos erupting around. ..
       I forgot......
             To ask you to be mine.
194 · Nov 2019
Peaceful chaos.
Gulishta Nov 2019
When the darkness of my heart,
Took over the shiny parts.
When the fog lifted,
The calmness of chaos sat in.

When I lost the dream colored glasses,
Only then I could really focus.
The Scowl  behind the smile,
The wretchedness of the mind.

I saw the colours of the faces,
The colours of people's heart.
The ugliness hidden behind,
The stony glittered mask.

Lost amidst the crowd,
The family of one.
All about the blood,
Emotions mattered to no one.

A mental struggle,
Faith losing the lustre.
Concerned about the health,
Why don't you see a doctor!?.

Open eyes...
Narrowed mind.
Push and pull of acceptance,
I hope you wouldn't mind!.

Couldn't stand out,
Wouldn't be among the crowd.
The final decision made,
It was.. which no one talked about!.
I would rather have a peaceful chaos than false calm....rather chose a fight than coward way out.
192 · Dec 2019
Happy birthday
Gulishta Dec 2019
Echo of your silent footsteps
Playing on the loop
Strange remembrance
Of the Words spoken out
Under false pretense
And the  moments
of curiosity
Tricking me to believe
You're somewhere near.
192 · Jan 2021
Forgot today
Gulishta Jan 2021
      Futuristic mind set..
      Planning the next step.
In living inside tomorrow...
    Our today needs some help.
192 · Sep 2018
Blood tie.
Gulishta Sep 2018
A known stranger,
An unknown blood tie.
A bond formed by truth,
A relation tangled in lies.

A manipulative familiarity,
An aching small piece of mine.
A place darker then night sky,
A light resurrect everytime it die.

The hatred lurching,
Underneath blinding smile.
A soothing presence,
On other side of the phone line.

Hands raised,
To sooth the ache.
Inflicted by the sworn,
Proctector of this life.

Authorities,making decisions.
Certain rules seems to apply.
The duty left to fullfil,
By another,keeping on stand by.

Being yours,
           Is a curse.
Not being yours,
           Is certainly worse.

Identity crises,
      Or maybe crises of a life time.
Comes the time to pick,
      Still choose the blood tie.
190 · Dec 2017
A story.
Gulishta Dec 2017
The first time I saw him.
He had a far away look in his eyes.
I couldn't look away.
He was the most beautiful of the sights.

Next time,
He was talking with his hands.
I stood on sidewalk, tried to understand.
He looked at me, gave me a nod.
Acknowledging my presence, still leaving it alone.

It was the fifth or maybe sixth time,
then he talked.
For a second, my breathing, my heart, my world has stopped.

His eyes hypnotising.
His voice a song written just for me.
His smile made the world lit up.
And the confidence to never give up.

He was the wind,I was the dust.
floating with him,with a blind trust.
He did everthing right.
I did what I could to make our future bright.

Then he left. ..without a backward glance.
Now I'm a shell of a person. ..
Struggling to give love a second chance.
190 · Jul 2019
The moment.
Gulishta Jul 2019
As I made the journey...
       From "what I could" "what I should "..
I died a thousand million deaths.

Every insecurity. ..
       Every doubt...
               Every failure...
                      Every fear....
Came rushing towards....
           knocking me a few pegs down.

The mirror.......the reality..
The choices.......the destiny..
My sanctuary. .
My safe sanity.

The mess I've created...
    The Love I crave...
My heart losing control. ...
     My mind telling to behave.

The battle ground inside...
    Which side to choose...
No matter how I play it...
     It is me whose gonna lose.

My eyes cry...
     My lips smile...
          My heart beats...
                My soul dies.

One moment. emotion.
I was lost to oblivion...
      A different version of myself.
For better or for worse??
       You were there......
              Do you not like me anymore?.
189 · May 2018
You and I.
Gulishta May 2018
You pull me up,
        When I let you down.
I'm the one who float,
        You bring me to the ground.
You are better than me,
        You make me better.
You put us back together,
        Everytime when  I shatter.
I'm the one guilty,
         You are the one who plead.
I'm evolving,
         You are the one who succeed.
I have desire for the wings,
         You are my teether without any string.
You make me stronger,
          When I make you weak.
You are a part of me,
          Without me you can't exist.
I'm understanding,
           You are the depth.
I'm the words ,
            You are the strength.
You are everything,
            That I need and want to have.
188 · Nov 2017
Waiting for you.
Gulishta Nov 2017
Watching you from afar,
Waiting for you to notice,
That you are what I wanted.
And everybody can tell it.

I want you to make the move,
Not because I'm shy,
just have something to prove.
We have an unsteady relation.
That I'm sure we both wants to improve.

Because you are everything to me.
Like you are flowing through me.
Like I'm living on you.
Like I came in this world for you.
And right now, just here waiting for you.
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