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A Dec 2017
Don't overlook the rainbow
While you're focusing on the storm
A Nov 2017
In melancholy ambience I sit

Listening to the pitter patter of the rain on my window

Motivation has yet to find me

Tribulation has come in its place.

As I hold back tears

I say I'm fine

And move on
A Jan 2019
My English teacher says
all poems are deep and complex
and all poets formulate poems with careful scrutiny
over the course of days, weeks, months

But I say
there are beautiful poems
that take hours to write

and there are poems that spill over from the heart
and onto the page:
the poems that we write through tears, sobs, hysteria, glee, laughter, sunshine, rain

All poems were not carefully formulated
but they're all beautiful regardless
A Jan 2019
Awake your soul
dance with your heart
hope with your dreams

Sing with sun  
twitter with the birds
glide with the water

Move with the wind
freedom is yours
if you'd only learn to grasp it
A Jan 2018 is not death i am afraid of...
but a life unfulfilled
A Aug 2019
breathe in the sea
as we drift toward the storm
A Jan 2018
The crimson speckled sunset tells stories that put Shakespeare to shame

The soft and ever-so gentle clouds bellow songs of life to all who will listen

Yes, the rolling hills remind us that humans are temporary

A mere side effect of a changing and evolving planet

The Earth prompts us to remember that it takes care of us

Why can't we respect it?
A Oct 2017
My feet have brought me here

The lake with no bottom

The water is warm and inviting

Its surface a shield from the bitter and frigid Wind that claws at my skin

How easy it would be to succumb to the calm smooth surface

Made of fire and ice and everything nice

Instead I put on my jacket
And turn to face the Wind
A Dec 2018
inside my windy turmoil
I stand in the eye
trying to keep my balance
and hoping, somehow, I'll fly
A Nov 2018
the most beautiful sound in the world
is the soft pitter patter of gentle rain
on a quiet fall evening...
A Nov 2018
he is fire
and i am cold
sit back and admire
cause our love is gold

solid as the ground beneath our feet
free as the birds above our heads
with each other we are complete
hand in hand, until our deathbeds
A Dec 2017
What fuels war
With such putrid determination
That blinds widow makers
into taking life

What can only be demolished
with love
that encompasses any prejudiced mind
and turns a cheek to malicious thoughts

Two opposites are more alike than you think
Feeding passionate emotions
of harm or help
A Jan 2018
It is with a tired heart
And a tattered soul
I plead of you
don't let me go.
A Mar 2017
Hope is a flame
That lights up even the darkest nights
It demands no claim
But keeps us warm on our coldest plights
A Dec 2017
Fill me up-
  Make me whole
    Laugh with me until we're old
      Hold me close-
       Don't let go
         Make me feel invincible

                I love you
             This I know
          So stay with me, you are gold
        I could not ask
     For something more
  You are what
I live for
A Nov 2018
if you were rain
id never want to see the sun again
A Oct 2017
Dont tell me I need to be a lady
I have a ******. By default, I am a lady
Your reality is skewed
If I cuss, so be it
If I sit with my legs open, so be it
If I let my hair go crazy, so be it
i do not need makeup to be pretty
i do not need need dresses to be a lady
i do not need a man telling me how to act
You see
I am a real lady
A Nov 2017
Moms are supposed to say they love you
Moms are supposed to care
Moms are supposed to make everything better

Why then
Does my mother hurt me
Why then
Does she not care if I hurt myself
Does my mother tell me I'm not the daughter she wanted

All I need is maternal love and support
But I am lacking
A Jan 2018
When the wind works against us so
It is all I can do but smile
For most are afraid, but I know-
The wind just wants to play a while

When the rain pelts down from the heavens
And the people seek a solace in their home
A chuckle beckons
Can't they see, while its raining is the best time to freely roam

When the thunder snarls and roars
I have to appreciate it
It has the power to shake the floors
Yet thunder would never harm a soul- it has the purest spirit

Wind, rain, and thunder
Forces only the most skilled poet could write
Oh what a wonder
Nature truly does display beauty at its height
the best poet really is nature
A Dec 2017
When light fades
and everybody is quietly sleeping
I step into the slumbering night
and look at the stars

The moon shines his reassurances at me
The stars tell me it will be ok
The dark night sky brings me peace
that only it provides

Such darkness is like a silky dream
quietly fading one day into the next
No matter how bad it gets
Night will be Night, and it will always come

and the crescent will hum its hymn of tranquility
what a beautiful one it is
i yearn to learn the tune
so that i will be as peaceful as he
A Nov 2017
16 years
but i am old
i am worn

16 years
i am tattered
i am torn

16 years
i thought was enough
but here you are
you made me tough
A Mar 2017
Birds have gone to sleep-
As have deer
And now it is just me--
Sitting out here

My only companion is the wind in my hair
And the stars in sky, for they do not care,

If I'm happy, angry, lonely, or sad...
No matter what they are always glad

And just for a moment I think everything might be alright-

Sitting out here
With the wind in my hair,
The darkness of the night embracing me as an old friend,
And the stars twinkling their reassurances-
Its easy to believe I'll find happiness and peace tomorrow
And sorrow will know me no longer.
A Dec 2018
The old tree on  Maple Lane stood unwavering on the cold December night

that the young girl ended her plight

it creaked sorrowfully

as the child that once swung from its ancient limb

was buried on that evening so grim.

The old tree on Maple Lane danced to the rhythm of the wind

that glided all about, completely undisciplined

it flowered wonderfully

as the joyous winter that brought it innocence

was replaced with a warm immanence

The old tree on Maple Lane
had seen so much beauty
and so much pain

The old tree on Maple Lane
was completely beautiful and wise
Until it was slain.
save the trees!
A Dec 2018
the truth is
i write poetry
because i dont know how i feel
until i put pen to paper, and my emotions become real
A Oct 2017
my head is so full of things i want to say
my mind is clouded with thoughts id love to voice

but my mouth cant seem to speak the words

my fingers cant seem to type the sentences.
A Jan 2020
Sharing sweat, saliva, each other
Naked in body and in emotion,
It’s so much more than an act of lust
It’s trust, love, closeness
It’s the rhythm of synchronized movement
The reliance on familiarity
And the beating of two hearts as one
A Nov 2018
i think with my heart
and i move with my head
i open my mouth
and its something ive read
A Jul 2019
i'm not mad
just tired of feeling alone
A Jul 2019
more than anything
i want to be okay
A Jan 2018
I'm okay.
Everything will be okay.

— The End —