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463 · Jun 2017
Black holes are consuming nigh
Everything to see
Galactic mess of stars and stuff
All that would ever be.

Neptune sings ‘bout winds and death
While Saturn sings along,
Its rings are light and made of ice
As Jupiter stands strong.

Eight planets (perhaps nine) or so
Could wrap around the sky!
Their beauty is as unmatched as
Venus’ clouds up high.

Empty dark with rocks that fly
Down to our steady lands
This earth, this sky, this ground well meant
Can’t burn it all to shreds

At the start of all we see
The sun’s rays never cease
Until it goes, like us, like those
Like me who’d be at peace.
425 · Jun 2017
Left Behind
Children come and children go,
They grow, they live, they die.
Backflip off that net of death and
Think you’ve done them right.
Until their ****** suicide
Keeps you up at night.
And when you close your eyes you see
The mess they left behind.

Not the creaking, stretching rope—
The noose that hung them tight
But the gleam of dying light
From their glassy eyes.
And if you said to me today
That you regret it all
What would you say when I, someday,
Will live, will die, will fall?

My simple answer, darling dear,
Is that you must let go.
As hard as it may be to you,
It’s what’s already known.
We get sick, we wilt, we die,
It’s all a part of life
Just don’t be that sorry thing;
That mess I left behind.
TW: Suicide
360 · Jun 2017
This attack of feeling is an onslaught
One that maybe I’d thought was gone.
But there is no telling where it had come from
Or where it might be going.

The problem with darkness, my friends, my friends
Is that it encompasses all, like death
And like this sorrow, this void within me
Was always already there.

They say all there is, all there was will move
To steady balance, essentially nothing,
The destruction of all that we are and will be
Is all I have to look forward to.

So when I stare up at the glimmering diamonds
And their eternal twinkling dance for us,
Know I want to be, or truly see, them
Know that I want to be there.
355 · Jun 2017
Darkness is consuming you, feeling like a dream
Nightmares eat you from inside, and make you want to scream
Despite the fears you cannot yield,
Yet you cannot keep up this shield,
The battlefield is strewn in black, light is not what it seems.

Depression made you want to die, no matter how you felt
The future high above you now, gravity cannot melt
You’re blind to what was before;
You’re stuck in time, what is in store?
The Void it yawns, an open shore, you can’t see what it’s dealt…

But you think that you’ve been freed, smiling at last,
And then before you know it all that blinding light has passed.
Now with the Void here inside
Your tears of joy may now subside
That well of hope, finally dried, that Void, you see, is vast.

Death it seems is calling you, no matter how you try,
You do not want to give it up, your passions to the side
So when your soul falls to its grasp
Know nothing that it says will last!
You can survive, this too shall pass, please don’t give up your life.
TW: Death, suicide, and lots of depression! Yay!

— The End —