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try to
the tears
confuse me
once again

the heartache
blinds me
watching you
for too long

may heal
my heart
belong to
The feeling of dread in my chest.
The panic in my heart.
The swirling thoughts in my head.
The tunnel vision focus.
I made a fool of myself again yesterday, and the morning is full of regret.

I want to react, but I know that to react is to make it worse.
I want to fix it.  But behaviors cannot be undone.
I want to climb into the hole I just dug, and ignore the world now.
I want to stop thinking that my life holds so much importance.  That my actions make such a difference.  I want to stop worrying so much about if people like me, or what people think of me.  I want to remember that the world always has abundant opportunities for growth,  love, and friendship.  That to be uncomfortable now, is simply a period of reflection about who I am, and who I want to be.  To be scared of myself, is like fearing my own shadow, it's not living.

So I pick up my bleeding heart, my heavy head, and my swollen conciousness, and I take a shower, and start a new day.
I wrote this the day after asking a friend for her date's number.
What the tears of a man say
Even though you saw it
You couldn't believe
He believes something different
But what he felt at that moment
Was alive inside the mother of a dead child

You don't like the answers
And you don't what to feel them either
Like a poor hungry child
Who is taught something different
Something that cannot be proven
Just like the things we believe

Maybe we should decide
In the moment we make love
Or when we have been pushed too far
Or have lost someone we love
Is that the moment to decide?
Or is it the moment we should ignore?

Would you say that it is fear
That makes you question their love
For their children or their race
What would you say that it is
That makes you fear for the freedom
That has already been taken from them?
So many Sophisticated Words..
clickety, clic, Believing..
True Love.
clickety, clic... shh
tap, tap, tap..
a lovers persuasive ways

Desire, Lifted Up, Free  Breath Becoming
Pure Allowing
Love's  SOUL
Wild, until It Becomes Fire Again..

White Water of Intending
Intend Thee This
A Minds Eye,
with the inky Goodness of a Hard Pen
Rocking Mystery.
Laid upon the Soft Paper
of Amen's Scribe in Waiting...
Certain Victory for the Out Come.

This House is Mine.
I refuse to surrender,
To give you everything wouldn't be enough,
And I vow to fight for you until the day I die
Because your love is what makes me tough.

Your love keeps me going,
You're everything I wished for
from your flawless lips, to your caring core,
You're my dream girl, and I couldn't ask for more.
I don't want her, I want you, and only you,
and I'll prove it when I say the words "I do".

I love you.
Was originally a short poem that turned into a decent size poem.
It's not the greatest, but if you enjoyed, please:
Share, favorite, and comment! It means a lot and gets my profile out there.

Have a great day! Want me to check out your poem? Send me a message, and make sure to follow! (I'll possibly follow back) :D
 Jan 2016 Forgotten Heart
I'm alone now
like every
Nobody cares me
But I do
try my best
I'm always talking
sweet talk
nice words
But you
look my eyes
and say
"You have to be in there"
"All alone"
 Jan 2016 Forgotten Heart
i've lied my whole life
writing love poems
and pretending to fall in love
and pretending to care
just to hide this


they say i'm a monster
they call me the devil
i didn't ask for this

just because i can't feel for you
doesn't mean i can't feel.
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