Is it one size fits all
Does it fit you, is it irrevelant.
Can you smoke it
Can you wear it.. can you take it or leave it.
Is it fitting like underwear..
A just for me pair.
Poetry.. intimacy.
deep down to the soul.
Like a pair of comforting shoes.
Like your muse..
Does it heal or bruse.
Can you wear it.. if so where like on your head.
Or can it take you to bed.
Poetry does it tickle your funny bone.
Is it comical, does it delight your witty.
Does it ignite your silly..
Does it sooth the aches when you feel alone.
Poetry needs.. To absorb as it feeds. Oh it has its tone.
It has needs..It is being exposed.
Even to the unrecognizable.
Poetry is revealing..Needs reading..The poetic anatomy.
Consume It.. drink it greedily.
If you reply back It responds so happily.
Where ever you can apply it, you can have it.
Its down to the soul.. Poetry is personal.
s.a.m selinasharday 2018
All.about that poetic vibe