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i wanted to spend all my time
inside your heart
instead I spent all of it
creating art
but if I reach you in this way
then it will be true
it will be true
my love
that I am inside of you
and because of this
you will know
that how I feel about you
is what I say is true
but you left anyway
because inside your heart
you never knew
I know the difference between right and wrong,
Been in this game since when i was born,
Watched these movies and listened to these songs,
Even when am happy and when i am torn.

The woodland is getting empty each day,
Its today and tomorrow will not remain the same,
If they could speak, what would they say?
whatever it is, we are not to blame.

No matter the condition, we will produce a line,
It is in our blood, it is what we do;
the product of the woodland aids our design,
To some, this is sad but what can we do?
Just thought of how privileged we are to have access to the greatest source of our writing materials as writers.
Summer days are here again,
Or is it my mind going insane?
The beautiful petals blossom in the sun,
The radiance of a beautiful one.

I can hear a voice whistle through the trees,
A voice of serene and a voice of peace,
That can quiet this troubled soul of mine,
A miracle only of God's design.

I see her smile in the cloud,
A sign that shows today isn't bad;
From you, a gentle touch,
To me, it wont be much.

The moon and stars watch from the sky,
I hope they send you to spy,
I will catch and squeeze u tight,
But i promise not to bite.
That moment when you reconcile with your love and he/she returns home
My heart got tied by his cord,
When i saw the devil in his eyes.
Didn't mind serving him as god-
His filthy hands on my thighs,
Made me scream lord.

I have broken my vow,
I sincerely seek restitution.
But no one will listen to a "how",
They'll only see the abomination,
For i only thought of now.

It'as i who seduced him,
I was the Delilah in his bed.
Although this is such a grim,
My appetite is what i fed,
And in pleasures, i did swim.

It'as somewhat worth it,
His electric stole my soul.
Fire burned in my hells pit-
When he drove in his pole,
Though my skin he slit.

Now addicted to this master,
I want him again.
This time harder and faster,
I'd love the pleasure and pain,
And the wishing that it'll be forever.
I truely apologise if some people might see this derogatory but i know  that there are people who go through stuff like this. No judgement at all.
How did it happen
My foot isn't straight anymore
But still I walk with purpose
I know what I am living for

How did it happen
I forgot someone’s name for an instant
But still I remembered to be kind
I know what is important

How did it happen
I don’t laugh as much as in the past
But still I have a warm heart
That part of me will always last

How did it happen
I ask questions as never before
But still I have my faith  
That is all I need and nothing more
Walk without a sound
Though you carry a heavy burden
Speak in a whisper
So as not to disturb the garden
Decide with purpose
Though you may be uncertain
Open your heart
No life should suffer a curtain
Who would willingly live in the shadows,
except sadness and shame
Something changed their nature
The ruins of a past life, eclipsed,
by a story they refuse to tell

But the shadow is once again, alive;
drawing you near
It is your weakness that is strong; enough
to give you a life of meaning
And so to light you bid farewell

No reflection to guide your conscience,
only your lessons
You  gave fortitude away; in its place,
rationalization and suspicion,
within the walls of an abandoned shell

But there is a tree that remains, where
shadows exhaust themselves
It is in every memory of the heart, alone,
but ready for harvest; look upon it
and by its light God will make you well
Whist shopping in the mall last week
To fill the Christmas tree,
A derelict old soul held out
His grubby hand to me.
"Spare a copper for a cuppa mate?"
He asked with shining eyes,
And there was something in his manner
Which quite took me by surprise.
Delving deep into my pocket
A Christmas smile upon my face,
I came up with five bucks
Which made his world...a better place.
He thanked me so effusively
His face a wrinkled grin,
Then we went our separate ways
And felt the joy of Christmas


Love from Janet & Marshal
An old chestnut of mine which I wheel out every festive...for I can't, for the life of me, produce anything else which better captures the very essence of the SPIRIT of CHRISTMAS
Your birth, upon you
Your circumstance, unaware
Love, you didn’t know how
Your needs, all that you care

Questions, which ones to ask?

Direction, ambition or chance?
Life, meaningless or necessary?
Dreams, nightmares or fantasies?
Shadows, yours or someone else’s?
Walls, inside or outside?
Yesterday, regret or forget?
Tomorrow, hope or worry?
Today, cherish or squander?
Prayer, delusion or faith?
Reality, accept, deny or change?
Pain, inflicted or absorbed?
Love, to live or to die for?

Answers, to live with or without?

The time to decide is inside your clock
It cannot tell you when
It only tells you to begin
But are you still a baby as helpless as then?
Which miracle should I believe
And which one should I reject
When I was neither alive or dead
Nor witness to who laughed or wept
How can I be sure or feel at home?
Deliver reason or madness
What will it be?

Which language is only of man
And which one is from my soul
Will my tongue know to choose
Or will silence keep me whole?
How can say these things to you?
Deliver wisdom or foolishness
What will it be?

Which man should I fear
Will it be too late before I know
Would trust betray my open hand
Or will your warning make it so?
How will faith prove itself to me?
Deliver courage or cowardice
What will it be?

Which man should I ****
And by order of sinner or prophet?
Who will be most blessed
Those who pray or those who profit?
How will I ever know these things?
Deliver right or wrong
What will it be?
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