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Are you willing to risk a kiss
Or is it the time that passed
The road between us is long
But the memory is longer
It is so easy for me
But not for you
How could you love a man
Who pretends he can't lose
You took a walk
But didn't check the weather
That's the chance you decided to take
I might be a storm
Or light reflecting in a rain forest
You decided to find out
If I was taking pictures
Or showing you my heart
tell me i'm weird
i will thank you for it
it means you will remember me
like i will remember you
for making me feel different
even if it makes me feel un com for table
like a serpent in your house
i know you want to **** me
but an assassin
or a deadly snake
is what you will remember
even if it's just words
Go ahead and tell me
Don’t save me for tomorrow
If you love him today
Then let me live with the sorrow

Go ahead and tell me
Take the weight off my heart
My quiet tears have rained down on it
It’s time for the water to depart

Don’t save me baby
But I need to cry one more time
Don’t save me for your rainy day
Just tell me so I can finish mine

It’s been too long
Too long hanging on
You’ve been too quiet
It feels like moving on
You once loved me
Then you said it was wrong
It’s been too long baby
Tell me how to finish this song

Don’t save me baby
But I need to cry one more time
Don’t save me for your rainy day
Just tell me so I can finish mine
Country Song
It was a lovely tree
Green like a meadow all around
Bark as thick as pine cones
Ants crawling without a sound
Covered by birds of a feather
Whistling chirping  to each other
The sun and moon overhead
Taking turns from one another
Yes it was a lovely tree
Peaking above white plumes
Always looking for blue skies
And room to grow for its blooms
But it wasn’t long in the life of a tree
That its branches held aloft
Birds that seemed of another sort
Sometime landing not so soft
The air around it was free
But not so much the tree
Though it thought it was
Only the wind could really see
As each new bird took its place
Each tidal pass could only sigh
As storms of horizon shadows gathered
But a bird will perch no matter who may cry
There are only so many leaves
There are only so many ways to live
And as each feather sought its own
The tree wonders how long it can give
… and though it became void and formless
I knew that it was good
for the same as my conscience lives
so to as the light upon our bodies would
if only we could accept it into our lives

… as I looked upon silence where there was sound
I knew that it was good
for the same as I had witnessed a moment before
so too the shadow upon the moons face should
revealing how my soul bleeds as my body in the night
All our life is finally here
It really is true
I’m going to tell you now
Though I don’t really know you

I want to tell somebody
The things they want to hear
Maybe if I write it down
I will be ready to whisper in your ear

It’s time to listen to the moon
Though the silence is so calm
It’s my heart that you feel

In the last days
Everyone wonders
What was it about
So many times
I felt so twisted
I felt so much doubt

All our life we dream
And we wait
But you walked by
While I held open the gate

It’s time to listen to the sun
The warmth made you smile
Because my heart is real
You might think we have nothing left to give
But what you thought you once knew
Was never as desperate as losing you
The only way that I can live
Is to show you the things that were true
And feel the fire that once made you love me too
He thought it would take another mountain
One taller than the last
But covered in ice
Frozen with images of his past
Would it be another fairy tale about love
Or a story yet to be told but one that needed to be said
But straight talk was what she wanted
So he had to remove the confusion from his head
It was about making a decision
It was about making a mistake
What time in his life was it ever exactly right?
He always seemed to speak one second too late
But he knew he had to stay up all night
The plan was to go anyway
Sleep was not something that would cooperate
He didn’t want to just dream about what he would say
It was a word that he knew so well
It was a word she was ready to believe
Every slippery step stared back at him without remorse
But his heart told him this time he would never leave
She wondered if she ever made him feel like that
The way he was lost in concentration
Feeling every moment as if it were his true love
And maybe it was
Because she also knew the feeling
And as she watched his face
She could see nothing else mattered at that moment
It was because he believed in what he held in his hands
It would do whatever he asked
It would feel whatever he felt
And when his life was lost because he forgot how to dream
It would send him into the night where he would remember
If she only knew
She was the reason he played
I don’t want to know how you spend your time
Everybody is in love with someone
How can I forget that you're still not mine?
I see girls dancing and laughing all the time
It makes me smile at all the fun
But if it was you it wouldn’t be so fine
I know you’re walking a different line
You once thought I was the one
I hope it’s not his love that makes you shine
Are you playing hard to get or can’t I read the sign
I need to know if we’re already done
Or are we still two lonely grapes on the same vine
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