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 May 2018 Elizabethanne
 May 2018 Elizabethanne
What was it like to view the past?

It's hearing every notes in the piano.

High and low.

We did love each other

Even time is speeding but my heart forgets slow

I really love you, just so you know
 May 2018 Elizabethanne
Oh...I held to your
When I was afraid of the
Frightened to stumble,
lose the grip,
Unsure of the length of the

Too raw to digest,
the intensity of emptiness...
I don't feel you anymore either,
Your hand just threatens to fall,
I accuse the loss of my sight-
-for not seeing your eyes,
For the depth I'm sure will be there to suffice.    

But won't it be marking me easy?
For assuming I'm too much of blind?
For sight I believe isn't watching-
-Its seeing, and I can see the truth to your voice...

By the time I'll be pacing to walk on,
I fear you'll be lagging behind...
But isn't it funny?
It'll be your preference
And I'll be waiting denying.

But weren't choices offered to both?
Wasn't there faith in complying?
Wasn't I there when the silence broke?
Am I ceasing my tears with time?

I'm caressing my skins where you kissed me,
I'm regretting not saying goodbye.
 May 2018 Elizabethanne
Me, A mirror
I'm a mirror
People say I'm pure
My thoughts, always clear
I show the world what's out there
Never hid a feeling from the ones I like to the ones I fear
Then I got hit, by a stone or a spear
I didn't see, was busy reflecting a liar
My heart is brittle, I broke a little - my way of shedding a tear
Now I'm being thrown away like a dried up flower
Don't leave me please, I need you now more than ever
I look around, I see more and more
abandoned souls without a smile or a cheer.

Welcome to my dark world
With unrequited love,
An abandoned mirror.
I saw many faces of mine reflected from scattered pieces of a broken mirror on the road and it spoke to me
Tangible ghosts stare straight through me
As I run down a winding path
They call out my steps by one two three
As I sort through the aftermath

I still reach for your hand when I’m scared
Sometimes you reach for mine as well
Though you’ll never believe I’ve prepared
For the night that we hold hands in hell

Love is too sweet an idea for reality
Hate is too bitter an emotion for us
Kiss me for a not-so-meaningful duality
We melt when we touch the sun, Icarus
 May 2018 Elizabethanne
I imagine myself in a white little room,
Theres a white little bench, which there's no need to groom.
I'm just sitting there, hugged by my man.
He is telling me: "everything is ok"
And to argue with this I have no way,
I got nothing to say.
I just stay.. this way.. in this calm state of mind, in which I have nothing to hide.
Then I stand, and Just walk.
In my own special way.
 May 2018 Elizabethanne
i fall in love too quickly

i let the air slowly drain through a pinhole in my lungs
because just looking at your face,
hearing your name mentioned in casual speech
is cause enough for rose red to colour my cheeks.

i dive so deeply into loving
that at times i've lost myself
in the maelstrom & had to pick up the pieces, forget your name
so that my vision could return to clarity.

i get ****** noses & butterflies
buffeting the organs inside my body, the body
that i just want belonging to you
for long enough to feel loved
& be your lover.

i wish i could express myself
in a more beautiful way than this
with words of silk & not sorrow, knowing
you're only to leave me lying here again someday.

i fall in love too quickly
& forget that love can rend my heart into nothing so quickly.
ah, this heart of mine is faithless to me. she likes to be free with her favors and i'm notoriously stingy. what to do, what to do...
 May 2018 Elizabethanne
Somewhere between
Our stolen glimpses,
Our avoided phone calls,
Our empty inboxes,
Our overflowing diaries,
Our false excuses,
Our truthful lies,
Our passionless conversations,
Our emotional poems,
Our unkept promises,
Our treasured secrets,
Somewhere between us,
We lost each other,
And found ourselves.
One day, you'll realise that all the pain made sense. It was here not to break you, but to make you.
Don't lose faith in love. Find yourself, and fall in love.
You pour springtime in the river each year
And then dose me with summer,
You live up on the ridge
And one day we'll meet and I'll trade in my fear

And there'll be new words for "ridge" and for "death"
I'm absolutely positive.

You float flowers downstream to my eyes
These things don't simply happen
They're fated and wise
And the winters are empty and dry

And I'm sure as my breath,
I'm absolutely positive.

And you love me with tangerine skies
And the seaside is marvelous, light blue and white
The clouds billow up with the tide
I'm absolutely positive.

And you wrote me a song for my death.
You said love isn't obvious, off with your head!
And you laughed as you pushed back my hair
And looked straight in my eyes.

I'm absolutely positive
You can't tell a lie

I'm so, so positive,
your name is Why :-)
 May 2018 Elizabethanne
You should be thankful,
For whatever he had overcome and went through,
He still have the courage to tell you his thoughts,
For he is brave to face his fear and stand for people who faces the same thoughts.

You should be grateful,
For he is willing to sacrifice his sleep, to make you happy even just for a while,
For he fights for what is right, for your right even when he is weak.

You should feel honoured,
For he looks at you, like he had never looked at anyone,
For he tells you things I longed to hear and dreamt of.

You should feel happy,
For everytime he mentions you, he smiles with eyes disappearing into his cheeks, lips curled, touches his ears.
For no matter what, he promises to be there for you even when he finds it hard sometime.

You should feel lonely,
For when he is away from you,
For every mishap that occured, nights spent apart, phone dim with no sweet texts received.

You should feel bad,
For the time you think you are alone, when he is there for you,
For forgetting to remind him that he deserves all the love in the world and that you are always there for him.

Lastly, you should feel sad.
For when the time comes, things will no doubt change over time,
For knowing that you have to leave him one day, or being left by him as final goodbyes are being said while leaving the world.

- ponder
For the guy who deserves everything.
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