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Tony Lee Ross Jr May 2018
Pause, Selah, however you want to say it, the lamb was slain for the profane, sin was my bane, breaking my back and making me collapse, with no chance of recovery, till grace lead me to the discovery that the God of the universe actually loved me.
This is a snippet from a much longer poem that I posted to my website.****
Tony Lee Ross Jr May 2018
If you're forward thinking, why is your life stuck in reverse?
Tony Lee Ross Jr Apr 2018
Surrounded by people yet alone
people try to talk to me I look at my phone
Tony Lee Ross Jr Apr 2018
Does it really matter how many people like my status on Facebook? Why do I delete posts that don't get any likes, as if what I said had to get peer approval to be real? I don't pose for the camera on Instagram to make a fan to get a heart, which I feel has turned to stone like I locked eyes with a gorgon, That heart is as fake as the comparison to the actual *****. It's okay if she's break my heart, I can afford to loan her, I'm an ***** donor.
Tony Lee Ross Jr Apr 2018
When you try to get away, life pulls you back in. Guess it was meant to be this way, I guess I'm happy with it in the long run. Better to fix what I put so much work in then to start new with something I'm just not ready for, nor do I really want to do.
Tony Lee Ross Jr Apr 2018
The angel swooped down and possessed the woman, she's a walking corpse, a zombie if there ever was one. Instead of fear not she was filled with fear, when she realized she was paralyzed from her neck to her feet, she looked up to heaven and said "Why me?"
Tony Lee Ross Jr Apr 2018
Your face is a disgrace to the human race because it's so misplaced. Why else would people call you ugly? You think you're better than you are, you're not. That little kid in the sixth sense knew what he was talking about when he said some people don't know when they're dead, I thought life was a wild ride, the reality is that I've been dead inside. I feel hollow, who should I follow?
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