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Give me some love without having to ly
/|=====I don't burn bridges=======|\
/|===I just let them structurally====|\
/|=decay because I don't use them=|\
my friend said this once
I'm stuck between the
past and the future.
memories and dreams
life and death.
Few people can be believed
The lips are packed with lies
Words fall as if manœuvred
To benefit selfishness’s world.

I carry the dust of deceitful
tongues, swollen, diseased
Where is cleanliness left?
‘The dog’s bowl at the door’.

Love Mary ***
kisses like the softest
         o    t  

off grand piano
          e    y

play my foolish heart
like your piano

     p  l   e   a
Ground me to dust,
       But every grain

Will hold more worth

                  Than you..
 Apr 2019 Summer Shellhamer
It’s been five years today
I will never be okay
I can smile and I can laugh
Inside I’m broken and that’s that.
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