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 Jun 2015 Dani Jo
 Jun 2015 Dani Jo
A cultural choice
to stay on a searching path
tightly anchored in time..
Composing each morning
a day of schedules
no other choice it seems..
Not knowing these habits
are to reject the Now..
A brief contemplation
might reveal a
reality brand new:
experience of Now
floods time and schedules
calms the morning
searches are closed
real work is done...
 Jun 2015 Dani Jo
Our troubles now
stem from the
stuck and static
life of our many
polar contentions..
Meanwhile the truth
is found in motion:
Separation and
in continuing swirl..
A moment's realizing
seen as Separate
seen as Consciousness
and at last:
Separation shines
only as
 Jun 2015 Dani Jo
from our dream of separation
to heed grace's call
to find the peace
and the happiness
which we seek
in all the
“Your inner purpose is to awaken. It is as simple as that. You share that purpose with every other person on the planet - because it is the purpose of humanity."     Eckhart Tolle
 Jun 2015 Dani Jo
barely hold frazzled wire
no obstacle now
with intention lacking
this former boundary
But now these elderly posts
seem quaint with beauty
beauty acknowledging
separation as
temporary thought...
 Jun 2015 Dani Jo
The Heart
 Jun 2015 Dani Jo
The human heart
in metaphoric exclamation
teaches of presence
totality and wholeness
of Consciousness..
Each beating heart
stands as vibration
made simply of What is
infinite and transparent
joyful and frightening..
This is the true identity
of each of us..
as perceiving experience
appear as the
seeming and separate
mind body and universe..!
 Jun 2015 Dani Jo
Path #1

Forgiveness is the sinking
head into heart..
The head dwelling in separation
concedes logic's demands
but confronting questions
time after time:
Why? and What?
Surrendering at last
to the sinking..
the Heart...

Path #2

Forgiveness is downloading
of new software..
Our old software
employs the ego rampant
rendering forgiveness
a difficult dream
searching in forlorn places
finding only traces..
New software finds it all
Here and Now...!

Path #3

Real forgiveness is Now
not in time..
Events in the past
seeming in need of
are only known
and what of the Now..?
it's other name
our true identity:

Path #4

is an iteration
of Forgiveness..
a shading and
concealment of
formulated light..
Our awaking brings
the repentance
the return
the feedback
to never absent

Path #5

A shock it is
to learn that
Forgiveness is not personal..
It is a realization
of a substance common
to all concerned
transparent and eternal
the real Self..
With that realization
duality of conflict
dissolves in the

Path #6

Quantum forgiveness
is the only
A leap into
infinite non-locality..
The suddenness arrives
within painful progress
or perhaps
strangely enough
out of the blue...!

Path #7

an experience of sealing
our separate brokenness..
It is mandatory..
Yet the sealing
can be accomplished
only by those who see
there is no need
for the sealing...

Path # 8

in a separated
dualistic reality
seeking forgiveness
in thought and time
is not satisfying..
The lingering pain
from a fruitless search
for forgiveness in
all the wrong places...

Path #9

is a restoration of
peace and happiness
with new clarity:
The Awareness of
peace and happiness
was never in need of

Path #10

We need to see clearly
that all relationships
take place in
infinite Awareness..
But wait..
not in .. but as..
All those hurts
are constrictions
of Awareness
crying out their
illusory separation...
 Jun 2015 Dani Jo
Can you see me tonight?
Can I hug you tight?
Talk to me with no anger
No, meet me without hesitation.

Forgive me for my selfish desire
Forgive me for leaving and calling you liar

I didn't know what to say
But right now, I want to see your eyes.

Forgive me for not asking if you're alright
Forgive me for being angry with you all the time

I didn't know that my words hurt you
But right now, I want to heal you.

Forgive me for not saying sorry
Forgive me for not fighting

Talk to me tonight, I'll wait until you open
That door and let me come in again.
Be strong and learn to forgive. Be courageous  and learn to ask for forgiveness.
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - Mahatma Gandhi
 Jun 2015 Dani Jo
 Jun 2015 Dani Jo
It's 5:30 in the morning
and the very memory of You
as the most bittersweet of aftertastes.

I'm quivering,
and this is what it feels like
to be *brimming
with poetry;
to have only just woken up,
in restlessness,

And I'm writing about You,
because I spend every sleeping hour
searching for You in That world,
and by the stars  I will find You.
I will always find you.

For when you disappeared
I lost a part of me that made me
more than whole;
You gave me happiness,
even as my vision grew bleak,
You have given me Love
in all its beauty
with each gentle caress
and long-missed embrace.

I confess;
I Love too deeply.
And You have given me
so much to cherish
that being in a world
without You in it
is unthinkable,
Even emptier than before.

Your Love is bright as ever, even in the shadows~

You are beautiful.
And You will always be beautiful
even when your hair's white
and in a mess,
even when we're older and been through so much,
I will take one look at You
and let you know every single time
that I Love You
and that you really do mean a lot me.

My Love,
I miss you so;
I want you back in my arms.
 Jun 2015 Dani Jo
because look at them
gallivanting about
the avenues
and boulevards of your skin
as if you are not
the very accumulation of stardust
after countless supernovas
marked the end of old stars
making way for new ones,
as if your eyes
held not a single secret of the universe
even when it's so painfully obvious
that that is not the case.

Here's to them
when they tell You
or make you feel
as if you're not worth a single coin.

*Because you're worth more
than all the treasure in the world.
 Jun 2015 Dani Jo
A writer
is someone with an old soul,
a young heart,
and a timeless mind.

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