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**there's a place where the
heart goes . a place that
only torment knows
there's a vale where
tears are shed
it's in the
stomach and
in the head
if you've
ever been
in love
you know
this place
and you have
fallen . you've
been shoved
when winter
comes to
in that



In this place right now.
I can't stay on site
right now

The mind commits suicide long before the body does
 Mar 2015 DaRk IcE
Olga Divine
 Mar 2015 DaRk IcE
Olga Divine

Long enough to endure this pain
My sleeves corroded by this heavy rain
I stand steady on this unending road
I won’t last long before I cave
With this shattered heart I am a slave.

Craving to grip his arm
Strolling through the shadows of no shame
His voice is the sound left in my ears
I will sink in my own treading tears
I will Praise the light of the last dawn.

I have sipped the deadly passions
Leaving the empty bottles on the lonely table
For his words enveloped all my doubts
His eyes untied the rope of my strength
Our love is a glass on the edge of the table.

The night covers the sky
The moon shines back on our faded faces
Sitting in the corners instead of centers
Pulling out all the grief
Letting the lenient wind sweep away the tears

Before the sun rises
I dearth to inhale the aroma of a red rose
Exhaling the odor of the smoke of burnt letters
For eternity he will be the music to my soul
The reason of my last drop of tears
I am Heavy-lidded tonight,
and inscrutable in my childhood.

My childhood that was spent hysterical in airing cupboards,
Where I wept unashamedly to the fixed God
And the stained glass, rose-hewn Angels of churches
That reeked of oak and holy water.
Where I sat in the trees, high on life and vanila-blue ice cream
And with knees skinned by the ****** pathways of woods
Or the safe gravels of playgrounds.

Where sunbursted mangoes dripped with musky-sanded chlorine
And the sun-hot metal gates clanged shut in the holiday winds.
Where rocks were thrown by fated children
And paper-cheap candy wrappers filled up plastic trash cans.
Where strange, money-minded housewives gaggled and giggled
With their ******-white teeth
And reflected my mother' s bipolar poverty
In the lenses of their plastic sunglasses.
Where my self-hemmed summer dresses were stained
With green and brown and red finger paint
As the days outside grew warmer
And the inside self grew older,

Where I was punished for expression of the self
And confined to the sanatorium
Or the offices of Moloch's servants
On a sun-stippled day in May
Where my scrap-bruised hands
Were bandaged by the words of the Real World
And threatenings of expulsion.
Where I hid behind felted display boards
On a landing somewhere near Neverland,
And lay and listened to the friend-fuelled ramblings of lost boys
Who sat and smoked in dormitories
And hallucinated Peter Pan.
Where I wrote self-indulgent fuckery in toilets
And drew crude artistries on mirrors with lipstick
And contemplated
As I sat and stared at my own disassociated hands.

Where paper aeroplanes flew and were thrown
By hungover kids in threadbare jumpers
With chewed cuffs and prefect badges,
Where holy Evian was poured over my head
After a long last day under a white marquee,
Where I disassembled pencil sharpeners with iron-smelling razor blades
and violated erasers at an exam hall desk in a stormy June.

Where I contemplated death;
Sang hymns in the darkness of my bedroom,
Took a blade to my flesh
Like the soulless piece of meat
That I believed myself to be.
Where I fell in love;
Hurt myself
More than anyone else ever did.
Where I read,
Where I wrote tear stained elegies
To my idols under the earth
And prayed that I
Would last
Just one more day.
Poets have sucky childhoods.
 Mar 2015 DaRk IcE
 Mar 2015 DaRk IcE

No bad deeds goes unpaid
strings of fate, never lose its raid.

a shout-out, tired, played to be a fool.
I've been played by my employer.
Manipulative and such a liar.
 Mar 2015 DaRk IcE
Environment ~
 Mar 2015 DaRk IcE

More Structure, Bald Nature.
Intelligences without a Heart of Conscience.
Lost in the battle of Negligence.

4th piece of the series...
all my pieces are just my observation, i can be wrong or right, totally depends on how you see what's around you. Pondering in Rhyme...
tell me what you think?

Thanks to all for reading...
 Mar 2015 DaRk IcE
putting words together
scarring paper
is just that
if there is no heart
surrendered to the art

we need not write in blood
but must stir the blood within
engage the soul,
release the paradigm.
nurture the word,
play with the rhyme

lies the difference
between the poet
and the scribe.
I proclaim to be both poet and scribe.... not that it matters....
both have a place....
both write the foibles and follies
of the human race.

somedays there is heart
and sonedays mere observation
of this world and it's slow building
so let us squabble and add twigs to
the fire....then we can stand back
and watch our own funeral pyre.
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