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Remember when
every touch
      with all its intention
was a kindness
      Tender like our lips
      at first kiss,
in one another's eyes

      seeing with feelings
      discovery past the weight
      of fevered flesh,

a dervish flight
through those walls
      layered with doubts as heavy
      as the stones
we now turn our hearts into...

Remember when
every word
      was lovingly spoken

uplifting wisdom
like feathers, wings:
      the soft music of our mouths

      when life is floating
and we briefly are a/part
you still have me

And when we're finally as one
whole, a hearth warm,
and ****
      those wet silences
      become undulating music
                      the times we demure
our mouths still drinking, singing
instilling lessons
      within depths : the heart's thirst

which only absolute certainty
      calms and quenches...

keeps alight and so on
carrying on
      knowing tomorrow will come
      yet when I'm with you
I am new...
even in the dark
your star is born.

Remember when
in the break of morning
      when eyes open from trenchant sleep
      (better than adrift or hollow)
remember how stunning the view

      inhale surprise to waking life's wonder
a/part as the wars pain and riot

fearlessly I say
                depart and drink
the rain
         freedom love
sky and eyes
         will awake...

And if we have yet to meet
since I know
      Truth and believe in Love,

when I fall for you
      Thank all the heavens, vast
I fell for you
                                              I will fall up...

Because I remember
it's you
      Lovely      loving       love
who fills my very cup

floating in the drink
of us.

*(God how I love you.)
 Dec 2015 DaRk IcE
Francie Lynch
Donald has a comb-over.
******, a funny moustache.
Hair Donald?
Heil ******!
I despise mentioning ******'s name in a poem.
I despise mentioning Donald's name in a poem.

my eyes are dry
but they

haven't told my heart

(C) 12/9/2015
this isn't about the haters
and their opinion
this is about all the
good former friends
they may have
infected with their virus of hatred

I have faithful followers.
bless you all!
but I have also lost friends.

forgive me if I'm not
reading as much

I need some time to think
grieve and pray


 Dec 2015 DaRk IcE
the ghost
 Dec 2015 DaRk IcE
It was not me, who put you into the dark
It was not me, who put too much hate upon himself
It was not me, who made you so imperfect
          Who choose this life for us?
                   It was you,
                             I am only a shadow in every decision.
The weak link, the forgotten will
of one’s owned heart, truly remains in the corner…
*Simply the ghost, who whispers in total silence.
my road is still dark....
 Dec 2015 DaRk IcE
You might be a tycoon but you ain't fooling me in your typhoon!
 Dec 2015 DaRk IcE
Kelly Rose
She is a ghost within her own life
There, but never seen
She sought love in all the wrong places
Disappearing a little bit more
With each failed love affair
Then one day she was seen
She was loved!
Or so she thought
Now, frozen in fear
She becomes less visible
As love dies
With each harsh word spoken
One tear drop at a time
Each day she becomes insubstantial
A Ghost -
There, but not seen

Kelly Rose
December 2, 2015
A cycle now completed
Will she ever have the
courage to try again?
tribute to my grandmother

it was placed upon the shelf
unkempt from long neglect
in the company of other books
in need of our respect

it's binding cracked and lifeless
it's pages yellowed leaves
I finally read her memoirs
I finally knew her grief

my grandmother was lovely
beautiful. sublime
her writing style spellbinding
a woman out of time

she gathered many clippings
cut out many texts
from a bygone era
each better than the next!

I finally reached a memoir
written by her hand
she was a bitter woman
but now I understand

she was a great musician
but her parents wouldn't pay
to get her further training
nor help in any way

they wanted her to marry
but strongly disapproved
of the man that grandma wanted
and they would not be moved

he was striking! handsome!
his parents very rich
but he had a little problem
his fingers had the "itch"

back then they were called "kleptos"
and it was a shame
to ever be involved with them
much less take up their name!

so this lovely lady
married late in years
no longer a debutant
a by-word to her peers

she wed "beneath her station"
bitter and very sad
she didn't love my grandfather
her true bow was a cad

she died in quiet misery
unlauded and unsung
her memoirs mouldering away
as though she wasn't born

I hope now she's happy
that she's finally free
she is now immortal

she lives on in *me*

written 10/25/2013
rewritten 12/8/2015
Grandma's memoirs were actually lost
but I used to take care of her
I know her whole, very sad, story.

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