Talk to someone
They say it will help
But it wont matter
When I crash this car
And 'forget' my belt
They call it PTSD
A different kind of war
Instead of gunfire
Demons come knocking
At my door
"Stop thinking about it
I am sure it will help"
I used to call them nightmares
But now I have dreams
In which I **** myself
They say falling in love could help
That only broke me more
Like my beating heart
Kicked down the ******* door
My head floods with scary thoughts
A tornado clearing out the nice
A hurricane destroying the sweet
Now I don't sleep at night
I romanticise death
You know, it could be sweet
Maybe leave a letter
To apologise for being me.
**** I let too much slide
I have opened up too much
But it's crazy that it was you
That fixed me with one touch