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 Dec 2014 Chrissy
Alyssa Rose
Your love fades so fast.
Time passes, dreams turn to ash.
From embers I rise.
 Dec 2014 Chrissy
 Dec 2014 Chrissy
Jaywalk with me
On the search of
what we are and
what we need.
We will travel to
Rosy gardens and
Religious mountains.
Lost will feel right
With you.
 Dec 2014 Chrissy
Just Melz
He didn't, and that was that.

There's no going back and erasing the past.

Life's too short not to forgive and forget.

Sometimes, there's just no time to justify where everything went wrong.

Time is a battle, a war you won't win, but you gotta push along.

Keep moving forward, you can't change the past or make it come back.

He didn't, she didn't, they didn't. It's time to accept and be okay with that.
The daily for December 6th, by Sean Critchfield titled "Poem By Chance" (check it out, it's amazing), was an exercise using the seventh book on the shelf, the seventh line on the seventh page as the first line, and only seven lines. I hope I did it right.
 Dec 2014 Chrissy
Just Melz
As we travel lifes long road
We meet and make new friends
And even though the friends may go
The friendship never ends

That is how it is with you
You gave me a fresh start
You gave me vision, you gave me hope
You touched and healed my heart

You gave me strength to do the things
You knew that I could do
You inspired me in so many ways
I can't begin to repay you

You're always there when I need you most
Somehow you seem to know
And that is why I hope and pray
Our friendship continues to grow
I found this in an old journal, I know the first stanza is a quote from a famous poet/person ( if you know the name please tell me) the rest, to be honest, I'm not sure if I wrote it or if it's all from that poet. I wrote it in my journal about ten years ago, so I'm really unsure. If you know, please tell me.

Update: The Original Author is
Kunal Badlani

I'd like to dedicate this to Frank, Adam, Jordan, Quin, Rose, Natasha, and Rino. Thank you all, for being my friends. I can't tell you how much it means to me.

I love you all.
 Dec 2014 Chrissy
a loving heart knows no distance
and distance cannot quell desire
sparks that flare for every instance
neither time nor space can put out that fire

not for the tepid or the sorry
just seeking comfort wanting fun
because every letter builds a story
that binds two hearts and souls as one
adapted from the lovely comments on the poem Dedition

It is always a pleasure to work with Wolf Spirit Quinfinn. He is absolutely delightful.  Thanks Q for pulling poetry out of thin air. Love it. :)
Then the street disappears in the eyes
that meet mine,
and it's one more time on the merry go round.
the street reappears and veers off into
some distant place,
like the look sometimes that
appears on her face.

The darker the night
the keener my sight and
the nearness of her is almost
too much to bear,
but I wear myself to the bone
in the thinness of thinking
of us in our home,
so I sleep but keep
one eye on her,
one ear to the ground and
it's one more time on the
merry go round.
There's an agony and
it eats at me,
chipping away
a day at
a time.

I would pine for lost innocence and the
illusion of youth
but the truth of it is
I want to return,
see the the bridges I burn
watch old friends and in turn
cross those bridges

There's an agony and
it's a pain of my
own making.
It is quite disconcerting to find I'm just
a speck of dirt in
the vast seas of the sky.
I have often dislodged such a speck from my eye,then
wiped my finger on a tissue,
the issue being,
did somebody die when I did that?

If we are just dust in an ocean of dust,sometimes
busting out of the sea for just one look at who
we really are,
what is the point of it all?

We mate,dissipate,gather together,amalgamate
I ask myself, why?
and in doing so,
I drown in the vastness of the seas
in the sky.
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