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 Oct 2014 Chrissy
Voice Mail
 Oct 2014 Chrissy
Hey it's me. Uh I was just calling to say I'm sorry
I know it's late and I know I'm an idiot for ever letting you go, but um,
Without you my life has a hole that can't be filled with anything else
The moon smiles at me as the stars dim out
They could never shine as bright as your eyes, but without you they have no reason to glow
At night the darkness is a cloak, it wraps me up trying to offer comfort
But only with you beside me could I ever be warm again
I've become a shell of the boy you once knew
I no longer have a reason to smile, My eyes have lost their glow, My laugh is dry from under use
I know I was never the prince you wanted or the good guy you needed, but things are different now
I'll hold your hand when you get scared, Hold you whether you need it or not, Be your shoulder to cry on
I guess what I want to say is,
*Baby I love you
For Ms.Rosie Pleasure, my reason to fight
 Oct 2014 Chrissy
Layla Thurman
It's not home
If you're not there too
I'm more comfortable
Being with you
Than I am being
 Oct 2014 Chrissy
Making passionate love
as the clouds pass by from
above , to watch and shout
out loud for an applause. They
start to weep with tears of joy
that they cannot promise to keep
in. They create the most beautiful
love scene starred by two madly
in love teens* ~
 Oct 2014 Chrissy
wyatt rabbit
i'll make believe
i never saw your face
beneath the moon

but that glow will forever
haunt me

and i'll long for you
every n i g h t
 Oct 2014 Chrissy
Bleed it out don't
just stand there and
decide to shout. Bleed
it on the papers let it
drench and soak the
pages. Bleed out the
best of words you have
coursing through your
thin shy veins just let it
out and don't let anyone
convince you that you're
insane ~
 Oct 2014 Chrissy

A little life is what I asked
A little love is what I wanted
but you give space
Emptiness I didn't need.

© Pax
 Oct 2014 Chrissy
Hold me to the soundness
Of my words
Like you heard

Feel me
Like you worked up the nerve

But don't be so vain ****

When I serve

Food for thought with the works
Save your opinions for dessert
Regurgitate what I deserve
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