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I'm sorry that I broke your heart
And tore it up
Said I would restart

I'm sorry that I made you cry
(you tried so hard to hide that detail)
And I probably made you want to die
I feel like we've lost our minds
And that true love had made us blind
I do not deserve forgiveness
For my secrets and my lies
I deserve the shame I carry
In my heart and on my body

I made your feelings turn to darkness
Made you want to shut your eyes

I want you to know I'm sorry
Hurting you's a ****** hobby

All I want to know today
Is if your heart will be okay
If I give up on everything else
I hope that you can be yourself
The you you were before you broke
Your personality up in smoke
I wish this wasn't like some sick joke.
If only he could read this. Sadly he  never took much of an interest in my poetry.
They never told me
How much this hurts
They never told me
Love is blind
Completely blind
I never saw our differences
I never saw his faults
Or my mistakes
I never even cared
They never warned me that I might
Lose myself
And that we would become one single person
I could never focus on anything else
80% of the day
All I wanted was him
I saw perfection
Where there was just an ordinary
Who was blind just like me

No one told me when we broke up I WOULD DIE INSIDE
Or that I would struggle to get up EVERY DAY
No one warned me about the mood swings
Or how I wouldn't know myself anymore
No one told me that to get him back
I would have to sacrifice EVERYTHING I believe in
No one said I would have to watch him in school
Every day without me

Until he moved.
I can see again now
But all I want to see
Are the backs of my eyelids
Or the flecks of blue in his eyes
He gave up chasing me
And I gave up living
I thought I was a strong one
Yet I've been dying inside
For 7 months.
No I will not be ending my life, after all being a ghost in this situation would be awful.
... My eyes,
To mirror your sighs,
I will give you my smile,
To dance with your smile,
I will give you my hands,
For you to paint the beauty
Of the fertile lands
In the hills of Tuscany.
I will give you my open arms
To surround your shoulders,
When you feel cold during the winters.
I will give you my soft kisses
To dry up your tears
On your pale cheeks
So I can chase your fears.
I will give you my memory,
For you to remember
Our forgotten kisses, if any.
I will tell you some of my secrets,
Even the ones from the Pool,
In case you show interest,
And there you would think I'm a fool.
And of course I will give you
My Ocean Blue,
For you to dive into.
But I will never give you
Anything that can hurt you.
You need to know
That I can only give all this
When you come back from the abyss
To which you've decided to depart,
Leaving me alone to dream of you,
With art.
It's just me.
I know you won't see this now.
Maybe not for a while.

I just want you to know I love you.
And tomorrow.
And the day after that.

Do the heavens hear their cries?
How can they let these children slowly die?
I pray now spare them from agony
Sew their wings and set them free
For they are not slaves of poverty
But of souls unworthy of their sanity

A song for you my child
It is not your fault
You are not born to cry
A child is a child
Even if he sleeps in a bed of sweets
or in the busy streets
In your eyes pure innocence and love
In your hopes and dreams
you must fly like a dove
High as the angels above

Never will the sirens wake you
Never will the stones hurt you
Never will the cold bite you
For tonight you will not wake in fright
Rest in peace my child
The moon will swallow your woes
The stars will weave your dreams
And they will make you warm as you sleep

-Forgotten Angels, Margaret Austin Go
I dedicate this poem to all the homeless children. The abandoned and forgotten. The aborted children and the slaves of childtrafficking. Those children at war zones and children deprived of being a child. A blanket of love for all of you.
"Always become the one being hurt
Rather than ever hurting another"
Words I have strived to live by
The philosophy left by my mother

I've always tried to live my life
Standing up for what is right
Helping others no matter the cost
Being everyone's shining knight

What a horrible way to live

Even when I was on the verge of breaking
Even when the burden seemed too large
I always took it onto myself
And it was always free of charge

They all need to pay

But lately there is this voice
Echoing from the back of my mind
That is always fighting to take over
It wants to punish the unkind

Maybe I don't want to forgive

Tell me who is that inside me
Those thoughts can't be my own
Even when there's no one around
Somehow I am not alone

Just let me come out and play

I'm trying to keep it at bay
Am I past the point of no return?
But.... *'s my turn
I tried so hard to get this done before December was over :/
There goes the whole "post at least a poem a month for a whole year...."
Oh well.
ANYWAYS....this took a much darker/creepyer...twist than I originally intended....So....oops. sorry about that. I hope you all enjoy it though!!!!
This poem was inspired by the show Tokyo Ghoul....just...for the record. Anyways. Hope y'all like it.
To he whom feels the need to condemn,
rip apart and tear away.
To dissect another's written script
to cause with malice, words to fray.

I have these words too say too you,
wouldn't it be better in the end,
instead of shooting from the hip,
encouragement you could extend.

Make a point with others here.
The likes of me, 'who can't care less'
But no, you guys go for the ****
of those who's minds that you can mess.

I've read so many cold one liners,
composed to cause the worst heartbreak,
your words deliver contamination,
the likes of that most slimy snake.

If you have only half, the talent
that you really think of your esteem.
You wouldn't need to be so nasty,
so keep it right and keep it clean.

If you feel that you must comment,
an honourable thing that you could do,
then try to help instead of hinder.
Then we might think something of you.

Constructive critique is a good thing,
it helps another and yourself.
But if you seek to be the *******
then keep your thoughts up on the shelf.

If you want to help another
it doesn't do to laugh and scoff,
if this is the path you wish to travel,
my words to you my friend "*******".
12th Jan, 2015
United Nations

Let us all now make this promise
To be signed by every land
If you hurt the children of this world
As United Nations we will stand

You may never use our children
As fighters in your wars
For our children are not soldiers
They are gifts to be adored

Don't think that you can take them
Or use them as your shields
That the killing of our children
Will help to change the way we feel

No one shall ever force a child
To preform like an adult
For that gift is only theirs to give
When true love is in their hearts

Know the world now stands together
For this fight is worth the cause
And our countries have no boarders
When children are involved

Let us all now make this promise
To be signed by every land
If you hurt the children of this world
As United Nations we will stand

Signed by The People of
The United States Of America

Poem by:
Carl Joseph Roberts
|If you like this poem, please add it to a few collections and share it with as many as you wish. Hopefully the world will see and every country agree.
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