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I’m done
With the *******
I’m done with the lies
I’m done with the tears flowing out of my eyes
I want to be happy
That is my only goal
To be happy
Before I lose my soul
I’m done with worrying about being alone
I need to embrace it
Pick up the phone
People do love me
Or so they say
It’s enough to keep me going
For another day
Love her like
She's the raging sea,
Unrestrained and dark and deep.
And you crave her touch
Through aching pores
As you slowly drown in sleep.

Love her like
She's the tender storm,
A lovely shade of grey.
Like with every whiff
Of breath she takes,
She's taking yours away.

Love her like
She's the silent clouds
With calmness floating by.
Like you'd want to make
Sweet love to her
Under the moon's apocalyptic eye.

Love her like
She's the blazing fire,
And you lust the candied pain.
Like she's the disease
That swallowed you whole
And you'd like to die again.

When her gentle touch
Makes your chest explode,
And your addiction is your girl.
Promise you'll love her
Through hell and back,
Or don't you dare love her at all.
It's not our fault that we don't make good choices
It's not our fault that we hate each other
It's not our that we get angry for no reason
It's not our fault that we are never happy
It's not our fault that we say things we weren't supposed to say
It's not our fault that we make many mistakes
It's just human nature
There's an expression in Korean that literally means your heart is on fire to express when someone is really angry or passionate.

I feel like my heart is on fire of late and reacting to everything like I am walking on egg shells and exploding at the world and people I love for no apparent reason.  

I am cooling down, but the hardest part is self-acceptance.
More of a rant than a poem.
Twisting, writhing bodies
All in rhythm to the beat
Their bodies keeping perfect time
To the movement of their feet

A hot and humid dance floor
All in the bands control
Except one wayward dancer
Dancing like a newborn foal

I loved her when I saw her
Arms akimbo, who knows where
Dancing to a different drummer
Face obscured by flying hair

She had the rythym of a metronome
That was broken, out of beat
And in my mind I could just picture
Barney Rubbles flying feet

She didn't care what they were playing
She surely couldn't keep in time
While they were playing four beats
She was hearing at least nine

She didn't care if people watched her
She danced alone and had her fun
sometimes she just kept dancing
long after the song was sung

I don't know what she was hearing
What song was playing in her mind
She was light upon her feet
but she was heavy upon mine

She danced with full emotion
She let the music draw her in
She danced where ever it would take her
She couldn't that a sin?

I loved her sense of freedom
She couldn't dance and didn't care
I'm just as bad as she is
And now we're a timeless dancing pair.
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